
Neo-Torrin | Middle Pallave Heir | Male | M: Avery (d) Charlie (d, ind) --- Neo had been busy in the upper towers of the castle, bent over a book of medicine. His parents had taken a lot of convincing to let him study medicine, especially since he was a Prince, but in they end they'd given in thanks to a moment of Lindon not being a horrible sibling. Neo knew that his older brother had his reasons; most of them being that he wanted someone who could stitch up his many battle wounds that were bound to come, as well as knowledge of the plagues that always seemed to follow battalions and their camps around, but he didn't really mind. For once, Lindon had put his big mouth and annoyingly stubborn attitude to good use and fought his mother, and nothing was more satisfying than being sided with one's sibling not he winning side of an argument. Neo had never outright said thank you, he knew better. Lindon wouldn't like it, and it wouldn't have built any points of brotherly affection. But, he had repaid him in his own way, offering tips for the aches and bruises that Lindon often suffered in silence, and sworn that on any campaigns his brother chose, Neo would be right behind him. Once he'd realised what time it was, he had meticulously packed up his things, and gone down the halls, hoping only to make it there before everyone else had. It would be humiliating to have kept everyone waiting, he never would forgive himself. What if someone was angry that he was late? That thought only caused him to move more quickly through the hallway, but what slowed him was the arrival of Avery beside him, and he relaxed. Even if he was late now, Avery was with him, and would somehow manage to make everyone forget that they had been kept waiting with a joke or a dramatic entrance. He easily answered the few riddles that were tossed at him, but by the time he'd made it to the doors, he was feeling slightly overwhelmed, and was glad when the boy beside him fell back a few steps, already chattering to whoever happened to be there. To his relief, the dining hall only had Lindon in it, so he wasn't heinously late, and therefore a failure. He made his way to a chair, settling into the plush cushion, purposely choosing a seat far away from Lindon. Both of them would prefer that. He was slightly amused by the crass words that Avery tossed at his stoic older brother, but was more concerned with studying the dishes in front of him. Well, that was until Avery and Charlie settled close beside the chair he'd selected, and as always, Avery was chattering away, his eyes bright and his sweet attitude unwavering. Neo's eyes widened as the sunshine boy suggested betting on pairings out of the blue, but was intrigued nonetheless. Plus, Avery was a terrible gambler, so it would be an easy way to make a few gold pieces. He wasn't surprised when the debates began with Lindon, but he was surprised that they thought that he'd end up with either the servant girl hoping for his attention, or no one at all. He was even more startled when the conversation continued with the most wild pairings that he wouldn't have even dreamed of, from himself and someone he'd never spoken to, to intense love-triangles involving half the people that were even there, all star-crossed and melodramatic. His mouth was half-open in horror before he realised that most of it was sarcastic, and he heard Avery scoffing beside him. "You'd put money on those?" Avery was saying, and Neo already knew that greedy look that was coming into his eyes. Avery was never good at turning down bad bets, nor was he good at not making them himself.

Ezlynn | Suitor | 23 | F | M: Avery(ind) and Lindon ~ Ezlynn was temporarily distracted as someone came up and ruffled the prince's hair. She couldn't help but be surprised that Lindon didn't lash out, but she kept quiet, knowing it was none of her business. If anything, she was slightly intrigued and amused by the person's display, especially since he seemed to be a noble. He could easily become her next target if it seemed like she didn't have a chance with either prince. . Hearing Lindon’s response brought the girl back to reality. As his words sunk in, Ezlynn fought to keep a neutral expression. Normally she would've just backed off. Normally she wouldn't have even considered saying the first thing that popped into her head. But this wasn't a normal situation, her mother's life was on the line. And perhaps respectfully fighting back would impress this obviously bored prince enough to see her as something more than an annoyance like he seemed to. . After taking a moment to gather her thoughts and make sure her words weren't disrespectful or uneducated, she responded by saying, "I respectfully disagree, your highness. I was given the chance of a lifetime by being invited here, while you probably have to attend things like this often. You seem bored, but I'm quite enjoying the accommodations. So, I would tend to think I'm doing better right now. Of course, feel free to share any good news that puts you in a better spot than I'm in currently." . Ezlynn sat back, a slight tilt to her head which gave away just how curiously excited she was for Lindon’s response. Of course she was equally scared of the consequences of her words, and she's half expecting to be kicked out of dinner tonight, but she knew she wouldn't be made to leave the summer castle completely and she still had a chance with Neo or the nobles, so she was quite content, whatever the outcome would be.

