Main Plot Orderly Fashion so far:
Ceremony of the Alpha and Beta (wooho)
Loni seeing glimpse of the incoming events (Red-death)
Eudora and Alari Showdown
During the showdown Eudora tells Alari that her father was murdered not from age.
After the showdown Eudora gets banished.
Eudora's last words reveal Alari has half-blood siblings.
The Red death is introduced (Alari displaying the symptoms after the showdown)
Red death infecting some, some are immune (Prophecy beginning)
Rune begins to tell trusted others about his heritage
Malakai, Xiomar, Alvi’da, Rune, or any others plotting a takeover
Though having troubles for who would be on top
Rune and Alari being introduced to the prophecy
Loni having visions for the future of the pack of what happens if the prophecy is not fulfilled
Alari and Sik start being pressured to find love/ courtship
Big bad Hurricane comes.. Wrecking the territory (prophecy)
Alari slowly finds out about her siblings.. (Oblivious girly)
Malakai challenges Alari. (Malakai loses, but Alari gets seriously injured)
Eudora returns back quietly to speak to Rune
Malakai plans to kill Rune to be on top.
Shark attacks (Yeo and Reg)
Earthquake followed by the Greatwaves (prophecy)
Alari becomes more venomous and cold. Rune becomes hotheaded.. Loni has multiple visions causing her to have seizures.
That's what I have so far. The prophecy needs to be drawn out. Any more ideas and suggestions let me know.
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