Wolf Play : Corpses x Scythe
04:47:38 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

If you hover over the quick view of the wolf you want to use the potion on, there should be a drop down menu where you can select items to use on said wolf. Select the potion, then select use item. You'll be asked if you really want to use item, and you'll press yes, which will apply the potion to your desired wolf.
04:44:19 Reverse | Until Now
Hi chat!
 Avatar Of Lust
04:43:57 Asmodeus (he/they)
first my phone must charge its at 4% :(
 Avatar Of Lust
04:43:34 Asmodeus (he/they)
I can only plat 15 minutes of genshin because I had to get the cloud version :(
 Chatot Pack
04:43:23 Chatot
how do i use my potions? i am lost
04:43:16 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

Ah, litter boxes. I understand that internal dilemma. I have my own box user and sometimes find it difficult to clean up after her. Sometimes you just have to say "fuck it" and do it no matter how unmotivated you are.
 Avatar Of Lust
04:43:07 Asmodeus (he/they)

XD I have Obey me NB cause that's the only one that would download but ok I will play it :)
04:42:47 The Minor Nuisance
I would love to do that, but then dad would call the police and I'll get put under arrest even though mum started it, as no one ever listens to me.

...Maye I'll let her do it at the end of the holidays, so then I won't have to go to school...
04:42:23 Don't call me BJ.
AHA, I knew you played Obey me.
Obey me, play that one.
 Avatar Of Lust
04:41:42 Asmodeus (he/they)
I'm trying to decide between playing 15 minutes of Genshin or Pokemon or Obey Me, such difficult choice
04:41:32 Don't call me BJ.
I wish I could, but as I said, have to motivate myself quickly. I don't know when my parents will be back and they will take all my devices away or something if I haven't cleaned the litter boxes
04:40:13 Don't call me BJ.
Let her cut your feet off
@Hells Bella
Hm, I may be unable to have a snack but I could take a nap if I do it 👁👁
I may take this advice and try
 Hells Bells
04:39:07 Ven/Vex
Cut off her hands so she can't cut off your feet
04:39:02 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

Huh. I'd just take a nap, then. When I wake up from naps that my body naturally wakes up from I'm usually ready and willing to do what I planned to originally do. I don't know your situation or how your mind/body works, though.
 Avatar Of Lust
04:38:57 Asmodeus (he/they)

maybe take a 2 to 3 hour nap with an alarm set that usually works for me
 Hells Bells
04:38:42 Ven/Vex
Tell yourself that after you do it, youcc bc an go have your favorite snack. (I can't motivate myself but I am very good motivated lol, hope it helps)
04:38:33 The Minor Nuisance
My mother just threatened to cut off my feet. What am I supposed to do in this situation, chat?
04:37:37 Don't call me BJ.
I already have, I just physically can't bring myself to do it, I lack the motivation
04:36:49 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur

Fair, then alternative: Tell yourself the worst things that will happen to yourself if you don't do what you need to do at the moment.
04:35:45 Don't call me BJ.
@The Flying Kitten
I hate PB&J ;-;
And I love bees ;-;
And I can't get stuck watching a show or I won't do what I need the motivation to do


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Corpses x ScytheJuly 17, 2021 12:54 AM


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Do not post here unless your name is in the title, thanks <:
Corpses x ScytheJuly 17, 2021 12:58 AM

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Maeven raised an eyebrow waiting for the man's response. She noticed how he stared back at Cliff. It was an interesting look, but he wasn't really interested. Finally, he just nodded and waved his hand. Maeven paused, knowing that he was about to speak. He was a very delayed speaker. Especially when the time was precious. She hated that about him, along with many other obvious reasons. It was during that time that Maeven could clearly hear the Shifter's whines.

"Fine. Since it was your idea, you can stay here all night and take care of him. Hed better still be alive," the man snickered while leading the other woman away towards the door. Before they walked out of the room, however, he pressed a button. There was a loud click and the door of the side of the cage slid open. "Take care, Maeven," he said as he locked the door behind him.

Maeven's mouth gaped slightly. She hadn't meant for this to happen. Quickly, she moved towards the door, slamming her hands against it. It wouldn't be of any use. She knew that. This was just a feeble attempt at fighting it.

"Hey! Hey, come back!" She yelled. With one hard, and final, blow to the door she leaned against it. "Bastard."

For those few moments, she had forgotten all about Cliff, until she turned back towards the cage. Her eyes widened and she stood up again. She wasn't very worried about him attacking her, per se. She was more worried about how the hell she was going to be able to help him.