Sagar Ivo | Male | Suitor | 22 | Mentions: Rosaline (dir) Sagar continued to admire the work of the garden. It was well kept, assuming that someone was constantly mending to it. The flowers popped in color among the greens of the leaves and the brown of the soil that they hid so well. He had placed himsefl among the centerpiece, which was the largest. A great oak tree had been growing for hundreds of years, most likely marking the beginning of the Pallave summer castle. He supposed the royalty may come here for bad winters, and for that, he scoffed.
Sagar had continued looking around him. The sky had slightly cleared, the sun beating down below on what was rightfully its own. Sagar had closed his eyes for a moment before a could feel the presence of someone he had yet to be properly introduced to. And for that, he would curse at himself.
Sagar, although a grouch, still respected his superiors. Royalty was one of those said superiors. No matter how much he hated politics, no matter how much he felt out of place among them, he still showed his respect. Looking at the Princess, Sagar was quick to rise to his feet. He noticed how much of a clumsy woman she was seeing how she had tripped. His eyes were soft and gentle towards her, no sign of judgment. Once she gathered her composure, Sagar gave a slight bow, his hands behind his back.
Before Sagar could speak to her, it seemed like she had already beat him to it. Sagar gave a rather... stunned look, his eyebrows slightly cocked and his lips slightly parted. A Princess wanting to be trained? It wasn't technically unheard of, you just never saw one ever pursuing it. He huffed softly. Sagar took a slight breath, unsure of what to say. He was here for the chance of marrying her. The High Council could easily look at that as some sort of cheat - a way to get to know her on a vulnerable level. But also, saying no could be seen as worse. Since when did a commoner, although respected, like Sagar, deny the possibility of working with a royal? He bit the inside of his cheek before exhaling softly, standing a respectable amount away from her.
"Princess Rosaline," he started. "You ask a lot, and I am honored." He gave a slight smile. Sagar thought for a quick moment before he nodded. "I can teach you, but trust me, it will not be easy. You'll most likely hate me by the end of it," Sagar said with a slight chuckle, his tone laced with sarcasm that she could hopefully sense.
Sagar was quick to decide it would be easiest to stay on the Princess's good side anyway. Sure, this could be reviewed as cheating or scheming or whatever new crime the High Council could possibly come up with, but Sagar was only here for so long if he wasn't chosen. Not that he really wanted to be, but hey, getting chosen anyways was an honor in it of itself.

