That's me all the time, lmao. That sounds cool, though! - Also, happy birthday! (If it's really your birthday, or happy early/late birthday if you're like me and lied about the day when you signed up, lol)
Also, thoughts on me bringing in my character Ash in (also known as angst central)?
Ashhh! Yessss! Ashhh! Lost Memories said: Also, thoughts on me bringing in my character Ash in (also known as angst central)?
Thank you <3 is indeed my birthday - Angst characters are always a yes >:D
A new character will be arriving? 👀
Yeah... enjoy the angsty child... They only have one quote, it's really the only one they need, so- Lmao
Hi guys, some unfortunate news, I've pulled Fusty-Dusty and Sentienceprone out of the RP because they haven't been active for quite a while (I PMed them, of course). They'll obviously be able to rejoin if/when they return if they'd like, but for now, the princess role is open.
On a brighter note, thoughts on the slightly schizophrenic Ambrose?
man I love Ambrose Lost Memories said: On a brighter note, thoughts on the slightly schizophrenic Ambrose?
Same. And I've met him before >:3 Determined_Wolf said: man I love Ambrose Lost Memories said: On a brighter note, thoughts on the slightly schizophrenic Ambrose?