

Deriltonaf lead Artemis to the tree of DracoPhönix, "through the trunk of the tree in front of us". Deriltonaf said and went through the tree as if was nothing. "come along now before it closes".

Artemis was sure she was crazy. DID THIS WOLF JUST WALK THROUGH A TREE? No, she though, I am NOT crazy. She told herself to walk through. If you bump into the trunk, you look like an idiot but at least you know you're crazy. If you don't, well, we'll find out one step at a time. She took a deep breath, and stepped in...

Edited at October 16, 2021 10:46 AM by Pack of the Alpha

as Artemis see a large sized room with books scrolls on wood things that rise from the floor with some pials of leaves in a corner, and on the walls are some creature with two large wings with fiery orange feathered wings with two smaller wings, and that the creature has a long neck with large black scales that you assume are gills and with that neck, and that the creature has a small head compared to its body, and what you thought was one tail was one tail was actually three tails the left tail has a small forked tipped tail with a small spike, the right tail has this large barbed tail that looks and resemble a scorpion tail, and the middle tail has nothing on the tip of its tail but feathers of the same color as its wings, and as the humans look closer it sees that it has very dark purple scales against its black scales on its head, limbs, body, tails, and the arms of its wings and those scales are in patterns. As the Artemis continues to watch, and sees all of the creature's purple scales begin to glow and then feathers begins too as well in patterns. Then the scales begin to make flashing patterns with some then other purple scales
This creature here on the wall is DracoPhönix, which is a Dragon and a Phoenix", said Deriltonaf

She stood there, her jaw open in wonder. Though she did wonder how he knew this. All of the sudden, she hear a loud call coming from outside the tree. Something was going on!

"that would be the door closing"

"the reason I know this is DracoPhönix because this knowledge was passed down to genration to generation, for your friend was my mentor, I would like to teach you my knowledge to you. for you can deny this but I will have to make you loss this entrance access" said Deriltonaf.

Teach me what you know, she said, bracing herself.

"As you wish, we will start by teaching you how to read and write so that the presnt is writen in history. for yesterday is history, tormorrow is a mistory, but today is gift. thats why its called the prestent." Deriltonaf said, wail he grabbed a peice of paper and a bottle of ink. and dementstated the writing of the alphabet writing system, "now do what I am doing.