
Glad you liked it! Our silly oprhan boy immediately forgot the name Ingall told him. Lucky for him, he still managed to stumble upon one of his (many) nicknames. Glad Ingall was written right! They're all so dumb and adorable.

We have a problem 👀 I've thought of another RP idea

Poor silly orphan boy, lmao I love them so mcuh - Oooo, a new RP idea you say? I'm listening :D

They're greatness, yes - Fantasy world, lots of monsters and races and a pantheon and the whatnots. Medieval-esque setting. Basically though- A very corrupt empire gets its emperor killed by a random ass teenager. Now, the teenager is the emperor and is basically completely rebranding the empire. Nobles are being killed and replaced, laws are in question and changing, and there's just a ton going on. Of course, the characters would be the new emperor, new advisors/guards/nobles, and ambassadors from other nations. This is a very, uh, quick summarization of it but yeah.

Oooo, very interesting! Sounds fun!

Literally my whole idea of this boils down to 'What if a very corrupt empire got a new child emperor that hates corruption?' And then this was born. We also got some cult stuff going on in the background but shhhh, ignore that lmao

And honestly, I love that, lmao And yay, cult stuff! XD

Edited at January 11, 2025 05:54 PM by Lost Memories

Haha, yep- Cult stuff for the win! There'd be so much world building to do for it ;-;

Yeah, that's the downside of starting a new RP '^^ I wish you luck, lmao