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“The Gudbrand”
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“I will follow my friend to the end, there is nothing one could say to me to change my mind. With or without a name, he is still himself. He is still the one I have sworn to protect above all else.”
Full Name: Cath-Oswic Amund.
Each name was chosen either by himself or those he knows.
Names Meaning + Origin:
Cath; “Battle.” Irish/Scottish.
Oswic; “God, War, Battle.” Germanic.
Amund; “Edge of a Sword, Awe, Fear, Protection.” Norwegian.
Shortened Name: Cath-Oswic.
Nicknames/Aliases: Oswic, Gudbrand, Cath, The Harbinger, Ozzy/Ossy.
Gudbrand; “God’s Sword, Fire, Torch.” Norwegian.
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Age: 23.
Gender: Male.
Pronouns: He/Him.
Sexuality: Apres-Bisexual, Male Lean. Ambiamorous.
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Clansmen or Kingdomfolk?: Clansmen.
Thoughts On The Other Kingdom?: He isn’t sure how to feel about them yet, but views them with a perceptive and scrutinizing eye. He can’t risk letting his guard down if they do turn out to be hostile. Which seems likely, with what he’s heard about their leader so far. Cath-Oswic has no plans to allow them close enough to injure or, worse, kill, any of the clan members. Put simply, he doesn’t trust them whatsoever but otherwise has refrained from gaining any actual opinions on them. Of course, he is curious about him, but he uses this curiosity to look at them objectively and coldly instead of using it as a blind reason to try and meet them.
Rank: Marskal.
Desired Rank: Content.
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(Credit to [email protected])
Cath-Oswic stands rather tall at 6’ 0”, a rather intimidating height to most, he doesn’t normally slouch but he also doesn’t try to make himself seem taller either. His skin tone is rather pale, like a fair ivory. Apparently, this is it with a steadily growing tan and it used to be even more pale. When it comes down to freckles, he has some scattered at his shoulders but otherwise doesn’t have any.
Cath-Oswic has a rather rectangular shaped face, meaning it’s similar to a square face with a strong jawline and without a pointed chin, but is overall longer and not as wide as a square one. As for his nose, he has a straight nose with a slight point to the end, a rather stereotypical nose, quite frankly. His lips, however, are downturned and thin. His resting expressions all easily fall into the ‘RBF’ category.
Despite his eyebrows being on the thinner end, they’re far darker than his hair and seem to have a more pronounced brow bone. When it comes to his eyes, they’re a deep ocean blue color. Even more, they tend to get darker whenever he’s upset and lighter when he isn’t. Along with lighting playing a part. The eyes are a deepset, downturned almond shape with heavy eyebags underneath them hinting at how little sleep he actually gets in the day to day. His face is framed by brown hair that had at one point seemed dark and ashy but has since gotten lighter, thicker, and more saturated. It goes down to the middle of his shoulder blades when he has some of the back pulled up into a half ponytail. When fully down, it reaches the bottom of his shoulder blades. While he does have bangs, they’re mostly short. They’re styled to the left and that side has longer side bangs as well. The left side bangs are most often braided, though he also usually uses braids to lead into his half ponytail as well. He also prefers to have a small side braid at his right as well, though it’s a less common occurrence that he really only does whenever he believes he has time.
His body structure could easily be seen as one that is built for a good mixture of brawn and agility. He has plenty of toned muscles along with more solid, bulky muscle here and there that simply helps to accentuate the fact that he can easily defeat most opponents in a physical, up close fight. Other than the obvious amounts of muscle however, he’s a somewhat lanky guy. What he has in weight is practically pure muscle with almost no fat, good or bad, added onto it. He weighs in at 155 lbs of pure muscle, with a healthy BMI of 21.02. Again, of pure muscle. Really, his body fat percentage is probably less than 12%, that’s how little fat he has on him.
