
Stripe let out a sigh of disbelief. Really? That is so stupid... She thought silently. She continued to limp along still quietly thinking on the topic. (Sorry it´s so short.)

Jerboa walked slowly on, always looking back. Nothing like getting kicked out to ruin your trust. He could not understand. Why me? He silently wonders if there is more to it. He remembered that the pack code said "Not healer my take a mate, lest it interfere with their duties." But that rule is unnecessary. Would it be that helpful would care for his mate more? That is almost like forbidding siblings and parents too. Boa's ears flatten at the thought.

Stripe remained quiet for the rest of the way. She still felt bad that Jeraboa gave up his place as head healer for her. While walking Stripe kept her head down to watch where she was stepping.

Stripe remained quiet for the rest of the way. She still felt bad that Jeraboa gave up his place as head healer for her. While walking Stripe kept her head down to watch where she was stepping.

Jeraboa could see the river that marked the end of the territory to the south. "Just a little further, then we can rest." He says. Standing on the bank, he tests the water. Swift and cold. At least right here it is only chest deep. (On Boa. He is on the smaller side.)

Stripe plunged into the icy embrace of the river, a shiver coursing through her as the frigid water enveloped her. As they ventured deeper, the current rose ominously, reaching up to Stripe's neck. A sudden realization struck her like lightning If the water is this high... Boa can´t touch the ground! With newfound determination, she pivoted sharply towards Jeraboa, her heart racing. In a swift motion, she seized him by the scruff, preventing the relentless current from whisking him away. The struggle against the water was fierce, but she pressed on, her resolve unyielding. At last, they emerged on the opposite bank, where Stripe heaved Jeraboa onto solid ground, releasing him with a thud. Exhausted, she staggered a few steps back before collapsing, breathless and weary, the toll of her injuries weighing heavily upon her.

Jeroboa sputtered. He didn't realize that his ankle would give out as soon as he stepped into the fridge with water. The fast current took him. He rolled his ankle slightly and cried out pain. Then strong jaws took hold of him. His first smooshed in awkward angles. Before long, he was pulled onto the ground. The relief was instant. He hacked some water out of his lungs and turned. "Stripe! Are you okay?" He got up and limped over to his friend. It didn't look like she was hurt any extra, but her wounds for bleeding again. "Thank you." He whispered as he set to trying to dry her off.

Stripe lifted her gaze to Jeraboa, her voice a whisper of fatigue. "I’m alright, just exhausted. How about you?" she replied, still lying on the ground, eyes shut against the world. A warm presence brushed against her, the familiar fur of another wolf, and she caught the soft murmur of Jeraboa’s voice. "…You’re welcome…" Stripe replied quietly. She wasn´t even aware of the crimson stains seeping from her wounds. Edited at December 8, 2024 05:42 PM by Silver Winter Pack

"I will be fine." Jeraboa said. "We're officially out of pack territory. I can get you fixed up. Then we can move a little bit faster." Jeraboa mentioned as he looked closer at her paw. It was out of place and torn up, but nothing looks broken. That's a relief. I don't need Stripe ending up like me. I'll down enough. Jeraboa smiled. "Nothing too major. You should still probably stay off that paw for a while. I might be able to send it back in place once I find a splint and something to tie it with." Jeraboa slipped into the fourth in return with a plethora of leaves, a few sticks, and entire mouth full of cobbwebs. "Before you ask, no, these don't taste good." He says to work plastering the cobwebs over the minor wounds and looks at the bigger one on her paw. "Remember, no trying to kill me like you did with a thorn. This will hurt more."

With a subtle nod, Stripe acknowledged the situation. A few moments later, Jeraboa reappeared, equipped with everything he required. As he shared his comments, Stripe couldn't help but emit a light laugh, attempting to lift the heavy atmosphere. "To be honest, I don't think I could manage to try, even if I wished to."