
Rocky - canine as he thought about what kansua said , he made his decision. " I'll take the 3 small nets then plus the jerky and canteen " spoke Rocky as he took 7 pinecones out of his bag and put them on the counter
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Kansua nodded and sliding the materials to him on the counter, swiping the pinecones away with her tail. "Pleasure doing business with ya!" -You've spent 7 pinecones-

Rocky - canine Rocky grabbed his purchases off the counter and put them in his bag, as he turned to leave he shouted " thanks for your help Kansua ! I'll be stopping by later if I need anything else "
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Got any traps to get a rot hound on hand?

Kansua nodded and curled her tail around her paws. "A large snare or an iron cage will hold a rot hound perfectly, the iron cage is a bit less stressful for them though! Which were you thinking and how many did you want?"

I'll get 2 iron cages and a snare!

Kansua nods before jumping on a series of levers, each attaches to a Hook that grabs the large pieces of equipment, hauling them over the counter before dropping them at Ocean's side, where they dissapear into her clicker until needed. -You've spent 45 pinecones- "Anything else today?"

Think I'm good! I'll head out to the forest for my first adventure to the woods!

Rocky-canine Rocky walked up to the counter already having an idea about what he will be purchasing for this quest. Cleopatra jumped off his shoulder to investigate some of the items around the shop " hello , I would like to purchase a netgun , 2 things of netgun nets ( 20 total) and a bag of jerky please " he said with confidence and a smile towards Kansua , at the mention of jerky Cleopatra trotted back by Rocky and gave a happy yep
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-You've spent 46 pinecones- Kansua quickly produced the items she was asked for and curled her tail around her payment when she was finished. "No problem! Can I get you anything else?"