Thank you, this was EXACTLY the type of crit i was looking for! No need to worry! ^^
I do tend to overfluff the bodies. Thats something I really need to cut down on, thank you for pointing it out!
My main problems for the face and such are the muzzles and ears. Scorpius is a fennec fox, so I think I overexagerated the ears way too much, and the muzzle simply looks wonky when I try to draw it face on and long, so I tend to do them facing the side or 3/4s.
Do you mind having a tutorial of how to do the muzzle facing forward? Its something I do really struggle with ^^
The legs are also something I need to start doing better on. I often only use guidelines for the face/neck, and just sketch out the legs/tail/body on its own, except for a few seperate times. I do need to also look at a few references, like the one you posted above, and such ^^
thanks, inter! Means alot! I'll post some more art in my gallery with my progress soon! ^^