Honey said: just realized this is at least my second scurvy related post
your character should be obsessed with scurvy to a paranoid extent
Guys I literally left for about 6 hours and there's already four more pages. *^*
May or may not be working on a little pixel art reference of my boy Celes :)
Honey said: he has scurvy... 💔 Frutiger Aero said: OK NEW PLAN ok I think I want an anglerfish/siren human hybrid. half of his face is rlly fucked up and fishy lookin. his hands have webbing between them. one hand is more functional than the other (he struggles with using them sometimes). Bad lungs (they're malformed). no gills actually just some markings of a functioning gill system internally but they're like the appendix in humans. useless. that's why his lungs are fucked up. dries out faster than normal human skin, has to wear outfits with near full/full skin coverage bc he will burn abnormally fast. Limp brownish hair. Really really fucked up teeth. I think he's got a mix of human teeth and teeth with a more,, angler fish like vibe. Every part of his skin is pocketed with healed holes or marks or scars. he gets rashes frequently and will itch them until they bleed and then heal up leaving behind more scars. he looks like a pox victim. probably was given the time period.
no he eats his seaweed like a good boy. no survey for this man
Salt Shaker said: Frutiger Aero said: OK NEW PLAN ok I think I want an anglerfish/siren human hybrid. half of his face is rlly fucked up and fishy lookin. his hands have webbing between them. one hand is more functional than the other (he struggles with using them sometimes). Bad lungs (they're malformed). no gills actually just some markings of a functioning gill system internally but they're like the appendix in humans. useless. that's why his lungs are fucked up. dries out faster than normal human skin, has to wear outfits with near full/full skin coverage bc he will burn abnormally fast. Limp brownish hair. Really really fucked up teeth. I think he's got a mix of human teeth and teeth with a more,, angler fish like vibe. Every part of his skin is pocketed with healed holes or marks or scars. he gets rashes frequently and will itch them until they bleed and then heal up leaving behind more scars. he looks like a pox victim. probably was given the time period.
he has Every Disease on the Ship
Actually I like this better
Yall im struggling with his personality im at the point where im about to just hit the tv tropes page and click the random trope button until i get something good
Frutiger Aero said: Yall im struggling with his personality im at the point where im about to just hit the tv tropes page and click the random trope button until i get something good
oh god I'm a chronic tv tropes scroller I get that
i have never considered doing that before why did nobody tell me i could do that
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Alright a bit more on my character: Their name is Cynric, last name unknown for right now. I wanted them to have slight traces of non-human in their ancestry, but I'm not really sure yet or what. I was thinking siren, but I wanna lay off that idea because we already have multiple sirens (I think? I've been reading over everything pretty fast). They're average at navigating (they can do it on their own, but having a dedicated navigator on board means better advice than what they can give). They excel in leadership, though, and always give everyone their own individual attention and responsibilities that keep the ship running swell. They can definitely be silly, but are usually quite solemn and serious. They seem to be more upset by small problems than their shipmates', saying something along the lines of, "If this doesn't get done… then this will happen. And if that happens, who knows what wrong will happen next!" Their shipmates will have to snap them out of this hyperfixations. They try to be friends with everyone on the ship, and do their best to bond, but their awkwardness and innate quietness takes a toll on that. Despite their personality, they feel pretty close with everyone, and care for everyone deeply. They tend to have widely differing opinions about the world and how things should be done compared to other people, but that doesn't stop them from caring deeply about others' opinions.
We can do that... Someone drop the link cause I need to see what this is about. Or telll me where to look I'm also guilty using myAI on something for roleplay characters for fun personality traits when my brain is empty.