Lindon Avari | Eldest Pallave Heir | Male | M: Ezlynn (d) Neo (ind) -- Lindon's eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly, and he tilted his head slightly, a pale lock of hair falling across his face. For a moment, he said nothing, choosing to let the silence stretch on, his expression cool and unreadable. It wasn't often that people dared to push back against him or his will, let alone with such measured confidence. He wasn't caught off guard, he'd learned quickly that no matter how respected one might be, there will always be someone trying to be even more impressive by acting more blustery. However, this girl had tried to do it while still being as respectful as she could, and Lindon was glad of it. That meant she was still a little frightened, at the very least. "How very optimistic of you," he said finally, once the silence had gone on so long it was quite stifling, his tone dry as sand. "It's rare to see a girl so eager to be impressed by dusty walls and overcooked pheasant. Though I suppose given your...*station,* I could see how this simply would be the grandest opportunity." He shifted slightly in his seat, leaning forward, and lacing his fingers together, his sharp gaze fixed on her like a blade poised over its mark. "You assume I'm bored because I have no good news," he said coolly, his voice dropping to a quieter, more pointed register. "But consider this, since you seem so set on carrying on this conversation. Perhaps my ennui is a privilege. It means I don't have to try so hard as you, to prove that I belong here." His eyes flicked to where his younger brother was laughing with Avery and another noble, and he tupped his head slightly, his tone changing to almost lazy, as if he were discussing something mundane, like the weather. "I know why you've come. And you can play all the twisted games you want with the other lords, but if I catch you even *looking* at my brother, you may find that you have made an enemy you cannot afford. And trust me, little bird, I do not play fair." Lindon let a beat of silence pass, studying her face, his eyes narrowed, as if trying to convince her to refute him. "I've tolerated all this far more than I'd care to for the sake of civility, but my patience will have its limits. You would do well to stay far, far away from him—unless, of course, you're looking for a lesson it what happens when someone oversteps." He leaned back, his posture deceptively relaxed, though the sharp intensity of his gaze didn't waver. "Consider this your only warning," he said, his voice lighter, practically conversational. "Do try to make wiser choices moving forward. I'd hate for you to end your visit prematurely." Lindon let his cold gaze linger for only a moment, then picked up a goblet from the table, taking a slow slip, his attention coolly dismissive, as if he had already decided that she wasn't worth any more of his time. However, he was somewhat intrigued to see whether she would keep her seat beside him, and try to carry on the conversation, or whether she'd skitter away, as so many did.

Ezlynn | Suitor | 23 | F | M: Neo(ind) and Lindon ~ In an instant, Ezlynn's whole world narrowed down to this moment, the din of the dining room fading into the background. As Lindon kept quiet, Ezlynn got increasingly anxious, yet she didn't let it show on her face. She couldn't stop her body language, however, as she began to fidget with her dress. She couldn't help but wonder if she had gone too far. Perhaps she was wrong - perhaps Lindon would just kick her out of the whole event, not just the dinner. But could he really do that? Well, she supposed it wouldn't be impossible, since he was the one most likely to be the next king. . Once Lindon finally did speak, his words didn't make Ezlynn feel the least bit better. If anything, they only increased the tension crackling in the air. Not to mention the way he poked at her rank made her bristle, anger bubbling up in her gut. Fighting to stay calm, Ezlynn did her best to listen to him and be respectful despite knowing he was just going to countinue to be mean. Dang rich people. They can do whatever they want without any consequences. That's the real difference between royalty, nobles and commoners. Atleast in Ezlynn's opinion. . As Lindon threatened Ezlynn, she subconsciously raised her eyebrows just slightly, not quite believing it. Rumor had it the brothers didn't get along. So why would he bring up his brother all of a sudden? It would have been more believable if he had threatened her to stay away from himself. But as his next sentence echoed in her mind, her blood ran cold. ~ "And trust me, little bird, I do not play fair." ~ Suddenly all the things Lindon could do to punish her came flooding in. He could easily ban the town's doctors from treating her mom. He could make it impossible to get her treatment. Would he really let a innocent person die, though? She couldn't afford to believe he wouldn't if she were to disobey. Nobles were ruthless, so of course royalty would be also. . Doing her best to hide the chill in her spine, Ezlynn smiled politely. "I will do as you ask and stay away from him." Once she finished her sentence, however, her smile quickly dropped, revealing a stone cold gaze. The respectful facade she once held vanished, giving Lindon a taste of the girl behind all the titles and whatnot. As she spoke, this time, she didn't bother to use the stupid fancy wording all high-borns used. "But don't pretend to know why I'm here. You know nothing