As for scars… The amount he possesses is perhaps more than what anyone would think safe for the psyche. The visible ones, at least, are a bit less. He has one that goes down from his forehead to his chin, seeming as if it’s actually two scars where one goes from the forehead to just above his right eye and another that starts right under it and goes down to his chin. The reason why it seems like two instead of one? It doesn’t seem to affect his eyesight whatsoever. He has another that starts at his right jawline and cuts across his nose going up and ending at his hairline. This one too, seems to be two scars that stop right before the eye they’d otherwise cut across in order to keep his vision unchanged. Along with those two(or four depending on how you look at it), he also has three smaller scars at his left cheek, one that cuts halfway across his forehead above his eyebrows from the left side, and a scar that goes across his neck. Those are the visible scars close to his face. He also has many visible scars on his hands though. Practically every finger and thumb has a scar that goes along it, either vertical, horizontal, or diagonal. His palms also are littered with scars, some small and some large enough to seem like his entire hand had been cut open to cause it.
While that’s it for visible scars, he certainly has many more that are normally not visible. He has many along his arms, some large and covering the length of his entire upper arms. Others are smaller and simply lay within his inner wrists. He has some on the sides of his forearms that look like he had blocked a sort of slashing sword with nothing but bare arms. He has burn scars like he had put out fires with solely his shoulders or forearm. He has thin lengthy scars along his forearms, and scars along his back, elbows, upper arms, and shoulders. He has scars following his spine, scars following his ribcage and sternum. He has scars that cut across his collarbones, and scars that cut across his chest in every which way without pattern. Some smaller, some larger. Some seeming like stabs, some seeming like slashes, and some seeming like an odd inbetween. He has scars at his legs and ankles that show a similar story, with scars that go all along his achilles’ tendons and scars that cut at every angle of his thighs and calves. He even has a few small scars littering his kneecaps and popliteals. And one that would be visible, should he ever cut his hair or style it in a way that it would show, is a branding scar. The exact placement has the middle of it placed right at the C3 of the spine, though the top of it reaches the top of C2 and the bottom reaches the bottom of the C4 bone. His back, shoulders, and upper arms, along with scars that seem like slashes, whips, cuts, or stabs- Also has a few burn scars. He has an X shaped scar right above his heart, a thin scar right above where his vocal cords are, and a few that follow his side. Whether that be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.
When it comes to clothing, his style has certainly changed since he met Eksil. What was once a torn up, stained, ill-fitting ‘shirt’ is now a black, long sleeved tunic with white linings that seem like marble to him despite still being wool. The pants that had once been worn, torn, far too small, and stained with dirt and who knows what else are now wool black Skjoldehamm trousers. The shoes that used to be worn down, torn up, stained, and crushingly small to wear are now black, slip resistant, leather, handmade boots with toggles kept unbroken and pristine. Along with these things, he also now wears a mahogany red cloak made of wool, the hood being lined with fur and the inside being made out of an animal’s hide.
As for accessories and piercings? Well, other than whatever jewelry he’s been given since meeting Eksil and other people- He really only has his arm rings/bracelets. Silver and bronze mostly, and they’re all different in appearance. The most obvious is the somewhat large, black one he has at his right wrist; it's also the most simple of them, the rest all being more intricate or detailed. This simple black oath ring is also his most important though, signifying his oath to Eksil to never leave him behind or betray him. The second most important one is a silver one, the design of a twisting rope, to signify the oath he gave to his friend’s mother to protect him with his life. Other than his arm rings though, he loves to wear necklaces and whatever other jewelry he gets from people or finds himself. Frankly, he basically just likes everything shiny.
