
Midnight • Female bengal tiger • Dusk pride beta - Midnight looked into Berite's eyes and could see maybe a little fear. " Berite, the hybrids wouldn't dare attack our pride. Everyone will be fine." Midnight reassuringly licked his fur a bit to comfort the leader. Midnight turned her gaze back to the seer and the healer. " What do you think is happening over there though? We can't have any problems within the pride." - Ghost • Male hybrid - After the other hybrid left to her cave, Ghost waited for a second before grabbing the rabbit. He didn't exactly have anywhere to go. He'd just been randomly sleeping places and then moving during the day. He trotted back over to the bushes where he had been before and decided he would just stay here for now. Close enough if the other hybrid wanted to talk but also far enough that he could bolt at any sign of trouble. He lay down with the rabbit between his front paws. He ate the rabbit and chewed on the bones for a bit which kept him occupied for a bit. He realized he let his guard down and looked up to see the other hybrid was at her cave. Everything else was still though, with just birds making any noise that he could hear.
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Carys | Dawn | Seer | Belgian Groenendael Shepherd - The young female's eyes met Jolene's as she ducked her head in thanks, "Thank you, I will be." With that, Carys turned and trotted to the forest's edge- her nose to the air. A scent trail that the female recognized as their new leader trailed deep into the forest, more so to the east. Perfect. She might just be able to get away with seeing her beloved this morning. Turning the westward- and meaningfully the exact opposite of her pack leader- she made her way through the dense foliage of the forest. Birds flew past her and landed on higher branches, nowhere to be seen as they sang their lovely melodies. A skunk had made its way across her path at one point, paying her no mind whatsoever as she watched intently as the interesting creature moved into the bushes, disappearing. Carys strode further into the leafage of the forest, picking up speed only to come to an abrupt halt at the scent of a hare to her right. Her eyes narrowed as she crouched low to the ground, her tail hovering just between her legs and not quite touching the ground as she slowly turned and stalked toward the thankfully unaware animal. She was only a few strides away from the rabbit when its head shot up, frightened eyes meeting hers as it let out a small squeal of terror- turning and darting for cover. But Carys was faster and it took her only a couple strides before her canines were digging into the back of the creature- her head shaking it before coming to a conclusion that it was, in fact, dead. The shepherd had picked up the morsel of prey, letting it hang limply in her jaws as she continued to sniff around. She was coming to the edge of Dawn Pack territory- the stream- and had no luck in seeing her mate. No scent markers, no trail that she could smell. Nothing. Carys could feel her hope dwindling when she came upon the river, pausing to let out a sigh before placing the rabbit down. She was about to settle and start to eat her breakfast when a strange noise, something like a large creature, sounded from the bushes to her right. She stiffened, jumping to her paws- her ruff standing on end as her flews pulled back into a growl. Taking a step forward, she expected to see... well she didn't really know exactly what she had been planning on seeing- but it definitely wasn't... Her eyes softened and her posture relaxed. "Ruslan."

