probably not I'm very tired I should do some work maybe perhaps I've never had strawberry rhubarb jam :0 or rhubarb in general maybe I dunno
wilou does not die only sleeps it will no longer be sleeping in an hour or so >:)
tadpole I've never had rhubarb straight before, I think it's a red stick? root? but with strawberries it's just immaculate hehe . grimm it's just ✨hibernation✨
Starro Hm, I might have to try and find some to try :0 The edible rhubarb is the red stems, the leaves are kinda toxic or something. I think mum used to grow it
uhufhuhafuihurhruefha Wassup guys! I totally haven't gone more insane, and I have totally gotten sleep since the last time we talked ahaha I'm not okay XD
sleep child >.> I saw a game mail notification and it said B R E A D in it and then I got disappointed that I didn't have any actual bread :'D
silver uh sleep sleep sleep p l e a se
bread sounds so wonderful right now especially with warm butter and cinnamon sugar Edited at March 1, 2021 12:01 PM by Boundless
mm :0 I could eat that right now