Broken Screams You leave the Goatling alone. It slowly disappears away on the slopes. you can move higher move lower explore the height you are now
Long Wang said: Broken Rivers Za smiles and you and Lyrix and Kyland. "Thanks for coming. I wanted to talk to you about a quest. The Council's Staff has been stolen and rumor is that a Hyenaling stole it. Either way, it was the source of the Council's power and dangerous in the wrong hands. I was wondering if you could get it back for us. It would mean a lot." Za freezes. "I'll help you in any way possible." you can: agree to the quest disagree to the quest say something else
Say something else.
Broken Rivers, could you please specify? Sorry.
Long Wang said: Broken Rivers, could you please specify? Sorry.
Okay, I'll agree to the quest but ask for more information.
Pack Name and Number: Austan Vindar 308556 Items you would like to use: Flaming Horn, Trap, Leash and Collar, Falling stones, Dragon Call Total Price: 38???? Terrain: Mountain Favorite Color: Muted colors/Neutral Colors Questions/Comments: I have no idea if I got that right... Can you stack traps and stuff? Other: Blep :P
Broken Rivers- Za nods, as if understanding. "The Council, when the dragons were still here, was in charge of ruling the dragonlings. Each species had one representative and each representative had equal power. There was one elected dragonling that just presided over the Council and was the tiebreaker. Not many dragonlings know this about, but the dragons were reclutant for the dragonlings to have power first. Some dragonlings, led by a Wolfling, Hyenaling and Lionling, led a peaceful revolution. The dragons agreed and gave the Council the Staff, as a symbol of the dragons recognizing their power. The Council was created, but the Hyenaling quickly abandoned the group.The Staff has been hidden away, seen as a symbol of the entire Council. Recently, I've checked on its hiding place but its gone. Even if one Council member were to borrow it, they had to notify the entire Council and as far as I can tell, no one was notified." You can: reply (specify) say nothing
Traps are unlimited. Yes, you can stack. Once you send the mush we can start. Austan vindar said: Pack Name and Number: Austan Vindar 308556 Items you would like to use: Flaming Horn, Trap, Leash and Collar, Falling stones, Dragon Call Total Price: 38???? Terrain: Mountain Favorite Color: Muted colors/Neutral Colors Questions/Comments: I have no idea if I got that right... Can you stack traps and stuff? Other: Blep :P
Austan vindar, Xing suddenly stops walking. You look around and realize you're in the mountainous region. Hmm, why did Xing stop? You turn to ask him but realizes he's disappeared. You can: look for Xing climb higher explore your current dense woodland mountain region retrace you and Xing's walk
Reply- That's interesting. Can you tell me where I have to go to find this hyenaling?
Broken Rivers "Nobody's quite sure." Za shrugged. "But I have followed his trace to the very depths of the forest. It's a dangerous place but if this Hyenaling is who I think he is, he's not much for a fear of danger." You can: ask who he think the Hyenaling is ask about the specific location ask something else (specify) say nothing