Pack Name and Number: Broken Rivers, 306734 Items you would like to use: Leash and Collar, Rainforest Dew, Flaming Horn, Dragon Call. Total Price: 31 mush Terrain: Forest Favorite Color: (I'll add it to your first dragonling) Navy Blue Questions/Comments? Could you please PM me when you start my interactive? Thank you! Other
Arachne You swim over to check it out. The light is getting darker as you swim deeper. As you reach the rock you notice a giant shape moving behind it. It seems to be nearly the same size as you! It moves so gently through the water but it notices you and freezes. Taking a closer look, it's a Rayling, specifically of the manta ray. These are hard to tame, could your dragon call have summoned these? Olive, your Turtleling, whispers to you. "I don't think I'm able to help you tame it." you can: try to tame it with an item try to tame it without an item try to trap it with your cage and find something else to tame it with leave without trying anything
Send over the mush and we'll get started! Broken Screams said: Pack Name and Number: Broken Screams 220404 Items you would like to use: Leash & Collar, Bait, Falling stones, Dragon Call Total Price: 24 Mush? Terrain: Mountains Favorite Color: Dark reds & black Questions/Comments? Other
Sure! Send over the mush and we'll get started. Broken Rivers said: Pack Name and Number: Broken Rivers, 306734 Items you would like to use: Leash and Collar, Rainforest Dew, Flaming Horn, Dragon Call. Total Price: 31 mush Terrain: Forest Favorite Color: (I'll add it to your first dragonling) Navy Blue Questions/Comments? Could you please PM me when you start my interactive? Thank you! Other
Broken Rivers Xing suddenly stops walking and talking. You turn to take in your surroundings. You are away from the beach and in front of what seems like a huge forest. Bird calls and monkeys can be heard from within. A cracking noise shakes you out of the beauty and you look around Xing has disappeared. you can: enter the forest look for Xing return to the beach Use an item
Broken Rivers instinctively, you look up at the skies. Nothing but the blue sky and the stray cloud here and there. You start to explore the area around you. Your foot suddenly bumps into something and you trip. You get up. you can: see what you tripped on continue searching for Xing return to forest use an item
Broken Rivers You look down and brush sand off whatever you tripped on. Hmm, it seems like nothing, just a shiny piece of metal. Yet, it looks to precious for it to be dropped there purposely. Maybe someone will come back looking for it? you can: pocket the shiny metal leave it on the ground
Take the pretty shiny thingy!