Edited at July 17, 2021 01:05 AM by Scythe
Corpses x ScytheJuly 17, 2021 01:10 AM


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Cliff felt a slight sense of relief as the two other people left, leaving the more trustworthy woman behind. Perhaps he was wrong, but he could never be too sure. She seemed rather reasonable, but maybe she was just a tad frightened of Cliff? Maybe. He huffed slightly before he heard the side of the cage had opened. 'Yes,' he thought to himself.

Cliff managed to rise to all fours, hearing the woman yell for the others to come back. He looked around for a moment as he stepped out weakly, his claws clicking against the hard floor that seemed a tad colder than the metal in the cage. He looked up at her, feeling the sharpness of the pain in his side. He winced, only to back away from her.

Cliff had no real reason to trust her. But he knew it would be easier for her to do what she was told to if he had shifted into human form, therefore, that's what he did since he now had the room. It was a slight process this time around as he was rather weak, but once he had finally transformed, his dark hair was messy, blood was smeared across his face, and his shirt was torn where the wounds were.

"Jesus," he muttered to himself, propping himself against the wall as support. He looked at the woman, biting down on his lip to relieve some pain as he lifted up his shirt. He exhaled, wincing, getting a decent look. He wasn't entirely sure what they were from, but Cliff knew whatever had happened wasn't good, at all.

Edited at July 17, 2021 01:10 AM by Corpses
Corpses x ScytheJuly 17, 2021 01:51 AM

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Her eyes followed his every movement. Her gaze was intense, almost as if she was trying to read him. Finally, she looked away and turned towards a series of cabinets. She took a few steps to her right and opened one of the doors, pulling out a large, white, plastic box with a red cross in the very center of it. Carefully she lifted the somewhat large box up and shut the cabinet. When she turned back around, the canine was no longer a canine, but a human much like herself. The first time she had witnessed one of these Shifters actually shift, it had terrified her. Now she didn’t even bat an eye at it.

Slowly, Maeven approached him, still carrying the first aid kit. She stopped a few feet in front of him and placed the kit on the ground, and crouched down over it. She flipped up the two clasps holding the kit shut and flipped open the lid. She sat a large roll of gauze aside, a few bottles of pills, a roll of tape, needles, and even a pair of scissors. Maeven paused, hands hovering over everything before they fell over the scissors. The metal felt icy on her skin as she looked up towards him.

Hesitantly she shuffled forward, eyes trained on the scissors in her hands and, sometimes, flickering over towards his bloodied figure. When she was beside him she paused. If this wasn't a deadly situation she might've laughed. She had absolutely no medical training or any idea about what she should do. The only thing she knew for sure is that she was going to make herself look like a complete fool, and possibly even make his injuries worse than they already were.

"Hah…" She inhaled and then placed a hand on her forehead. "I'm going, to be honest… I don't have any clue about what I'm doing. The only thing I know is that your shirt needs to go so I can see what's wrong."

Her words were timid, and as soon as she was done speaking she went back to chewing on her lip. This situation was very uncomfortable for her, and she couldn’t imagine how Cliff felt, but she also couldn't think of any way to comfort him when she couldn’t even comfort herself, so instead, she busied herself with starting to cut away the torn fabric. She was so focused that she didn't even notice that she had bitten through the skin on her lip.

Corpses x ScytheJuly 17, 2021 03:12 AM


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Cliff could feel the woman's eyes practically burning into his soul. He sniffed slightly and watched as she finally looked away to get into some cabinets where he assumed some medical supplies were stocked away. Cliff couldn't help but try to move, get out of here, but he knew he wouldn't make it too far if he had tried to get out of the building. He assumed alarms would go off and it would send every guard running.

Cliff narrowed his eyes as the woman began approaching him, and he tried scooting away, but he didn't make it far. He exhaled rather sharply. "Fuck," he muttered softly and he looked up to see her with a first aid kit. He sighed softly, deciding that there really was no point in trying to leave. Either she would go after him, or of course, everyone else would. Cliff watched as she unpacked the kit, laying everything out in her own way.

Cliff smirked slightly as she spoke. "The first thing you say to me is to say bye-bye to my shirt? Real smooth, woman," Cliff said. She was right though - to get a good look at his wounds, he would have to remove his shirt, but as she began cutting away at torn fabric, that idea was thrown out the window.