about me and I'm sure you don't care either." Her smile and facade then returned as she tilted her head to the side as though they were the best of friends. "So if it's not too much to ask, I would sincerely appreciate it if you kept my personal life out of this, your Highness." . With that said, Ezlynn turned to pick up her own goblet. But as she reached out to pick it up, she realized her hand was trembling. With a quiet "tsk", she pulled her hand back under the table where prying eyes wouldn't see it. While she was obviously shaken up, she refused to give up on Lindon just yet. Now that she couldn't have Neo, she would need to try extra hard to hopefully win Lindon’s affection. Still, was that even possible now that she had shown a moment of weakness and let her mask drop? She had spoken to the prince so coldly, if she kept this up, it was only a matter of time before she really did end up getting herself into real trouble. And she couldn't have that. She could barely make ends meet as of now, let alone have a powerful outside force making everything worse. Edited at November 29, 2024 02:58 PM by Terebinth Wolves

Rosaline | Youngest Heir | 19 | F | M: Sagar ~ It felt like an eternity to the princess before the knight finally came up with an answer and responded. Each little action of his scared her to death, making her think he would deny her. Especially when he huffed softly, as if she was out of her mind. But once he did, a big grin lit up Rosaline's face. At that moment, it was like the sun itself had made it's home inside of her smile. Rosaline felt almost as happy as if her parents had told her that she was to be the next ruler, even before both of her brothers. Probably because maybe with this she could finally prove she would make a good leader. Maybe, if she worked hard enough, she would actually be respected throughout the land instead of being labeled a misfit for the rest of her life. If Sagar wasn't so... dirty and a commoner at that, the princess probably would have hugged him or something along those lines. . "Don't worry, I'm ready to do whatever it takes to become the next- err, I mean, to finish your lessons." Rosaline responded, messing up her words. It's not like it was a secret that she wanted to be queen - who didn't? It's just that she didn't think someone would appreciate being used as a stepping stone and it wouldn't really be smart to reveal she would do basically anything to be the new ruler to someone who could possibly snitch on her. As for Sagar's next sentence, Rosaline's eyes widen as she shook her head. "Impossible. How could I hate you when you're helping me and only doing what I asked?" She said, clasping her hands together as she looked earnestly into the knight's eyes. So far as Rosaline was concerned, she was in Sagar's debt. Sure, debt is never a fun thing, but for her it's better than being considered useless for the rest of her life.

Ace | Extra | 24 | M | M: His siblings(ind), Rosaline and Sagar ~ Ace jumped off of the boat and landed easily on the slightly muddy ground. Callan, his father figure and one of the best fishermen around had been kind enough to take him to the summer castle. And now he was here, about to see his brothers and sister. If he could successfully sneak in, that is. . "Thank you, Callan. I'm forever in your debt." The older man smiled and dismissed the thought with a wave of his hand. "There's no need to thank me, boy. You're one of us. We always help eachother out. Now, go along. Make sure to take over the throne while ye at it. You would be the best king outta everyone since you knows what it likes to be a commoner. You've lived with us for years, afterall!" Ace tensed, a worried frown crossing his features. "Don't say stuff like that. It's treason. And you know more than anyone that I'm not fit to be a leader. I can barely take care of myself as it is." The old man just shook his head with a sigh as he handed Ace his bag. "You say that, but when you need to be, you're pretty good at commanding the new guys while we're out at sea." This time it was Ace who shook his head. He grabbed his bag and turned to leave. "Bye." He muttered before taking off towards the summer castle. . Ace honestly had no idea where he was going. And he wasn't totally sure how to sneak in. I mean, he used to be stealthy as a kid but now as an adult, he was pretty... ungraceful. Nevertheless, he was determined to see his siblings. This would be his one and only chance. If he missed this, he probably would never be able to talk with them face to face. So he just had to succeed. . After trekking up the hill to get to the castle, Ace looked around. He happened to spot a garden and decided that would be a good place to start looking for a way in. He walked through the foliage and beautiful flowers, marveling at all the different plants. There was no doubt that this garden belonged to the royals. Still, even here, he couldn't help but feel out of place. . Ace then rounded a corner, only to realize that he wasn't the only one in the garden. But it was too late to turn back, because he was only a few feet away from them. There was no way he wouldn't get noticed. And so he panicked, not quite ready to face all the nobles that would be inside the walls. Not to mention all the guards and council members he would have to be careful around. He really did want to see his siblings, he just wasn't sure if he could handle it. So he ended up staring at the two infront of him, looking like a deer caught in headlights.

