|~| Garvin |~|
Name: Garvin Chips O’Riley.
Nicknames: Literally loves nicknames so much, please give him nicknames.
Age: 24.
Gender: Male.
Band: Alkaline.
Role: Lead Guitarist.
Song: Ambedo.
Species: Human. (For some reason though, he can manipulate smoke, who knows why.)
Sexuality: Demi-Pansexual. Ambiamorous.
Relationship Status: Single.
Ex(es): Maximillian, among admittedly many others. Maximillian had probably been the longest lasting one though.
Birthday: July 23rd. Really though, technically, he doesn’t know his actual birthday. He knows it’s in July and they managed to figure out the year but not the day. So he got to pick the day himself.
Zodiac Sign: Leo, if the above is somehow right. Or it might be Cancer. Who knows for sure, right?
Garvin’s a very interesting guy, and honestly, it’s hard to really pinpoint his personality. According to himself, in his oh so humble opinion, he’s a social chameleon and can work with any crowd whatsoever. According to himself, he’s just adaptable and flexible enough to handle any type of person. But, well, let’s get into how he usually acts at least.
He’s confident, almost to the point of arrogance. He seems sure of himself, constantly. And he’s stubborn. Beyond belief, really. He does not give things up easily. He’ll push and push and push until he ends up hurting himself because he refuses to give up on just about anything he decides on. Probably what makes that worse is that he can be incredibly impulsive. He doesn’t seem to think much before he speaks or does just about anything. He doesn’t seem to have a filter either. For anything. He’s not someone you’d want around young children, him being there would probably just guarantee their first word being some sort of profanity. Not to even mention his admittedly sharp tongue or how selfish he can be. He could easily hurl insults at someone if he wanted to. He could also pretty easily steal a watch off of someone if he wanted to. He has plenty of experience with pickpocketing.
Which- It’s honestly surprising how observant he is. Someone wouldn’t look at him and think he’s watching them. Reading them. And, honestly, he used to be terrible at reading people. Luckily for him, someone taught him about gambling and he learned because of that. As such, you can also probably expect that his poker face is rather good.
He also loves jokes. Of just about any kind. Especially dark jokes though. He’ll make tons of dark jokes. He’ll also just talk about the most messed up things ever without even batting an eye at it though. So. Maybe he isn’t the best at judging when a joke goes too far. Anyways. The only type of joke he is iffy on tends to be puns and that’s just because of him being late to the party on reading and writing, so he has to think about those a bit too much for his liking to actually understand them.
Now for some more, uh, negative things. He’s actually very nihilistic and very self-deprecating. A lot of his dark humor has to do with self-deprecation or things that he’s been through. Not to even mention how self-destructive he can be. He can be incredibly reckless and he’s very easily distracted by just about anything he thinks is even remotely interesting.
He’s also very against spending money on himself. And just spending money in general. He doesn’t like to have high expenses. And his definition of high expenses tends to be very different from other people’s. If there’s a way to lower a cost, he’ll do it. He doesn’t really care what it is. He’s very frugal and very cheap. He has to talk himself into making basically any and all purchases for things that he doesn’t see as necessities. And he almost always ends up being even more cautious (paranoid but he resents the notion) with his money afterwards too, cutting any costs he thinks he can.
Honestly, his sense of self and worth can fluctuate a shit ton. Some days he’ll seem like he’s doing great, being his confident and joking self. And some days, especially once summer hits, he just seems to spiral with times where he can barely pull himself together and out of bed or off the couch. Or off the floor, if it gets that bad. Luckily, it doesn’t tend to get that bad anymore. It doesn’t tend to get to the point where the only thing he can seem to do is stare and think because everything else is just too much for him. Or because nothing feels real. Or because he doesn’t feel real. The band definitely helps to keep him from getting to that point nowadays because apparently his medication can only do so much too.