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Jolene/Female dingo/Dawn's beta Tired of standing around and after watching Cary leave but now Jolene was restless. So restless that she left for her own walk and possibly a hunt to hopefully clear her head. She wasn't sure if she would encounter Rudd but she didn't care currently. The death of the former Dawn's leader before Rudd came along made her uneasy. She hadn't been surprised and as she caught a mouse, a thought hit her. Many would want the hybrid's gone but Jolene didn't. The thought of losing her former pack mates and her half sister was not something she wanted. She had to decide. Her eyes rested on the dead mouse. Jolene remembered Alarik and the other hybrids. The hybrids had been friends once and she wouldn't forget that. Leona/female hybrid/seer After she finished eating her rabbit before looking around. She was surprised that the stranger hadn't left with the rabbit and she didn't know why he hadn't left as most would have. It was intersting. Her eyes rested on the other hybrid as Leona walked out from her cave and shook her creamy white fur. She was often by herself which she didn't mind but as she observed the other hybrid and considered there might not be any arm in talking to him. "Few often stay around. What is your name stranger?", asked Leona calmly and not even the slightest concerned. Edited at February 17, 2025 09:10 AM by Feiella
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∆ Ruslan ∆ Hybrid ∆ - He tensed at the sound of his name, fur bristling. He turned towards the source of the sound, ears pricked. For a moment he was at loss for words. "Carys?" He took a cautious step in her direction, careful not to startle her. Ruslan shifted his weight from one foot to the other, visibly confused and surprised. "What are you doing here?" He stepped closer, halting a few paces away. His mind raced with questions. Tilting his head, he watched her, looking for a reaction. Edited at February 17, 2025 10:28 AM by Smilecat
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Ghost • Male hybrid - Ghost muscles were tensed as the other hybrid asked for his name but something made him relax slightly. " I'm Ghost. And... what might your name be?" His voice was a bit better but he was a little hesitant talking. He hadn't actually seen or had to talk to anyone since hybrids were exiled.
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Game Moderator Neutral
Leona/female hybrid/seer Her eyes stayed calmly on the other hybrid. Ghost was his name and at least Leona didn't have to keep refering to him as "stranger". She rarely meets any other hybrids as she had hidden herself away. It worked well until the newcomer came along. "Leona", said the coywolf/dingo mix as she introduced herself. She didn't blame Ghost because he was just hungry though she was curious. She wasn't the best company but if Ghost wanted to talk then she wouldn't mind a bit of a break from travelling by herself for a change.
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Rudd | Dawn | Leader | Pure Wolf Rudd wrapped up his unintentional stroll along the eastern border. A proper patrol would make the rounds later, but for now, he was assured there were no uninvited guests hanging around. He refused to let the exiles rule him through fear, but he was no fool. Maintaining an adequate level of caution, he sniffed around for some prey. Best to return with something, even if he had only gone to clear his head. Quickly catching wind of a squirrel, Rudd followed it to his source. Letting his instincts take over, he ran the creature down and ended its life with a clean bite. Nothing too impressive, but food was food and a hunting party would go after real prey later. The wolf headed back to camp, the squirrel hanging limply in his jaw. As he neared, he picked up another scent trail: Carys. Good. The other must be getting moving for the day then. The unease of the hybrid situation could not be ignored, but they needed to maintain some semblance of routine. He sensed they would need their strength in the coming days.

Ghost • Male hybrid - " Leona. That's a nice name." He smiled slightly and relaxed. Maybe he could trust her. " Thank you for sharing your rabbit with me." He pawed at the ferns a bit thinking of something else to say. " I'm not the best hunter so it really means a lot. Do you think that you could maybe help me learn to hunt?" He looks up to her hopefully.
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Sara|female panther/bird hybrid Sara padded cautiously out of her den. Despite the new airs of freedom, she didn't quite trust things to stay that way. She knew she wanted to hunt, but wished she didn't have to be so wary of the borders of the prides. Part of her yearned to go farther out, but another part couldn't quite bring her to leave those she'd known for so long. Undecided, she decided to search for a juicy rabbit to hunt.

Berite | Dusk | Leader | Sarplaninac Dog - Berite knew the beta's words were meant to soothe him... but something uncomfortable still lingered. However, he didn't want to worry anyone- especially because the male knew that he was prone to worrying about things that ended up going fine, and if he was stressed the pack got a feel for it as well. So Berite simply nodded, the movement small as he let out a small huff- attempting to shake away anything negative he was in the process of thinking about. "Yes, I'm sure you're right. I just..." He trailed off, his eyes looking at nothing in particular before he shook his head- the male's body shifting uncomfortably on his paws. The beta's voice spoke out once again and Berite forced himself to focus in on what she was saying. He followed her gesture to look back upon the two felines down below and his eyes narrowed. If something was happening between these two, Midnight was right- they'd need to resolve it as soon as possible. "I'll go check in on them. It's possible that Wonder experienced one of his prophecies... In the meantime, would you mind either Nikolai on his patrol or starting one of your own? We need to reinforce some of the territory and I'm afraid if we don't do it soon, we may have problems with the hybrids." He nodded to Midnight before turning and making his way down the path that led down from the ledge in which he and Midnight were just standing and headed down to the middle of the camp, the clearing. As he approached Wonder, his throat cleared as to make his presence known. The male stopped a few paces away from the lynx before addressing him, "Wonder, it seems as though I'm not the only one on edge this morning. Is there something you wish to go over with me? Possibly regarding why you're stalking upon one of your pride mates like they're doing something wrong?" His tone was easy and smooth, his voice deep and rumbling as he looked down upon the large feline.