
XD I'll get a form up either today or tomorrow - Edit: Or I'll just copy and paste from my previous characters and just tweak some stuff XD Bobcat said: @Arrow Yes and Yes
Edited at June 5, 2024 11:43 AM by SwiftfireClan

Name: Wanderer Pronounceation: Wan-der-er Age: 3 Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Rank: Beta Female Sexuality: Straight - Appearance: Wander is a black wolf with a long, white stripe that goes from her muzzle, down her side, all the way to her tail tip. Her back left leg is white, also her ears, muzzle, and tail tip. Her underside is a dark grey, along with the res of her paws. Her eyes are a deep violet and her nose is pink-black. Her left eye is clouded and scarred over, and her body is covered in more scars. Her legs are tall and are black with dark gray splotches. - Personality: There is a White Wolf and a Black Wolf. The Black Wolf inside us is filled with fear, anger, envy, jealousy, greed, and arrogance. The White Wolf is filled with peace, love, hope, courage, humility, compassion, and faith. They battle constantly. - Strengths: Running || Shadows || Fighting Weaknesses: Doubt || Swimming || The sun - Likes: The Dark || Crystals || Running Dislikes: Lots of wolves/animals/crowds || The Sun || Water - Other: Forest Green Eight - Done! Edited at June 18, 2024 07:37 AM by SwiftfireClan

Done! I copy and pasted :P


One sec- Bobcat said: @Arrow Rule 11



@Bobcat How many packs are there? Just the one? Also, what about "Affiliations" on your sign-up sheet? Should that be there, or no? (Also why is everyone expecting pups, LOL?)

@Autumn 1 pack. Afflictions are relationships, like mate, friends, mortal enemies. They do not need to be there yet. Only 2 are expecting, Wanderer and Nightingale.

Wander is technically not expecting yet, but she will find out during the RP Bobcat said: @Autumn 1 pack. Afflictions are relationships, like mate, friends, mortal enemies. They do not need to be there yet. Only 2 are expecting, Wanderer and Nightingale.