"Bad." -Jynx (Cat OC)
What type of character would you play in a Dnd game? (Paladin, bard, rouge, ect.)
Most likely a Cleric, healing is a talent of mine. ~Aestas
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
"I would change my reaction to fear. I hate letting it control me. I wish I could be calm and level-headed like my mom was." - Ash
What are you gonna be for Halloween?
A vampire or course, swooping on people and giving them a good scare is fun. ~Semper
What is the one thing you could not stand to lose?
"A long time ago I would have said my sister... Now I'd say my memories." -Ash
What species are you, exactly?
Smoke, Playful wolf- Wolf. But not just any wolf. I am a snazzy AF wolf. Edited at October 11, 2018 01:54 PM by Puffle Pack
"My species? That's a.... difficult question. Common Tongue for it is White Rage, technical is Ragin. More like the accidental Spawn of a wolf and a Dargirin. Don't make me angry, you wouldn't like the outcome, unfortunately." -Fury (White Rage)
What happened to your life? Edited at October 11, 2018 08:26 AM by Dragon's Fire
My life? Well that's quite a peculiar question don't you say? I am the first to be birthed here in the Lab! This tube is my home. #AGX questions how I manage to live in such a small space. It's not small at all... personally. [#GSM]
If you have a 'mate' of sorts: What if they disappeared one day? If not: Have you ever wondered who your significant other will be (like)?
"My significant other? hmmm never thought about it, however if I do now I'd say they would be shy and quiet maybe even possibly good at calming people down considering i've been told i'm crazy" -Takashi (Dragon)
"If you had to choose between your family or your 'lover' who would you choose?"
"Well... I don't really have a real family, so I guess it's my lover"
Peter M. Evans // OC
What's your best quality?