
Ah, that makes sense, hmm- Honestly, probably still Akira for kinda the same reason. Though with Ingall being as healthy as he should be/is at that point, he also would make sense, especially if it's anything similar to July. It really depends more on what tactic you think would work best with Garvin Akira would likely still kinda ignore everything unless it was brought up by Garvin and fall back into a slightly overprotective role, both of Garvin and of the kiddos to minimize further damage. There would probably be suggestions of sharing a drink alone on the porch or something if Garvin wanted in hopes that silent bonding would work well enough to build that trust back up. Ingall would take a somewhat more caretaker approach, but to a much lesser extent than Nico would, so I guess kinda a mix of Akira and Nico's styles of rebuilding trust. Making sure basic needs are met and offering gentle questions to try prompting some communication and processing without pushing too much. It'd start off smaller then grow with Garvin's healing. Plenty of space but making sure to stick in a close area in case Garvin needed anything/something changed. Plus, he'd have the tactics he learned worked best in July to fall back on, so- And, I mean, Nico is still an option, I just kinda doubt he'd work his way back first. This is mainly because of the fact that, while certainly better at this time, she still struggles with monitoring how much energy is too much when trying to help. They wouldn't be nearly as pushy as they are in the current AFCS timeline, but he'd still probably be bouncing around trying to make sure every need is met and constantly checking in verbally to make sure Garvin is doing alright. Honestly, I feel like she may be tasked with taking the kids somewhere, maybe to Aries and Briar's place, to help both calm his own nerves and give some breathing room :') Sooo, probably between Ingall and Akira of my three, not sure which you think would work best though - Yeah, angsty ones are much harder to hunt down than funny/wholesome ones, lol - That's fair, lmao I just thought the general vide might match, haha

Yeahhh, that all makes sense. I feel like this would be easier to figure out if I had finished writing all of it and/or you had more information about how it all goes lmao As it stands- I'd honestly say either Ingall or Nico based off of their styles of getting back to that point. The silent bonding and suggestions of drinking would be... In a weird spot, for a little bit. Really, the biggest reason why he ends up in such a bad place is because of the argument that's going to end up happening in River Pactolus. What causes the argument specifically, honestly. It's why Revan is going to be the last one to get back to that level and all. Anyways, more obvious gestures of the others caring about him are going to be what works best. I'd honestly say the first one would probably be Ingall, just based off what you said and all. Garvin's going from a really healthy point before River Pactolus to, well, the state he's in in River Pactolus, all the way back to being very confused by people caring about him after River Pactolus. Plus some other stuff, but yeah. - Funny ones are so easy to find compared to angsty ones haha - The general vibe definitely does match, to be fair

Ahh, yeah, that makes a lot of sense Yeah, in that case, probably not Akira, mostly because of their maintained habit of just kinda ignoring a problem unless it's either brought up/hinted at by the other person that they want to talk or it can be solved with violence. Which, is fine I guess, except the complete avoidance of the problem subject often results in a much quieter and indirect approach, lol Nico's very direct, just also very anxious to fix everything possible as quickly as possible, which can come across as overbearing or insensitive at times (yippee for conflict trauma!) Ingall's a good middle ground (when he's healthy, at least) where he'll be forward but is also good at backing off and figuring out what approach would work best in the moment, he's very calm (again, when healthy) and calculated about it, which you might expect to be great when dealing with emotions, especially since he's not always too good at figuring out his own, but it can actually be very helpful when he's able to switch up styles so quickly. That combined with a clearer understanding of people he's close to and some inner reflection and work due to how late in the timeline all this is creates a pretty fucking great balance overall, lmao It's also what makes him a great teacher and parent since he can apply this same sort of logic to learning styles and behavioral patterns :) - They really are, lol

Yeahhh- So Ingall's probably the first one to actually work his way back up. Not sure if Nico or Akira would be second though. Mostly because Garvin really wouldn't be accepting the idea of drinking at the time. Way too much is going on. But also, as you mentioned, Nico could be overbearing or come across as insensitive. And with everything going on, that definitely wouldn't be good either. No doubt by the time Ingall manages to get up to, say, kissing though- Everyone else, besides Revan for reasons, would probably have managed to get up to hugs and/or cuddles again. So... Akira and Nico are more of a coin toss on who gets there second.

Fair, that makes sense, lmao And, yeah, it's probably a coin toss, though I will say if Akira noticed drinking or anything making Garvin uncomfortable, they'd back off a little, still pretty indirect with everything though Like, the clearest you'd probably get from them is suggestion to watch Star Trek/Star Wars together again, plus an 'I love you' if they didn't think that'd push too far, haha

Yeahh I'm honestly leaning towards Nico being second solely because of the idea that Garvin wants to get past all of it way quicker than he should. He's really only just starting to be able to process stuff after River Pactolus and as per usual, he wants to move past it quickly. So once he manages it with Ingall, he's going to be pushing himself to manage with the others too. Nico could be second because they're also trying to fix everything quick, albeit in a different way than Garvin probably but still. But honestly, those two are a coin toss

That makes a lot of sense, yeah It'd probably help Nico from spiralling as much too, lmao Akira, of course, would also be panicking, but it'd be much harder to tell with them, as per usual- Whichever one you think makes more sense works for me! :D

Yeahhh The order being Ingall, Nico, Akira, and then Revan makes the most sense to me, I think. Admittedly, Garvin pushing himself to get back to where he was with each of them before River Pactolus before he's completely ready does probably mean that the kiss between him and Nico is... Cut short a little.

Oh boy, sounds fun! Certainly not angsty at all, lmaooo

Oh certainly not, haha Angst? As if I never do angst - On a totally different note, I'm hoping that the short story I'm doing where Garvin's sick will be done by tomorrow night at the latest