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(Credit to [email protected])
Awkward | Reserved | Stoic | Sarcastic | Quiet | Bloodthirsty | Determined | Hard-Worker | Loyal | Cautious | Polite | Modest | Workaholic | Just | Hyperfocus | Reliable | Observant | Collected | Introvert | Analytical | Courageous | Cold | Vengeful | Self-Sacrificial | Highly Disciplined | Calculating | Efficient | So Much Trauma | Dry Humor | Hospitable | Intimidation | Humble | Insecure | Trustworthy | Refined | Insomnia | Perceptive | Tense | Academic | Serious | Generous | Dutiful | No Self-Confidence Except While Fighting | Bookworm | Hypervigilence | Restless | Helpful | Chaste | Self-Destructive | Graceful | Protective | Rigid | Fastidious | Steadfast | Easily Flustered | Confident Facade | Responsible | Paranoid | Adaptable | Selfless | Critical | Trust Issues | Callous | Patient | Quick-Learner | Obsessive | Dependable | Vindictive | Teasing | Lenient With Others | Keen | Intelligent | Violent | Oddly Friendly | Non-Judgmental | Nervous | Stressed | Strategic | Near Hero Worship Syndrome | Dark Humor | Skilled | Abandonment Issues | Claustrophobic | Sharp | Liberosis | Murderous | Emotionally Blunting | Dependent | Supportive | Uptight | Accountable | Resourceful | Curious | Anti-Social | Mauerbauertraurigkeit | Empathetic | Essily Co-Dependent | Open-Minded | Trust Issues | Distrubing | Secretive | Anxious | Outwardly Apathetic | Praise/Approval Seeking | Perfectionist | Worry Wart | Clingy
Likes: Learning, Reading, Training, Weapons, Winning, Challenges, Sparring/Fighting, Stars, Praise, Violence, Shiny Things, Hunting, Light Teasing/Jokes, and Planning/Control.
Dislikes: Crowds, Most Loud Noises, Small Spaces, Lying, Captivity, Cowards, Losing/Failure, Violence, Being Alone, Betrayal, Headaches/Migraines, Expectations, Hunger, and Ignorance.
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Strengths: Resourceful, Disciplined, Strategic, Observant, Trustworthy, Courageous, Quick Learner, Loyal, Determined/Perseverance, Honest, Intimidation, and Generous/Hospitable.
Weaknesses: Awkward/Social Interactions, Workaholic, Paranoid, Attachment Issues, Vengeful/Vindictive, Outwardly Apathetic, Somewhat Prone to Hero Worship, PTSD/Trauma, Insomnia, Trust Issues, Claustrophobic, and Reckless/Self-Sacrificing.
Weapon Of Choice: He’s proficient with Carolingian Swords, Seaxes, Skeggøxs, and Atgeirs. However, he most prefers Carolingian Swords, whether it be one or two of them.
Personal Skills: Endurance/Durability, Weaponmaster, Reflexes/Agility, Physically Strong, Graceful/Balance, Acrobatics, Horseback/Bareback Riding, Tracking/Hunting, Academics(Such as learning languages and translating books through trial/error), and Forging.
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Horse: Ovasis. (Grade Horse. Mostly made up of Senner and Icelandic percentages.)
Pet(s): As of now, Cath-Oswic doesn’t have any pets. Most all animals that don’t try to kill him, run away from him or growl/hiss at him.
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Relationship Status?: Single.
Significant Other(s): Open.
Offspring: None.
Crush(es): Open.
Ex(es): Open.
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Affiliations: Open/TBD.
Gladiator by Zayde Wolf.
Stronger by The Score.
Never Going Back by The Scor.
Born Without a Heart by Faouzia.
Bury Me Low by 8 Graves.
Monster by Fight The Fade.
Natural by Imagine Dragons.
Bones by Imagine Dragons.
Redemption by Besomorph, Coopex, & RIELL.
I’m Dangerous by The Everlove.
Scars by No name faces.
Destiny by NEFFEX.
Super Villain by Stileto, Silent Child, & Kendyle Paige.
Monster by Willyecho.
You’ve Created a Monster by Bohnes.
Weight of the World by Citizen Soldier.
Hard To Kill by Beth Crowley.
A New Hope by Broken Iris.
I Am the Fire by Halestorm.
Vendetta by UNSECRET & Krigarè.
Street Fight by Adam Jensen.
I’m Gonna Win by Rob Cantor.
Freaks Like Us by Sleeping Wolf.
Legends Are Made by Sam Tinnesz.
Warpath by Tim Halperin & Hidden Citizens.
State of My Head by Shinedown.
Dangerous by Shinedown.
Oblivion by Shinedown.
It All Adds Up by Shinedown.
Thick As Thieves by Shinedown.
I’ll Follow You by Shinedown.
Hourglass by Set It Off.
Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes.
Other: tomato. Having been brought into the clan five years ago, after meeting Eksil and having their previous ‘clan’ raided, his first language is actually (at least something similar to) Germanic but has since learned (again, something similar to) Danish. He’s also been able to learn languages of other clans since then, none quite like the one the Kingdomfolk have.