Guilty. A lot of people suck- You ever just say 'fuck it' and do something stupid?
I'm sure every mother fucking person has done this at least fourty two times in their life. At least once a year til they reach middle aged, then they are Fuckin' Wizards and can't do nothing wrong but be wise. MEGA GUILTY. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ever tried to act differently to impress a person you liked? And I mean VASTLY different. A complete 180 turn. Edited at November 30, 2020 09:17 AM by Old Age Jukebox~
guilty. anyone with a childhood crush in school is guilty lmfao- ever just kinda said no to something youve always wanted like a dumbfuck?
Guilty!! I don't know why i just like saying that ----------------------------------------------- I ate my sand-wich
Guilty, I ate my own sand-wich. Have you ever read a 300 page book in three hours?
Innocent yes I have, wait now it sounds like your stalking me GUILTY!!!!!!!!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------- i am innocent all I did was say guilty with all capitals!
Inoceent until now GUILTY okay.
Guilty! hahaha I didn't use all capitals this time
Innocent? --------------------- Mega confused
Innocent! i shoy a crossbow that I got for Christmas and I may or may not have hit an Ent (living trees from LOtr Edited at December 25, 2020 08:37 PM by Lord of the Holidays