Aww, he sounds like a really cute horse <3 And his name is so pretty!
Yeah, I got an A on the last thing we did before the speech so my overall grade should be fine! It was so hard tho TvT It was connected to that book I've told you about, the historical one. We now had to do a speech as the author of that book, defending it which was not easy
He is the cutest and sweetest, I hadn't ridden him for almost a year up until yesterday, been pestering my teachers about it so I finally got him now xD
Oh yeah, I remember when you said about the book! That sounds intresting :o - Dang, a years a really long time! But at least you finally got to ride him again! - I commissioned this piece of Ollie's dog Gwynn off an artist on this site named Krampus: I'm really happy with how it turned out and they're also doing a piece of Lucile so I'm really excited for that <3 Edited at February 1, 2023 02:45 PM by Black_Sand
It was interesting but also really hard since you couldn't really find all that much about the author. Had like two books with brief info about him to help me figure out what he was like and his values and such.
That looks so good :0 You have to show us when they finish the drawing of Lucile too!
I'm finally in Germany!! I've unpacked most of my stuff now I think and tomorrow I start working! Plus I share the house with really nice people ^^ One Swede, one Norwegian and two Germans, one of which is so nice and cool, I really like her so I was happy when I found out she's in the house too!
the doggie picture <3333 oh that's awesome Roaw!! Glad you made it there safely and everyone there seems nice!!
I will! - Thats great Roaw! I hope you have a good time unpacking and settling down their ^^ - and I've finished a post for Ollie! Should I post it now or wait a bit?
Thank you guys ^^ I did pass out at like 7 last night so it will definitely take some time getting used to, I was just sooo tired but I love it here!
I think you can post it now? Since what Ollie and Roxie are doing with William and Slicker doesn't really affect the rest of the characters Edited at February 3, 2023 01:10 PM by Roaw
Sooo any updates on Germany?? How's it going and how are you??? I am sure you can post. Sorry Im being an idiot and not posting or doing anything. I really want to be more active but there is just so much going on at the moment. I should be more free later this week though?
It's going well! I'm still super tired after every day xD The mornings are the worst though, having to get up at 6 is no fun heh. And sharing a house with four other people and just one bathroom is quite annoying... But otherwise it's good! I'm riding one of my favorite horses after lunch too so I'm really excited about that right now! It's so damn cold still though... Spent the whole morning holding horses for the blacksmith and out in that area it's probably the coldest so I'm freezing now xD Love how my closets colleague got so protective of me after that though, asking me tons of questions to make sure the blacksmiths had been nice because they are apparently her enemies she said
No need to apologize, take your time ^^
Ah man the one bathroom thing sounds so annoying but I hate how I know exactly the kind of pain you are feeling from having to hold horses in the cold for a blacksmith- glad everyone made sure you're alright afterwards though! XD