
Dawn says "your a wolf dumbass". She rolled her eyes agian. Dawn says "Now explain why your on my packs territory." (Soetimes the game mess up and puts duplicates.)

(Oh, ok, thanks.) "Ok, this is going to be impossible to believe, but... Do you know humans? Those things that always walk on two legs and sometimes carry very dangerous sticks... yes, I am, well, I was one of them until last night. Look, I don't know how it happened, but I went to sleep and when you woke me up, I was this! Oh and sorry, I don't want to invade your territory." Edited at February 5, 2022 05:53 PM by ijdme

A large black wolf calmly let out a sigh as he pinned his ears back against his head, his large body taking up the whole rock he was laying on as he joyfully basked in the sun. This is the first time in awhile that he had alone time to himself being he was leader of a pack north from the mountains and often had duties to attend to. He opened his eyes and looked around the area scanning over the meadows before him. His bright blue crystal eyes landed on the stream that went partially through the meadow he watched the water pass by and listened to the noise of the rushing water. The male then stood up and stretched out his long muscular legs and jumped down from the rock he trotted through the tall grass as he felt it brush his underbelly. He stopped as he reached the stream and looked down at the water at his reflection before bending his head down and taking a drink.

Dawn rolled her eyes at the grey wolf and says "Yeah sure." Then she adds "do you think I'm that dumb." Dawn muttered to herself " who does this wolf think he is. "

Eliza lifts his head up as water droplets dripped off his grey muzzle rejoining the stream. He perks his ears forward hearing a discussion in the distance he then leaps over the stream and raises his tail up in the air as he strides toward the voices.

"Look, if I was trying to lie to you, I'd probably come up with something much less absurd. How can I prove I'm a human?"

It was not exactly easy for Inti to maintain a conversation with an extremely angry she-wolf while his mind was trying to adapt to all the new sound and smell stimuli he perceived with his new body.

Getting closer to the sound Eliza slowed down his pace and slicked up to a bush. He peered through the bush at two wolves his fur bristled slightly along his spine as his top two canines protruded his muzzle slightly. Eliza watched and listened to the female and male wolf then slightly sniffed the air. The male had a weird smell to him as if he was recently around people.


"But to be fair, why should you believe me in the first place? People don't teleport, much less turn into animals. This just doesn't happen!" Inti looked at the ground with sadness and concern. He had owned two dogs, so he decided to lie on his own back to get into a submissive position. "I just want you to know that I do not represent a menace to your pack. If you forgive me and show me the way out, you will never see me here again, even though I have nowhere to go."