
(No you can stay the alpha) Dawn saw the Alpha trot by and said "Alpha wait." She looked at the Alpha waiting for any indication that he had heard her.

Eliza stopped in his tracks and turned around to face dawn. His right ear flicked slightly as he padded toward dawn he stopped in front of her then looked toward the male he let out a slight low growl but only because of the human scent lingering on him. Eliza spoke his voice deep but gentle in a way "hello dawn I see there is a new Comer with you" Eliza shifted his gaze to the grey male his blue eyes seeming to gleam a bit with curiosity but also with a sense of preotectivness behind them "what's your name and why do you smell like a human" his voice boomed out. "Also why are you on pack territory are you a loner seeking a challenge or a loner seeking a place among a pack?"

Dawn looked at her Alpha and says "He says he was a human just last night". Dawn rolled her eyes and looked at her Alpha dipping her head and says "He also said that he doesn't look for a challenge."

Eliza lifts his head up higher and nods at dawn "thank you for the information dawn I have heard of such a thing in a legend but I didn't think it was true its a old pup tale mothers use to tell their pups, take him to elder thorn he will be able to look the male over further if he is telling the truth there should be something to indicate such" Eliza pauses then steps closer to the male "if thorn finds indication of this you can stay but that does not mean I trust you yet I will be having pack members watch over you if you want trust you earn it here" Eliza let's out a slight growl and his hackles raise a bit. (Going to play as thorn to)

Dawn walks up to the male and says "This way" and starts to walk. (Allright)

Inti was surprised to see the huge alpha. He would definitely make a good cover for a magazine about nature. He listened intently to their conversation and was much relieved to hear what plan they had for him. However, he couldn't help but fear what might happen if they didn't believe in his human past. "Thank you very much for his hospitality." Inti told Eliza, and started to follow Dawn. (By the way, Inti has yellow eyes.)

(alright) Dawn Dawn went to the elder Thorn and stops. She says "Thorn the alpha wants you to see if the story he is telling is true." She countined and said "he says he was human just last night." Dawn pushs Inti foward with a hard shove.

(If its okay can i be a beta male named Dusk?)

"Ow!" Inti was already getting fed up with the treatment he received from the she-wolf, but he knew that he was in no position to growl right now. Inti stared at Thorn, expecting a slightly surprised and puzzled face after the white wolf's words.

(Also, you can be Dusk as well, no worries.)