
Nova - F - Hybrid - First year - I strech my wings out, rolling to my belly. I stick my tounge out and stare at my book. My mind wanders off. I look through my bag and find some beef jercky. Yum.

Archer/M/Hybrid/First year/M:Nova I smile and abandon my food it tasted disgusting. I walk to a nearby window and make sure I have my notebook. I then get my wings ready and I fly through the window and keeping flying. I see a figure on a building so I fly over to it noticing its Nova." Hey Nova." I smile and fly down to the building landing gracefully and sitting down

Nova - F - Hybrid - First year - M: Archer - "OH, Hey archer. What are you doing up here?" I ask. I twist so I am looking at him. I close the book and twitch my tai. Why can I not sit still? Ugg... I smile. "Food extra discusting today?"

Archer/M/Hybrid/First year I look at her and look back at my notebook." Yeah the food w as disgusting I feel like I was gonna throw up. I was gonna go and sketch the woods but I saw you here." I lay down and start drawing her tail

Nova - F - Hybrid - First year - M: Archer - I smile and look out. My eyes feel heavy, but Dr. R's class is so soon. I do not want to get up. What was Reaper's class again?

Archer/M/Hybrid/First year I finish up the drawing and show her." We have to go to Dr. R's class soon we should get going. Do you like this?" I ask her pointing at the chair and smiling a bit looking at the sky before looking back at her

Nova - F - Hybrid - First year - M: Archer - "That is really good." I strech my wings, being carful not to wack Archer. I can still feel a few feathers connect. "Sorry." I say, blushing.

Archer/M/Hybrid/First year/M:Nova I look at her and smile." Thanks." I look at our wings and I spread my wings a little farther making our wings touch more." It's fine my wings are sensitive especially my black one but it feels nice." I blush." We should get inside it's getting cold." I stand up spreading my wings and lifting off the ground waiting for Nova

Nova - F - Hybrid - First year - M: Archer - I jump of the roof. Not smart, but fun. I glide up to be level with Archer. I smile at him and turn towards an open window. My tail twitches. Stupid ADHD. Hold still tail. I float in and land gracfully.

Archer/M/Hybrid/First year/M:Nova I follow her lead jumping off the building and soaring through the window landing next to her and brushing my wings against hers." That was fun. My mother says it's to dangerous to do that stuff so I don't but now I regret it." I smile