~ Aoife O' Cuirc~

(image credit belongs to @Ramah Palmer on DA)
'The Valorus Dawn'- by other warriors(in & outside the pack)
Age: 24 years
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Staight (heterosexual)
Teaches self-defense classes at a martial arts studio
Role in Pack:
Head Warrior
|| Loyal || Head-Strong || Driven || Fierce || Skilled || Protective || Respectful || Trustworthy || Soft-Spot for kids || Fearless || Tempered ||
A kind heart and a sense of justice make Aoife a much respected member. Her fierce words only matched by her physical prowess, being quick to respond in crisis. Yet she has a tendency to be head-strong, refusing to budge once she's made a desicion. Aoife is unrelenting in her pursuit of her goals, but comitted to doing the right thing. Often using her skill to teach others how to defend themselves. Kida are her one soft spot, being far gentler with them than others. But can remain indifferent during times of chaos or crisis, being able to stay calm under the pressure. Her calm and comforting nature able to sooth anyone in a panic.

(image credits belong to @Venlian on DA)
Human; beautiful amber locks with copper highlights that light up like fire in the sun, and emerald green eyes that shine with a fire within. Creamy light-toned skin, marred only by the dusting of freakles over her nose and cheeks. Fine formed features make her truly something to behold, being curvy and well figured without being bulky. Her strength easy to see, yet the grace she carries herself with in undeniable. She stands roughly average height, about 5 foot 2 and a half feet.

(image credits belong to @WildBerryPassion on DA))
Wolf; A creauture of both elegance and strength. A coat the color of autumn leaves and an amber sheen, with black markings over her back and shoulders. A steak running down to her tail tip, and a sparce grey over her brow. A creamy white underbelly that stretches up to her cheeks and lower jaw. Broad shoulders and think built body, is carried over the ground by deadly silent large paws. Thick dense fur is surprisingly soft to the touch. Brilliant yellow eyes, their shine rivaling the sun. Standing roughly 3 and a half feet at the shoulders and about 140 pounds.
Hidden talents:
~Singing; she is a naturally talented singer
~Instruments; she can play a small list of instruments(guitar, piano and flute)
-She has an unrathional fear of spiders
-She can't save everyone
Anything else you want to share: Aoife can trace her heritage to the leaders of Galaway Pack in ireland. Has always looked up to and respected Kane, and sees him as a role model. Has her own cabin on pack territory, close to the pack house.
Relationship Status: Single
Open for a few close friends and a sibling
Crush: Open
Mate: None currently, PM me!
RP Example*: (Will do soon! Should be in your mail by tomorrow night ^^)
"Fate whispers to the warrior, 'you can non withstand the storm'. The warrior whispers back, 'I am the storm'". -Jake Remington
~ Maeve O' Cleirigh ~
'MaeMae' -by children/ 'Maevy' - close friends
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Striaght (heterosexual)
Runs an Apothecary and Herbalist shop in town
Role in Pack:
Head Healer
|| Compassionate || Wise Beyond Years || Patient || Kind || Merciful || Respectful || Motherly || Dependable || Loyal ||
A gentle mannered and soft hearted nature make Maeve keenly skilled to care for children and injured people. Her calm aura and honey coated voice make her a comforting presence for anyone. She likes to be a person's safe space and prides herself on being able to help, to be that person she didn't have when she felt alone and in pain. Being dependable and loyal enough for people to trust her with secrets, feeling comfortable enough to open up to her. She is the type of person who can empathize really well, yet also has moments where she gets over emotional.
Maeve is a person who takes alot of pressure to make her temper flare, and at times her patience seems to know no-bounds. Yet when she does snap, it tends to be a quick and rather violent outburst. Of which she later apologises for, feeling bad that she lost her temper. However she does not handle fights well, despite being able to defend herself she is afraid to hurt others. She won't wise the worst even on her worst enemy, she is too kind for her own good sometimes. Yet also knows when to without such help to others, being observant to tell when something isn't right. Above all she trusts her insticts and follows her heart.
Human; dark brown brunette with creamy chocolate undertones, usually held up in various braids and beads. Average height with a moderate yet full figured build, usually dressed in lose flowing fabrics and straped shoes. Her features gentle and elegant, beautiful voilet eyes sparkle like stars resembling a nebula. When angered a fire seems to glow from within. Despite her smaller stature Maeve is capable to handle sheself in a fight fairly well. Her muscles well honed and trained. Well honed muscles hidden well on her form. Her tan olive skin marred only by the occsional bruise here and there.

(image credits belong to @HotnStock on DA)
Wolf; A ritch coat of creamy white gives way to dark greys and blacks on her back, running down her tail and over the top of her head. Where it meets a soft tan from her ears and runs over her nose, also appearing over her shoulders and hidequarters. Finished off by her black tip tail and deep honey brown eyes. A sturdy lean built form with muscles rippling faintly below her dense but soft pelt, large padded paws thump softly as she trots across the forest floor. Standing roughly 3 feet at the shoulder, and weighing around 135 pounds.
Hidden talents:
~Stealth: Maeve is surprisingly good at sneaking up behind people when they least expect it, it's almost scary.
~Drawing: she has an incredible attention to detail, and frankly is extreamly talented.
~Being able to quiet a screaming child: Maeve has the uncanny ability to calm a child in full panic, being able to bring them back down enough to converse.
-Not being able to save someone
+Calm Aura
+Wise beyong her years
-Thalasphobia; fear of deep water
Anything else you want to share: Maeve watched her parents die in a fire that took her home, and almost drowned when she was 3 years old. Lives within the pack house.
Relationship Status: Single
Relations: Close friends with Aoife
Crush: Kane
Mate: Open
RP Example*: (in progress and should arrive with Aoife's example)
"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it" - Confucius