

Name: Zion Age: 5 Gender: Male Rank: Pride Male Desired Rank: Content, for now Apperance: Zion is a burly male, still in his prime. His pelt, unlike most lions, is a more tawny color, with flecks of gold throught, although you only notice them in the direct sunlight. His mane is a dark brown color, which turns black the farther down, and underneath his stomach. He is very strong, and can take at most a adult antelope or wildebeest. His appearance reflects his strength. He has a scar on his left shoulder, from a rogue male. Personality: Zion, unlike most males, is very gentle and kind. He usually is seen with the cubs, or out hunting. He is very brave and courageous, and will take on anything to protect his family and pride. He is loyal, and friendly, and wont back down once at your side. Once a former rogue, he has pity for others. He intelligent, far beyond his years, and is very clever, in ways of fighting and hunting. Crush: Open Mate: None (for now) Offspring: None (Open) Kin: Open! Affiliations: Open! Strengths: Intelligence, Speed, Strength, Loyalty, Kindness Weaknesses: Easily manipulated, Stamina, Agility, His fears, His past Other: None Edited at January 8, 2024 03:49 PM by Wolf Pride
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forgot to add this here, but here is the rp thread! come join us! RP Thread

Name: Coron Pronouced: Core-on Age: 3 Gender: Male Rank: Rogue male Desired Rank: Content for now Apperance: Coron has a light beige colored pelt and a very fluffy white mane. He has a very faded zebra stripe pattern along his back and small sand like dots on his paws as a dark brown. His tail tuff is as poofy as his mane and has a more off-white creamy color to it. His eyes are tea but more a light blue color. He is 4 feet and 2 inches tall and weighs about 470 pounds. Personality: Coron is not considered aggresive but he isnt gentle either. He will be as harsh or violent as he has to be but never enjoys it. He defends his territory with lots of hostility but will calmly invade others until provoked. He is quite lazy but will get things dealt with when he wants. As a rogue he has no schedule and is care free taking as much time as he wants. If someone was to bring up the subject of him being in a pride with rules he would get angry and attack them. Other then that though he mostly ignores everyone. Crush: None Mate: None Offspring: None Kin: None Affiliations: None Strengths: Skilled hunter Agile warrior Great stamina Weaknesses: Laziness Thirsty Kinda weak Other: Finished!
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Reserving Two Pride Lionesses!

Name: Age: Gender: Rank: Desired Rank: Apperance: Stock Images. All Credits To EdgedFeather @ DA
 [ Physical Description ] Personality: Crush: Mate: Offspring: Kin: Affiliations: Strengths: Weaknesses: Other: Edited at January 25, 2024 11:03 PM by Spellbound

Name: Kamaria Meaning : Moon, In Swahili Often Is Called Maria Or Mia ; But Only Close Friends & Family Call Her Mari or Kam Age: Ten Years Old Gender: Rank: Desired Rank: Apperance: Stock Image. All Credits To Ridrsw @ DA  [ Physical Description] Personality: Crush: Mate: Offspring: Kin: Affiliations: Strengths: Weaknesses: Other: Edited at January 25, 2024 11:06 PM by Spellbound

Reserved! Spellbound said: Reserving Two Pride Lionesses!
Úlfapakki said: Reserve male rouge?

Accepted! TheCuteHuskyPack said: Name: Coron Pronouced: Core-on Age: 3 Gender: Male Rank: Rogue male Desired Rank: Content for now Apperance: Coron has a light beige colored pelt and a very fluffy white mane. He has a very faded zebra stripe pattern along his back and small sand like dots on his paws as a dark brown. His tail tuff is as poofy as his mane and has a more off-white creamy color to it. His eyes are tea but more a light blue color. He is 4 feet and 2 inches tall and weighs about 470 pounds. Personality: Coron is not considered aggresive but he isnt gentle either. He will be as harsh or violent as he has to be but never enjoys it. He defends his territory with lots of hostility but will calmly invade others until provoked. He is quite lazy but will get things dealt with when he wants. As a rogue he has no schedule and is care free taking as much time as he wants. If someone was to bring up the subject of him being in a pride with rules he would get angry and attack them. Other then that though he mostly ignores everyone. Crush: None Mate: None Offspring: None Kin: None Affiliations: None Strengths: Skilled hunter Agile warrior Great stamina Weaknesses: Laziness Thirsty Kinda weak Other: Finished!