And we haven’t even gone over his memory. It’s absolutely terrible. It constantly fluctuates. He’s even forgotten his own name. Many times, actually. He also tends to forget conversations quite often. And basically every argument he’s ever had with someone. Or when he does remember them, he just doesn’t remember how he felt at the time. Then again, he has a surprisingly hard time naming how he’s feeling anyways. What he remembers of his life in general really does just seem to change often. He’s probably been late to quite a few things or just not shown up at all because of it, depending on if he eventually remembered and/or got a reminder. He’s forgotten the password to his phone so many times.
Another negative is how absolutely closed off he is. Sure, he’ll tell stories and make offhanded comments that make him seem open. But, truth be told, he keeps his emotions mostly to himself. Unless they’re positive, like his confidence, he doesn’t tend to show his cards. If he’s angry, chances are no one will know until he ends up blowing into an argument or fight.
Really, he can be contradictory. If he knows something, he’ll either take it to the grave or everyone will know within a day. It’s a hit or miss. But he does admit to not being the most trustworthy person. He shares secrets based on what he thinks should or shouldn’t be a secret. Or based on what someone can give him in return for keeping it a secret. Or based on whether or not he even remembers it’s a secret. He’s good at lying but he’s not so good at keeping impulsive behavior in check. Funnily enough, this is true even for his own secrets. Though, usually, he can end up saving it with distractions, changing of subjects, and just overall being able to control a conversation.
Another thing that perhaps should be known about him is— He is a flirt. Whether he’s actually interested in someone or not, chances are he’ll end up flirting with them at least a bit. Well, unless he’s friends with them and knows that they don’t like all the playful flirting and whatnot. He still at least tries to be respectful of people, whether he knows them or not. Whether he likes them or not. If there’s anything he’s reliable on, it’s either him treating people like people.
Or… It’s him being willing to help people out. With just about anything. Locked yourself out of your house? No worries, he knows how to pick locks! Oh, damn, your favorite jacket tore? No worries, he can fix it for you, and if you want, he can even add some sort of patch to it! He’s always willing to help out with just the most random of things. Car maintenance? Totally. Had a light gone out? Let him look at it before you call an electrician. He has a lot of odd hands-on skills and if a friend needs help with something that he knows how to do, he’ll always be there to help.
Anyways, honestly, with how much I hyperfixate on Garvin, I could probably rant about him here forever so… I’m going to end it here. I think I’ve gone over enough, haha.

(Credit to [email protected])
Garvin is tall, standing at 6’5” and covered in freckles. His skin is fair with cool undertones, though he’s also most definitely sunkissed with how much time he’s spent outside before.
Garvin has an oval-ish face, though his chin is a slight bit more pointed than the usual oval. His nose is hooked, the end of it dipping down past the nasals. It’s also crooked, like it’d been broken one too many times and hadn’t ever healed properly. His lips are thinner in shape and he is practically always smiling in some way or another. Grins and smirks tend to be the most common to see.
His eyebrows are rather thin, though they do seem to thicken a bit near the ends closer to his ears. His eyes, luckily, are a dark gray in color, and a downturned hooded shape. They have some bags underneath them, but he claims they’re much better than they used to be. Which is actually true. His face is framed by wavy, almost to the point of curly, (2B to 3B) ginger hair. Though rather firey in color, it is on the darker end of the ginger spectrum. He’s grown it out quite a bit too, to where it falls past his shoulders but not yet to the middle of his back. He’s also dyed some of it pink.
His body structure is somewhere between an inverted triangle and rectangular. A long torso and long legs, and his shoulders only slightly, barely broader than his hips. Quite frankly, he’s pretty lean. He weighs in at a healthy 170 pounds, finally, with his BMI at a 20.16. Still, most of it seems to be muscle. The first tattoos he ever got were vines going right across his knuckles in simple black ink, detailed and an absolute pain, that he got when he was 15, gotten a week before he got arrested. He also has an anchor tattoo on his right shoulder, also done in simple black ink, that he got at 18. He wants more too but he honestly isn’t sure what he’d even get tattooed. He’s thought of a lot of different ideas, but he isn’t sure. Plus, it was hard enough convincing himself to pay for the first one.