Avery | Suitor | M | Mentions: Charlie (d) Neo (d) -- Avery sat back in his chair, the flicker of a satisfied grin playing at the corners of his mouth as he watched his little idea spiral into something more entertaining than he had anticipated. The betting game on potential couplings had started as a half-joke, a way to liven up the dull evening, but for once, his suggestion wasn’t just met with cheerful nods and forgotten moments later. This time, he’d backed Neo into a conversational corner—his ever-elusive friend couldn’t escape without answering—and Charlie seemed incredibly keen to share his opinions. Avery leaned forward in his seat, his expression conspiratorial, ready to soak up every word. But as Charlie’s commentary began, Avery’s posture tightened ever so slightly, the tension hidden behind a lazy slouch. His scheme was being taken lightly, far too lightly, which usually wouldn’t bother him. Except this time, the stakes felt personal. He wasn’t just in this for the laughs; he wanted the tea. Desperately. Every coupling theory, every sly prediction his friends made would be tucked away for later—insurance for whatever schemes he might concoct down the line. The game was a ruse, yes, but a valuable one. Still, he couldn’t help but let a scoff escape as he swung his feet up onto the table, letting his arms stretch purposefully into Neo’s personal space, practically draping himself over his friend. His smile was sharp, playful, but his eyes carried a flicker of challenge. “You’d *actually* put money on those?” he drawled, his voice a perfect mix of disdain and curiosity. Avery wasn’t new to gambling, but he was no good at it either. He had a terrible knack for betting on the wrong horse, or throwing all his money on a bluff he was too stubborn to fold. Yet, for him, it wasn’t about winning—or, at least, not just that. It was about the thrill of the game, the chance to prove something to himself, even if he lost. His grin turned crooked as his gaze wandered toward Lindon, sitting at a distance, his face carved in stone as he stared down the girl beside him. Avery caught the faintest flicker of disdain in Lindon’s expression and seized it like a gift. “There’s no way Linny-Lou ends up with *her,*” he announced, shaking his head with mock tragedy. “I mean, she’s a *commoner,* for starters. And worse? She’s not even here for love—just convenience. Do you really think Lindon, of all people, would take kindly to being someone’s little stepping stone? Please.” As if to underscore his point, Avery reached over to run his hand through Neo’s hair, the gesture affectionate but deliberately annoying. “Maybe *she’ll* end up with *you,* little prince,” he teased, his voice syrupy sweet. Neo flushed crimson, immediately slumping in his chair to escape Avery’s attention, and that only made Avery double down. “Actually,” Avery said, his grin widening into something wickedly playful, “the *real* secret is that Neo and I are already married.” He paused just long enough for the ridiculousness to sink in, then added with an exaggerated sigh, “And it’s all because I’m expecting his child.” “You know what?” he said, reclining as if holding court. “The truth is, everyone here is secretly in love with Lindon. They just won’t admit it. Power does strange things to people, and our dear Lindon wields it better than most.” His smirk deepened, his eyes gleaming with mischief. “Maybe our Neo will outshine his big brother. Or maybe that little princess, wherever she is—” he waved a dismissive hand—“will do something absolutely scandalous, something to shock the kingdom into realizing that *even* if I’m the prettiest and Lindon is the most ruggedly handsome, the rest of the nobles here have *decent* genes too.” Avery leaned back, looking entirely too pleased with himself, and tilted his head as though daring anyone to challenge him. “But don’t worry,” he added with mock sincerity, “I’ll make sure to get my cut of the winnings. And maybe I'll let you or Neo hold my hand while I spend it.”