nah they run from chance when she barks one honked back at her and she was very caught off-guard
currently regretting my choice of breed uh - we brush her daily, because shedding season fun, and handfuls of fur come off her. Handfuls I - and the only way she sits still for a brushing is if we bribe her for a treat every thirty seconds or so, and considering we have to brush her for a while, is that healthy? n o (if a constant flow of treats is not involved, she attacks the brushes, and then runs away with it)
coco loves being brushed aha he has his own pink brush that used to be mine, but we made it his cause everytime I did my hair he wanted me to brush him instead xD
:0 most dogs I've met do like being brushed! miss chance is just a little too hyperactive to enjoy it aha, and a similar thing happens whenever I'm brushing my hair, except she tries to snatch it instead of wanting me to brush her lol
Ok ok hear me out: personalized voices at the self-bagging stations in the market with names
hm like at the grocery, there's places were you check yourself out, and each little machine has a siri voice but no one should have a really stuffy nose voice, one should have a really low pitched voice, one high pitched, just different people s m o r t