Ollie and Lucile's post was good!!
So tired TvT My boss has this one rider that helps ride his horses and care for them so I groom for both of them basically but she's getting her truck license and is away this week and the next so I've had to deal with everything myself and like just taking 4 horses to the walker and taking in 3 takes soo long! Even when I bring one horse with me and just switch them out, I swear it takes me like half an hour! And then I have to fix a horse for him too before he's done riding which I barely have time to, I've been running around soo much this week and now I have dienst too on top of that so no free weekend :)) Luckily today was quite chill and my boss is overall very chill, like he does understand that I am trying my best to get everything done so he's not mad if I don't have a horse ready right when he comes out with the other one and such but I feel stressed out about it!
Okay rant over... Sorry heh. How's your week been?
Jesus that sounds difficult. doing that reminds me of my camp councilor days but that's like times fifty to the power of infinity. bleh my week has been stressful with tests work and shit. it's a whole story for another day. either way though, I am going on a trip Thursday and I don't think I will get back until the next next Monday (I'll be gone a little under two weeks) how are you doing Sandy?
@Roaw Shit, that does sound stressful. Hopefully your partner comes back soon! What kind of horses are they? - @Determined Oo, have fun on your trip! - I've been pretty busy with commissions, work, and school, but I was finally able to finish it all in order to pass my classes, so hopefully my week is pretty free. I want to finally try and work on my stories and stuff, so hopefully school won't pile me again
Yeah have fun on the trip!
Yup, I hope so too :/ She's coming back on Friday, maybe later on Thursday depending on when her test is she said but I look forward to it, she's genuinely the best, I need her there TvT
Warmbloods mainly! My boss has like 19 horses between him and Maria that they ride and compete. Then I think the others in the stable have like around 40-50 horses split between them and that's just the jumping stable, I think in all the dressage stables there should be around 80-100 horses and then we have all the young horses who are still in the 24/7 turn outs and I think we have about 100-150 of those, plus there's a few private horses and ponies around the stables here and then at the other stable a few minutes from here are the breeding mares and the young mares and stallions for the tests
I will try but there are some real assholes coming on the trip yayyy glad she's coming back soon! also warmbloods are the best <333 (also how old is the Maria person because I am scared I might know her-)
Aah that sucks... Just ignore them as much as possible!
Mhm! And we got a new one in the jumping stable the other day who is just the cutest! All black, super cute face marking, one brown eye and one half blue, half brown eye, sooo gorgeous! He's stolen my heart from the other blue eyed one we have xD But with him we now have 7 Hickestead Whites TvT (All horse go by their dad x grandpa's name and we already have 3 Hickestead White x Cornet Oblensky... Luckily he's Hickestead White x Graf Grannus and we don't have any other Graf Grannus's)
Wait this is scary... :0 23 I'm pretty sure, blonde and wears glasses.. Edited at March 19, 2023 05:41 PM by Roaw
AWWWW he sounds adorable!! :D Oh thank GOD! Not the same person. mine is an old woman who was batshit insane and sold her barn to someone who is the most manipulative asshole ever. long story- glad its not the same German woman who is with you!
He is TvT Crazy at feeding though... The walls between the stalls are probably like 3 ish meters tall and then it's open all the way to the roof and that crazy horse was getting the horse next to him all riled up until they were both rearing and almost hitting each other over the wall... And like otherwise those two are such sweet geldings but feeding time is different apparently...
Oh shit... She sounds... interesting... But yeah xD Glad it's not the same person then lol
Also guess who finally did some school work! Finished an English assignment and now for next week I should only have the Swedish assignment and then get started on something new for economics once my teachers tells me about it so hopefully I can manage that...
pffft gotta love feeding time yayyy glad you are finished with some tough things! :D also here is the Vera post finally! Not good but it is the best I can do with the time I have left before I leave. I might clean it up a bit later since I am currently doing things but hope you enjoy it?
I accideantaly fell off the face of the planet for a moment but I'm back :') - Good thing to finally get some school work done Roaw XD I've finally got all mine done as well, so I'm hoping for a mostly free last quater of the year - Nice post Determined! And hopefully your trip goes well for you