As for scars, he possesses many. From scars on his back and shoulders that look like they’re from whipping, to burn scars on his legs and arms, to cuts on his arms, to scars that make it seem like skin has peeled or scraped off his arms and legs in the past, to a scattering of small scars at his jawline, eyebrows, and nose. The bottom of his feet also have some burn scars, and his hands have plenty of spots that seem like the skin scraped off far too much. He’s covered in scars. His left hand has a small scar of a cut across his palm. And both hands have tiny scars all over, which are both just extremely calloused too. He has quite a few cigarette burn scars on his arms and shoulders. He also has random scars of varying sizes all over from various things.
Usual Attire:
Garvin doesn’t actually really have a ‘usual attire’. What he wears and what he prefers to wear seems to change quite often. He’ll wear just about anything that fits too. If he’s asked what he prefers though? And if he actually gives a real answer other than just ‘Clothes?’
He’ll take comfort and practicality over fashion. At least, most days. He’ll wear long sleeved shirts or sweaters or button-ups as long as the seams aren’t too noticeable. When they are noticeable, he tends to pick at them and end up destroying them. Which he hates. How dare he ruin a perfectly good shirt. He does seem to usually prefer longer sleeves though. As for pants, those tend to be easier than shirts for what he prefers. Really, there’s only two qualities that the pants must have. One, pockets. Very good pockets and/or lots of pockets. And two? He will not wear shorts. Nope. No thank you. When it comes to shoes, he definitely seems to prefer boots. Any kind, really. Except ones with laces. Really, truth be told, he’ll wear any shoes so long as they don’t have shoelaces. He cannot tie them. He has never been able to figure it out. He can knot them. But that’s a bit different. When he decides to wear more feminine clothes, dresses tend to be long sleeved and casual. Skirts too tend to be longer. Blouses are also usually long sleeved and flowy.
Except for when all of that is wrong. Because sometimes he does seem to just completely change his mind on his preference for clothes. Short sleeves, short dresses, short skirts, short just about everything. It can get confusing when that happens, At least the shoes tend to stay the same, just because he still cannot tie shoelaces.
Honestly, if anything, the few things that don’t seem to change are his outerwear. Like jackets. No matter what style the jacket is, there is at least one self made patch of a poker chip on it. Along with that, the back of the jacket, no matter what, always has a tombstone patch too. Whether he’s wearing a trench coat, a suit jacket, a leather jacket, or a cropped jacket— There are always at least those two patches on it. Sometimes there’s more, sometimes there’s not.
As for jewelry and accessories? Oh, Garvin loves jewelry. He’s got a lot of piercings. He has a nasallang piercing, a labret piercing, a spider bite piercing, and a ton of ear piercings. Three lobe piercings on his left ear and two on his right ear. He has a tragus piercing on both ears. There’s a helix piercing on his left ear and an industrial piercing on his right ear. And he’s got two flat piercings on his left ear and one flat piercing on his right ear. Frankly, he wants more piercings too, he just doesn’t know which ones to get just yet. Other than piercings though, Garvin’s also a huge fan of rings. He’s got tons, though he does tend to seem to prefer his spinner rings. He also, apparently, has shit vision. So he has glasses too. He has two different frames to choose from, a simple black rectangular one and a circular silver one. Just in case he loses the other. Which can and has happened to him before, only for him to later find the other pair again eventually.
Likes: Space/Stars, Money, Music, Nicknames, Food, Winning, Sewing/Embroidery, Playing Guitar & 12-String Banjo, Sleep, Attention, Makeup, and Jewelry.
Dislikes: Swimming (he still can’t), Losing, Small/Enclosed Spaces, Being Alone, Sitting Still, Stuck-Ups, Sudden Change, His Terrible Memory, Pity, Silence, Certain Textures, and Summer.
Affiliations: TBD.
Ferryman by Shayfer James & Will Wood.
The Entertainment’s Here by AJr.
Oblivion by Dirty Palm.
Why Worry by Set It Off.
Fallohides by We The Heathens.
Break My Face by AJR.
Weak by AJR.
BAD THOUGHTS by XAM & Lil Yung Pharaoh.
Fuck It! by Days N Daze.
Wholesale Failure by Days N Daze.
Nine on the Bortle by Days N Daze.
Comfort epershand Control by Days N Daze.
Black Sheep by Rare Americans.
Constellations by The Oh Hellos.
Ship in a Bottle by fin.
Architect by Livingston.
The Dead Come Talking by Roe Kapara.
PATCHWERK by Sub Urban & Two Feet.
Never Love An Anchor by The Crane Wives.
Runaway by AURORA.
Back to the Ground by The Crane Wives.
Shallow River by The Crane Wives.
Ain’t Nobody’s Problem by The Lumineers.
How to Rest by The Crane Wives.
In the Woods Somewhere by Hozier.
Tombstone by Adam Jensen.
Let It Bleed by Adam Jensen.
Pain by Adam Jensen.
Factories by Autoheart.
Chaos by Adam Jensen.
Medicine by Adam Jensen.
Marijuana Breath by Adam Jensen.
Lowlife by Adam Jensen.
Roleplay Example:
Other: Some of you may recognize Garvin as my poor orphan boy. This is an alternate version of him where he eventually got adopted by an officer named Max O’Riley. Because honestly, I was getting very sad with his story and I wanted at least one universe where he isn’t as sad. And then this showed up and it gave me the perfect chance to do just that.
Different from ‘Other’ just because of what I already put there. Anyways!
Garvin is ambidextrous! Which is incredibly useful, if you ask him. Unfortunately, his penmanship is still terrible. Not learning how to write (or even really read) until he was a teenager definitely makes having a good penmanship difficult.
The first instrument he learned how to play was a 12-string banjo. He’d learned how to play it due to people that were, more or less, pirates. They let him keep it when he had to leave but he ended up having to sell it. Yay him, he got it back! Before he got it back though, Max O’Riley ended up getting him a guitar and he actually quite likes playing that too.
He recommends to everyone not to eat a dead, unwashed, uncooked bird that’s been lying on the ground for days unless they have to. Same for a raw, dead rat that’s soaking wet from rain. Both of those being things he’s done before. More than once. Not anymore though. Luckily.
He’s actually been to therapy before. Max O’Riley was not going to just let him not do therapy. Anyways, it turns out he’s autistic and an ADHDer. Along with some other stuff going on too, like DP/DR (depersonalization-derealization), C-PTSD, and (very fluctuating in severity) Depression. Yay to those diagnoses, definitely helps knowing. He stopped going to sessions a while ago, but he still takes the medication he’s prescribed. He’s also got some chronic pain and fatigue issues going on that he never really figured out the reason for. So he’ll sometimes use a cane, sometimes he’ll still just try and power through it though too. He’s still way too stubborn for his own good. He also sometimes wears compression gloves, and those are definitely more common to see than his cane. Pain medicine is really just about the one thing he isn’t too stubborn about. He’ll usually take pain medication for it at least.
His favorite color is actually pink. Crazy, I know. It also isn’t completely unheard of for him to wear dresses or more ‘feminine’ clothing and makeup. He doesn’t do it too often though, due to sensory issues getting in his way most of the time.
He’s actually pretty good at singing. But it hurts his throat and lungs to do it too much, so he tends not to. Speaking of his throat and lungs though- Oh boy, are they messed up. Yeah. He’s still got that very annoying, moreso inconvenience, cough that has never gone away. He’s had it for years, why won’t it go away— Anyways. Very annoying but he’s pretty much used to it.
Garvin will talk to himself out loud at times. Mostly when it’s just him around. He also has a lot of smaller stims that he tends to do more than bigger ones, especially in front of other people. It’s actually kind of rare to see him do the amazing ‘happy hands’.
Wanna know how he managed to get adopted by Max O’Riley? Simple. Garvin got arrested while he was 15 and then by 17, the same officer that arrested him (Max O’Riley) adopted him. It took a good little bit (a year, it took a year) given the whole ‘no documentation of existence’ thing but, well. It happened. And Garvin got to pick out his own middle name, birthday, and… Yeah. He’s apparently been the son of a police officer ever since. Also, if the dumb song ad for O'Reilly Auto Parts exists in this universe, that is definitely the ringtone Garvin has for Max.