
The young wolf smiled at the stranger. "oh, Dusk just needed to talk to me regarding my.." she paused for a second, thinking up of a good excuse. "..battle training!"

"Oh, ok!" Inti thought for a few seconds. "May I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?" She asked, looking up at the older wolf

"Is there a creek or lake nearby? I would like to see my own reflection." Inti said, staring at his own paws.

"Oh! Well, there's a small creek that runs through the forest. Maybe you could use that?" Frost replied, thinking back to her training sessions

"Thanks! Do you know who could guide me there?" Inti asked, shyly. Edited at February 16, 2022 09:09 PM by ijdme

"Well, since no one else is around, I guess I can!" Frost replied, excitement showing in her ice blue eyes. Despite what Dusk said, she was still genuinely happy to be able to spend some time with another wolf.

"Really? Thanks a lot!" Inti got up. "Oh, by the way, my name is Inti."

Dusk yelled "Frost come here for a minute!" Dusk was sitting by a oak tree off to the side of the camp.

"Nice to meet you!" She replied, dipping her head. "We-" she cut herself off, hearing Dusk's voice. "Sorry, I'll be right back" Feeling rather embarrassed, Frost padded over to the older wolf. "what is it?" She asked, lowering her voice slightly