Cliff grimaced as she began cutting away at his shirt. He leaned his head up against the wall, closing his eyes before opening them to see that she had bitten her lip hard enough to make it begin bleeding. "You know there's really nothing to be nervous about? I've been through hell and back, this is practically nothing," he said, trying to reassure her, but he had no idea if it would work.

Edited at July 17, 2021 03:15 AM by Corpses
Corpses x ScytheJuly 17, 2021 04:08 PM

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Maeven paused, pulling her lip out from between her teeth. Her face went red. She hadn't meant her earlier comment like that. "Th-that wasn't what I meant!" Her face came out high-pitched and rushed as she became defensive. However, she envied him, if only slightly, for being able to tease her at a time like this. Especially when both of their lives were on the line. Maeven was not like that, or at least she hadn't been for the last three years.

Her actions stalled for a few moments as she momentarily got lost in thought until she remembered that she was in the middle of acting like she knew what the hell she was doing. Carefully she finished cutting through his shirt and pulled it back.

She let out a forced laugh at his words, her shoulders tensing up just the slightest bit. "There is always something to be nervous about here. You might have already been through something worse than this, but this laboratory is my own personal hell." She mumbled.

Her light grey eyes flickered down to his wound and she grimaced. The wound obviously didn't look good, at all. "Oh," Her voice was quiet, almost a whisper. She moved back towards the medical supplies. His injury looked nothing like hers had. It wasn't even in the same area, and yet she still found herself getting flashbacks of her own accident. Her fingers ghosted over her own scar for the second time that day as she stared down at the medical supplies once again.

She knew for sure that she’d need the gauze and probably the tape. She took the two things and an orange bottle of pills and set them aside before she stood up and made her way back over to the cabinets. When she returned she had a bottle filled with a disinfecting solution and a small cup of water. She sat both things down beside him and then quickly brought the gauze, tape, and pills over.

"This is probably going to hurt. Try not to move," she warned, picking up the disinfectant. Carefully, Maeven opened the bottle and dumped a small amount of the clear liquid onto his wound.

Edited at July 21, 2021 09:59 AM by Scythe
Corpses x ScytheJuly 18, 2021 01:15 AM


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Cliff chuckled softly at her response. He was simply trying to break not only the silence, but the tenseness that was once lacing the room's tone. He couldn't stand it, and as determined Cliff was to kill all of these scientists, he decided that this one was different. "Yeah, I know that isn't what you mean," he smiled softly. "What's your name anyway?"

Cliff watched as she paused before resuming back to her former task, which was finishing cutting away at the fabric. Cliff adjusted himself to a more comfortable position, which was one he hoped would prevent a tremendous amount of pain, but yet, the man was wrong.

"I can only imagine what sort of hell is here. How did you end up in here anyway? Captured? Voluntary?" He asked, but decided it was the first option - she was captured. He remembered the scar she would touch earlier while he was still in wolf form, which made him believe she was something along the lines of him. Perhaps a Shifter, or some other being that was deemed fake.

Cliff noticed her gaze wander, only to see her move back towards the medical supplies and she would go back to work with her pile of assorted pills, a gauze, solution, and a small cup of water alongside tape. Cliff braced himself for the pain he was about to feel, even if he had found himself shifting slightly into a more comfortable position.

Cliff looked at her. He smirked slightly before he grimaced in pain as she dumped the disinfecting solution onto his wound, which made him wince and clench his jaw, his teeth exposed as he tried his best not to make any noise. He did his best not to move upon her instruction, which he successfully did... surprisingly. He let out an exhale of relief when she was done. "Holy shit woman, please get a move on," he begged, wishing this was over already.
Corpses x ScytheJuly 18, 2021 02:20 AM

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“Maeven. My name is Maeven," She murmured.

"Now that you know my name, perhaps you could refrain from calling me ‘Woman’,” she scoffed, looking up at him. Carefully she placed a piece of gauze over his wound and lightly pressed it down while she secured it with tape. Her fingers lightly traced around the gauze as she critiqued her own work. It was not terrible and it would work, but it wasn’t exactly pretty. The ghost of a smile flickered on her lips as she leaned back. “Not half bad…” she mumbled to herself.

After a second she turned once again and picked up the pills and the cup of water. She popped open the bottle of pills and handed him two of the large white medical tablets. “Take those, and drink this,” She opened his hand and placed the cup of water in his grasp. “The pills should help with the pain… I think.” She shrugged her shoulders and sat down completely.

Her lips pursed slightly as she listened to him question her about her arrival and involvement in the laboratory. She drew her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. “The fuckers tricked me.” She rested her chin on her knees and looked over at Cliff. “I’ve been here for three years, but I’ve only been working with shifters for the last year and a half.”

“They made me think that I would be doing something good. Instead, I’m here watching them torture innocent people that I never even knew existed.” Maeven gritted her teeth and looked down at her hands which were now apparently so much more interesting than looking at Cliff. She clenched them into fists. “If I would’ve known what happened at this god-forsaken place, I wouldn’t have ever come here.”

“ You know, the worst part is that I could've saved half of the Shifters here, but I didn't because I'm scared... It’s all just such a mess.”

She squeezed her eyes shut as she finished talking, and rested a hand on her forehead. As usual, she went back to her way of stress relieving; chewing the shit out of her lip. It wasn't the most conventional manner of stress relief, but the small amount of pain was enough to keep her aware and grounded.

Edited at July 19, 2021 01:19 PM by Scythe
Corpses x ScytheJuly 19, 2021 01:03 PM


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Cliff nodded, mentally noting the woman's name in his head before he had looked back at her after looking at the wall in front of him for a moment. He attempted to focus on his breathing so he wouldn't be thinking about his wounds, or at least wouldn't squirm as much.

Cliff scoffed, offering a small smile. He groaned, "I like 'Woman' though," he said teasingly while she had applied minimal pressure to his wound as she applied a gauze and secured it with the tape. He sighed softly, looking down at Maeven's work. It would do for now, seeing that Cliff was in no place to make any comments. What did he know about medical things? She didn't know much either, as she said it herself.

Cliff took the two pills in his hand and the water, hearing her speak. He widened his eyes, raising his eyebrows shortly after and shook his head. "You think," he huffed. There was no point in fighting it, so he popped the pills in his mouth before swallowing them with the water she had gave him.

Cliff watched as she brought her knees up to her face, in which she replied to his inquiry regarding how she arrived here. "Shit," he muttered softly. Cliff shook his head. He couldn't bare three years here and having to work with these sons of bitches. What were their intentions anyways? These facilities were hidden from the government, so it wasn't like it was for some sort of project that the government was committing to.

"Well, you're in luck, Woman," he said with a small smile. "You and I both don't want to be in here. My friends who were in here for longer have studied this place. I might know a way out," Cliff stated. "And hey," he paused for a moment, "you didn't do anything wrong. We'll get our revenge, and we'll get help to do it with us, yeah?"

"It's a first that you even voice you want to help us. The Shifters that come through here never meet anyone like you. Or at least what I know of," Cliff said, trying to reassure her in some way. Maybe it worked, maybe it didn't, but it didn't hurt him to try.

Cliff groaned slightly, using the wall as support to rise to his feet. He looked down at Maeven, offering her a hand. "We'll get out of here. What do you say?"
Corpses x ScytheJuly 19, 2021 01:51 PM

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Her eyebrows rose as he spoke. Slowly, her hands uncurled from fists. Perhaps he was right, or perhaps he was wrong about her lack of actions. He may not have blamed her, but it would take her longer to learn to let it go. However, it was still nice to receive some reassurance from someone. Maeven opened her eyes, watching him stand and then offer her a hand. A small smile flickered across her face. His words had given her the courage she so desperately needed.

“Are you suggesting that we break out of here?” She questioned while grabbing his hand and pulling herself up, not wanting to put any more strain on him than was necessary. She hadn’t missed his groan and the way he leaned on the wall for support. Despite her worry for him, she was happy though. This was all she had wanted for the past two years; a way out, and even though she hadn’t known Cliff for a day, she still figured she could trust him. He hadn’t done anything that proved she shouldn’t trust him.

“Do you think you’ll be able to make it out of here with your injury?” She asked quietly, looking up at him to gauge his reaction. “If we don’t make it they’ll kill both of us for attempting an escape, so this is a one-shot kind of thing,” she mumbled. She was, essentially, placing her life in his hands.

She wasn’t scared though. It was quite the opposite really. She was feeling more alive than she’d ever been in the past three years. She’d rather die trying to escape than as a complacent assistant, but a piece of her hoped that they’d make it out so she could get her revenge on the Lab, and Cliff had made it sound like there were multiple other people that had the same vendetta against the lab as well. Maeven was just the only one that had worked there.

“It’s your call. If you want to go now, I’ll follow you, but if you want to wait, I’ll wait.”

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