
Yeahhh, admittedly I'm working on a world for a different RP that would work for this one already, just set a little in the past instead of where the world is at currently. Which won't be too difficult to speed run through once I figure out all the monsters

That's good at least! And let me know if you need anything, I'm happy to help where I can :D

I have to figure out the sentience levels of some monsters if you want to help with that? I also need to figure our who in the pantheon are allies, which ones are enemies, and which ones are on neutral footing- And just pretty much everything else about the deities in the pantheon too, oops- Edited at January 11, 2025 06:33 PM by Overthink101

Yeah, I can help out! Is there something that's based on? Or info in your blog? I didn't get a notification, so I wasn't sure if you'd done anything here yet or not, lmao

Nahhh- Most of it is in TH lmao Let me go ahead and put the WIP stuff here too though-

Alright, everything I have is now in my blogs haha- For the newest one I've told you about, it'd take place before the Bruiton Dynasty was even a thing (which the Bruiton Dynasty had fallen for centuries at the start of BIF, so) Basically the timeline for the Bruiton Dynasty-- Super Corrupt Empire --> Teenager Takes Over And Makes New Empire --> That Empire Falls And In Comes Bruiton Dynasty --> Bruiton Dynasty Falls And In Comes Yaelan Republic.

I'm back! Lmao And, amazing, I'll go catch up on the blog info now :D

Alright, all caught up! It looks very interesting, I'm excited already! :) I do have a few questions though- 1) For the soulful monsters/animals, are they just naturally produced, or is it possible for them to consume a soul to gain their own type of thing? I kinda assumed the first but wanted to double-check, lol 2) For monster research, are you wanting help with just figuring out ranks for the ones you haven't figured out yet, or would you like me to research and help figure out other things and, in that case, what exactly are you looking for (language, strength, features, etc.)?

1) Naturally produced! They just kinda show up sometimes. No one is too sure as to how or why. Actually, it used to be believed that soulful animals/monsters could lose their souls. Of course, this was nothing but propaganda and lies spread by humans looking for a way to gloss over rebellions and riots. 'A group of soulful monsters lost their souls and attacked a village' sort of thing to cover up that those soulful monsters had actually just been rebelling/rioting. 2) I've been doing polls outside of WP to figure out rankings- I've almost got all of them figured out by now. Once I write down the information for one of them, I can figure out how much help I actually need with them though lol

1) Oooo, that's very interesting! I like that idea :) 2) Alright! Just let me know and I'm happy to help out!