Hello! Sorry for the inconvenience with the last adopts. These ones are new and I put hard work into the coloring! These four were done today and more will come. But my hands are tired. The lines were done by morytha on DA. The lines were free to use. If you wish to see the proof feel free to mail me! The colors were done by me however!^^ PLEASE DO NOT SCREENSHOT (STEAL) THESE! Do NOT customize them unless you're adding a new BACKGROUND or their NAME.
Please note, these are first come first serve. Meaning, who ever claims one keeps it. If you don't answer within 48 hours it will be unclaimed!^^ No refunds! You will receive it in your TH if you have one. I prefer if you do so it's easier to send! If so, drop it in your post!



Adopt #3: 350 mush (Lemon).

I am starting to do customs! If you wish for a custom please fill out a form. I will be doing 3 at a time, first come first serve. Before I give the form, I will explain how it will work. Once you make a custom order, I will draw it and THEN determine your price. Feel free to offer a price in your order!
Order Form:
Pack name:
Pack number:
Inner ear color (includes paws, belly, and part of the tail):
Back markings (back markings and top of the ears, some parts on the tail):
Base color (the main color, on the back of the pup):
Secondary Base (includes legs, chest, part of the belly, and part of the tail):
Background color (optional):
You can add a specific theme in the form. If you do this, you will only need to fill out pack name and pack number.
Pack name:
Pack number: