
DO NOT POST please and thank you
This is a ongoing list of my OC's, which tends to grow every day as I have quite the habit of buying new characters constantly.
INDEX -pg 1- + Ghost | Intersex | Wolf + Phiandri | Male | Demon + Honeyfang | Male | Cat + Deadwing | Female | Coywolf + Abezethibou | Male | Wolf + Eau Rivière | Male | Warlock + Vitithi | Male | Wolfdog + Candlelight | Female | Cat + Humbug | Male | Dog
-pg 2- + Styx | Female | Dog + Apollo | Female | Dog + Skelest | Male | Wolf + Ambroise | Female | Wolf + Hemadri | Female | Wolf + Svetlana | Female | Human + Satyr | Female | Feline + Crookedtail | Female | Cat
-pg 3- + ... + ... + ...
FORM Just a small reminder for myself of what the layout should look like.
<name in code font> *picture of ref sheet / stock image / etc of the character *
- credits of the picture
Sex: Age: Orientation: Species: Description of Appearance: Brief Personality: Defects: Mental Disorders: Illnesses: Kin: Children: Mate: Brief History: Edited at January 5, 2019 04:55 PM by Southbound

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Ghost https://i.postimg.cc/m21wQyXJ/ACFFD87-A-D917-46-D5-B8-E9-26-CF6-CB0363-A.jpg- picture drawn by me.<div align="center"> <div align="center">Sex: Intersex (uses the pronouns he/him)<div align="center">Age: Young Adult<div align="center">Orientation: Panromantic Asexual<div align="center">Description of Appearance: Pure white albino wolf, with a bobbed tail. He's got medium length fur, and scars littering his frame. His right ear is missing a couple nicks of it. He has no visible pupils.<div align="center">Personality: Quiet and calm, but can turn to very aggressive in mere seconds. He has a leader's aura, taking control of situations when they grow too stressful for anyone else. Due to his tragic past, and his current disability, he is somewhat sympathetic to others. Ghost is respectful and disciplined. When beaten down, he stands back up tall as he can, and fights back twice as hard. He may not seem like a lot, but there's a reason he's not dead yet. He is extremely intelligent and agile, not only physically but mentally. He knows the answer to things before the wolf has even asked the question.<div align="center">Defects: Albinism, Blindness<div align="center">Mental Disorders: N/A<div align="center">Illnesses: N/A<div align="center">Kin: N/A<div align="center">Children: N/A<div align="center">Mate: N/A<div align="center">Brief History: Due to his freakish color, he was shunned from his birth pack at a young age, chucked to the river current to die. Somehow, he survived, and lived on. He went blind as an juvenile, in his current pack. It was a genetic disorder, nothing insanely exciting, but it cost him his position as a warrior, and his happiness. Edited at December 28, 2018 11:31 AM by Southbound

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<div align="center"> Phiandri Yve Morte <div align="center"> <div align="center">https://i.postimg.cc/0ybqFc6Y/1544114988003-1.png<div align="center">- credit to Pryragrithim<div align="center"> <div align="center">Sex: Masculine<div align="center">Age: Eternal<div align="center">Orientation: Pansexual<div align="center">Species: Demon<div align="center">Description of Appearance: A abnormally tall wolf with dense, medium-length fur. It grows far longer in the winter, his earcups unexposed due to the mane around his neck. His eyes are pure white, as are the three stripes on his sides, and the tooth-shaped markings on the top lip of his maw. Those markings seem to glow it the dark of night. His tail is similar to that of a rat's, no fur coating it, the segment stripes are white.<div align="center">Personality: Gruesome. He's slick and sly as any demon should be, with a silver tongue to match his wits. He could lie his way into a wolf's heart if he needed to. He's strong, using blunt force and fear to lead his pupils. Intellegence is a key in how he even manages all of this. He does not share emotions, or much. Likes to ask deep questions, however. Phi is not one for small talk. Even if he hasn't spoken to you a day in his life, he will ask you your opinion on the afterlife, who has hurt you in your life, and so much more. Just being around him causes paranoia and anxiety in most, their fur raising and heart pumping to see such a infamous killer, to be standing beside them in this war they were winning.It's enough to get any wolf's adrenaline pumping through their blood.<div align="center">Defects: None<div align="center">Mental Disorders: ADHD<div align="center">Illnesses: None<div align="center">Kin: N/A<div align="center">Children: N/A<div align="center">Mate: N/A<div align="center">Brief History: Little is known about this male, and he will disclose nothing about his past. Edited at December 27, 2018 11:06 PM by Southbound

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Honeyfang <div align="center">
https://i.postimg.cc/L6qHswZb/0-C530-A5-B-E970-4-DF7-A2-DF-381-EC08-F9-A92.jpg <div align="center">- Credit to Malleni-Stock on deviantart.com<div align="center">
<div align="center">Sex: Masculine<div align="center">Age: Adult<div align="center">Orientation: Bisexual<div align="center">Species: Domestic Cat<div align="center">Description of Appearance: Honeyfang is a cat of mainly black fur and olive eyes. The top of his upper lip is white, going down his throat all the way to his belly. It spreads downwards to his paws as well, though in "streams"m so some of the ginger/black fur remains in patches. The white frames his jawbone, as well. Ginger is intertwined into his fur in streaks. One of which starts on his right shoulder, and spreads through to his back. Another is on his right thigh, and spreads through his tail. He is a rather normal sized cat, with a few chips missing from his ear. He's skinny, but this only makes Honeyfang more agile.<div align="center">Personality: He is a very observant and concentrated tom, keeping his head together when it comes time. Honeyfang often comes off as rude for his incredible seriousness, and lack of time for imbeciles. He puts his work above all others, including himself. Due to this, he has quite a bit of emotional instability. Honey is a romantic, but cannot hold a mate nor attract one due to his temper, and trust issues. He'll either chase them off with his snappy additude, or they'll make him uncomfortable and paranoid, and he'll reject them. He is scared, but would never admit that to anyone. Honeyfang has a rather sly and mischevious side to him, tending to get himself into unnecessary trouble at times. He's bad at showing his better qualities, so people believe him to be evil. <div align="center">Defects: N/A<div align="center">Mental Disorders: PTSD<div align="center">Illnesses: N/A<div align="center">Kin: JuniperTail, EbonyWhisker<div align="center">Children: N/A<div align="center">Mate: N/A<div align="center">Brief History: Wip Edited at December 27, 2018 11:09 PM by Southbound

<div align="center"> Deadwing <div align="center">
<div align="center">https://i.postimg.cc/28Xbk2HY/D6978-D96-5-BD8-4-EE9-BFF6-0-CAE644-E1194.jpg<div align="center">- Lineart made by gr-ay on deviantart<div align="center"> <div align="center">Sex: Feminine<div align="center">Age: Elder<div align="center">Orientation: Asexual Aromantic<div align="center">Species: Coywolf<div align="center">Description of Appearance: Pure white wolf with burn scars near her head, branching down along her spine. The rest of her fur is coated in various other scars from battle. She's a lithe canine, with medium length fur and very long legs. Deadwing has crimson eyes, and a cruel sneer. Due to her burn scars, and the embarrassment brought forth from them, she wears a mountain lion pelt on her back, a bear skull, and deer antlers. These items also correlate with her spirituality.<div align="center">Personality: Insane, to put it short. Deadwing is cynical, and belives greatly in the gods, spirits, and beasts of the forest. She is extremely religious, and as well as a medic, likes to guide wolves to their true destination. Despite this, she is incredibly warm-hearted and kind. Deadwing is distrustful towards newcomers to the pack, and will often act aggressive towards them, but she is one of the only higher-ranks to not act rudely towards the lowers. She is gentle, and extremely emotionally attached to animals, which is why she refuses to eat meat, and searches for berries and plants daily.<div align="center">Defects: Albinism<div align="center">Mental Disorders: Insanity<div align="center">Illnesses: N/A<div align="center">Kin: N/A<div align="center">Children: N/A<div align="center">Mate: N/A<div align="center">Brief History: Not even she knows what is her young self, due to the fact that she's repressed so much of the memories from her pup and juvenile years. She remembers being burned by the humans on a nightly gathering trip, protecting her "child", Abezethibou as she fought off the humans. She's always seen as the insane one in her pack, though it's merely to the fact that she is so religious and spiritual. She couldn't rely on anyone as a young one. Deadwing relied on the spirits, and they usually guided her in the right direction. She trusts no one but the gods. Edited at December 27, 2018 11:09 PM by Southbound

<div align="center">Abezethibou <div align="center"> <div align="center">https://i.postimg.cc/jSJW8M1M/27232262-71-F7-4695-ABC1-E31-C2-B9-DA8-C8.jpg<div align="center">- credit to hotnstock on deviantart<div align="center"> <div align="center">Sex: Masculine<div align="center">Age: Adult<div align="center">Orientation: Pansexual<div align="center">Species: Wolf<div align="center">Description of Appearance: A mexican wolf with a brown-centered pelt. He has red ears, and cream speckles on his back, which is black, as is the upperside of his tail. His fur is black on his back, an ombre to cream. He is covered in a multitude of scars, including deep cuts on his belly, and a nasty laceration on his scruff. He has puncture wounds on his neck, as well.<div align="center">Brief Personality: Abeze is quite the anxious wolf, terrified of many of the higher ranks due to how they tend to treat him. He would never admit to that, however, putting on a persona of a strong viscount, though he knows well he'll never occupy that rank. He is emotionally unstable, flipping through many moods like the pages of a book. Abeze also could be considered a flirt, usually charming his way out of potentially dangerous situations. Sometimes, if the wolf isn't quite.. for men, the situation will get worse tenfold. He doubts his own abilities and strengths, brushing off his own power because of his low rank. He could never be a higher rank in this pack, he's just the chewtoy for all the others. If he just had the mentality to back him up, Abeze could easily be the Sovereign. He has quite the temper, tending to snap in the worst of situations. When he does get angry, it is not a sight anyone would like to witness. Typically, blood is drawn and corpses are piled.<div align="center">Defects: N/A<div align="center">Mental Disorders: Anxiety<div align="center">Illnesses: N/A<div align="center">Kin: N/A<div align="center">Children: Morningstar<div align="center">Mate: N/A<div align="center">Brief History: Abeze was born to the Pack of Jötunheim, living out his life as the lowest rank in the pack. He was often picked on by the higher ranks, leading to many of his scars. His parents were attacked by a bear when he was young infront of his very eyes. The bear spared him, due to his age, but forced him to watch his parents be devoured. As expected, he is a bit messed up from this situation. All his siblings of his litter died at a young age. Him, being the runt, surprising survived, with the aid of the Medic named Deadwing, who stepped up as his parent figure. Edited at December 28, 2018 10:13 PM by Southbound

<div align="center"> Eau Rivère <div align="center"> <div align="center">https://i.postimg.cc/9z5pvQKC/898-E2057-3-B34-4-EB5-98-D3-1368142-F2-C47.png<div align="center"> <div align="center">Sex: Masculine<div align="center">Age: Eternal<div align="center">Orientation: Heterosexual<div align="center">Species: Warlock<div align="center">Description of Appearance: A short, yet stocky wolf with vivid blue fur, styled like the ocean's current, with lighter marks running through, like lightening. His eyes are black as coal. Eau has a long frame, filled with lean muscle and lots of fur. <div align="center">Brief Personality: Calm and quiet. Very mystical with obvious wisdom. He's very passive, aggression rarely showing unless he's attacked. He is above anger, fear and jealousy. Has a deep respect for all creatures, and so he only eats vegatation. He is extremely picky about the wolves he lets into his life. Eau does not abuse his powers, using them for the greater good. He's seen by many wolves as the spirit that watches over the forest.<div align="center">Defects: N/A<div align="center">Mental Disorders: N/A<div align="center">Illnesses: N/A<div align="center">Kin: N/A<div align="center">Children: N/A<div align="center">Mate: N/A<div align="center">Brief History: Unknown. It's rumored he was a normal wolf in the past, but somehow became the being he is now. Edited at January 12, 2019 03:39 PM by Southbound

<div align="center">Vitithi <div align="center"> <div align="center">https://i.postimg.cc/Y9z9VRnz/4-DDEF1-A7-7185-49-FB-8-DBE-9581-F4-BA065-D.jpg<div align="center"> <div align="center">Sex: Masculine<div align="center">Age: Young Adult<div align="center">Orientation: Asexual<div align="center">Species: Wolfdog<div align="center">Description of Appearance: A russet-colored brute with brown tones closer to his shoulder. His rump is covered in white speckles, his lower half and face littered with black flecks. His cheeks are black as well, legs striped with the dark color. Vitithi is a tall, muscular wolf, with medium-length fur.<div align="center">Brief Personality: Quiet and rather reserved. He's certainly not a wolf to be taken lightly, for even with the smallest triggers he will attack. Vitithi is aggressive and threatening. An odd type for his rank, but he takes medicine very seriously, since it saved his life. He talks in a southern accent, causing many to convince him to keep talking, just for their own enjoyment. He gets riled up easily, and is quick to use his dominance and high rank to his advantage. He bullies wolves into his bidding.<div align="center">Defects: N/A<div align="center">Mental Disorders: N/A<div align="center">Illnesses: N/A<div align="center">Kin: N/A<div align="center">Children: N/A<div align="center">Mate: N/A<div align="center">Brief History: He was born of a different pack than the one he currently inhabits. Vitithi was kicked out due to his aggression. On his journey alone, the brute was attacked by a bear. He barely made it out alive, and would have died. A medic from another pack found him and saved his life. Vitithi values all forms of medicine highly due to this. He will always have respect for his mentor, in death and in life. Edited at December 28, 2018 12:14 AM by Southbound

<div align="center">Candlelight <div align="center"> <div align="center">https://i.postimg.cc/QxbL1zLL/35-C322-CC-5-B3-E-403-C-B6-E2-0-B61-F9-F6-ED44.png<div align="center"> <div align="center">Sex: Feminine<div align="center">Age: Adult<div align="center">Orientation: Bisexual<div align="center">Species: Domestic Cat<div align="center">Description of Appearance: A cream colored feline with "drip" markings sprawled across her back, tail, and under her eye. Her eyes are a pale yellow without pupils or whites. Her fur is long and fluffy, making her appear much larger. Candlelight is quite a short and hefty cat, with scars covering her frame from her adventures. <div align="center">Brief Personality: She is mysterious, keeping to herself and sharing her emotions very rarely. She usually is pretty excitable, stubborn as hell and on top of the world. Due to her disorder, she can go from being up all hours of the night hunting and dancing ith excitement, to laying in her den for days. Candlelight is a pretty bashful femora, shutting down at the simplest of compliments. She's awkward, and says stuff in the wrong moments often. Her odd traits make her quite more lovable.<div align="center">Defects: N/A<div align="center">Mental Disorders: Bipolar Disorder<div align="center">Illnesses: N/A<div align="center">Kin: N/A<div align="center">Children: N/A<div align="center">Mate: N/A<div align="center">Brief History: Candlelight was born to stray cats living on the edge of the forest. They were captured by humans, but she was left behind as a mere kitten. She learned the ways of the forest quickly, gaining scars from her misadventures. Soon, she joined a clan of felines like herself, quickly becoming higher in ranks due to her bold personality. Edited at December 28, 2018 10:41 AM by Southbound

<div align="center">Humbug <div align="center"> <div align="center">https://i.postimg.cc/02xR6sBd/35-B70360-D1-B4-409-D-A6-F0-3-B4-A821-FDFE8.png<div align="center"> <div align="center">Sex: Masculine<div align="center">Age: Young Adult<div align="center">Orientation: Homosexual<div align="center">Species: Mutt Dog<div align="center">Description of Appearance: A brown-tone dog with tan markings around his throat, ears, rump, and legs. There are cream streaks on his sides, dark brown in the middle of them. His tail is cream, as are his paws. He has light blue eyes. Humbug is a small dog, presumably due to dwarfism. He has short legs, and medium-length fur.<div align="center">Brief Personality: Humbug is an absolute sweetheart, getting attached easily to people he barely knows. This makes him prone to getting his heart broken. He's kind and gentle, anxious and rather awkward. He's extremely clumsy due to his defect, stumbling over his legs often.<div align="center">Defects: Dwarfism<div align="center">Mental Disorders: N/A<div align="center">Illnesses: N/A<div align="center">Kin: wip<div align="center">Children: N/A<div align="center">Mate: N/A<div align="center">Brief History: He was thrown out by the human who bred him due to his defect, left on the streets to die. Luckily, a stray male cat named Moon took him in and raised him into a grown-ish dog. Moon was killed by a large dog when Humbug was out scavenging for their food. Edited at December 28, 2018 10:52 AM by Southbound