Wolf Play : Unfriended~
05:35:07 Fei the writer
Your wolf digs and digs, and discovers: Sword Piece 3

No, no, no! Absolutely not! Especially not Sharp Snap. She doesn't need a sword
05:28:30 Amy
Ooh right...yeah...foggy brain so it takes a while to get thing🤣
05:24:58 Fei the writer
what? No. I meant if you plan on challenging my pack please don't
05:24:10 Amy
My brain is a giant fog mess...if i said something weird i appologise😅
05:22:22 Fei the writer
Please reconsider your actions
05:19:56 Amy
No need to bark at me now

You hear another pack barking towards you.
05:16:15 Fei the writer
I'll see who is bored enough out of my giant pack to say hello
 Lady Soul's Pack
Hey. I have a question. How many pups do wolves with maxed out maternal CP give birth to?
05:10:47 Amy
Okay timer is up time to explore again XD...fei get out of forest here i come😋
05:07:35 skye
05:06:05 Fei the writer
If you ever see my pack in explore please run
05:04:02 skye
Im good, got work soon 😭
05:03:46 Amy
Shark is smart
05:02:39 Fei the writer
Ok my shark is putting off dinner because she knows treatment is happening
05:00:40 Amy
Hey budgie
My day is okay...not good not bad

How are you
04:57:53 skye
I hope everyone is having a good day so far :D
04:57:20 Amy
I don't usually check who i encountered...i made an exception today XD
04:56:51 Fei the writer
04:56:30 Fei the writer
I have love screenshots of players either horrified or surprised they encountered my pack


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Unfriended~May 27, 2021 09:13 PM


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Kree and Vener. Horror plot. Keep up. We have actors on board so no autographs please..
Unfriended~May 27, 2021 09:45 PM


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It was a stormy day in the town Luna lived in, she would be sitting on her porch watching as the rain poured in interest. She had always loved the rain ever since she was a little girl. She thought it was peaceful as she did the night as well. She would let out a soft sigh standing up to head inside to fix herself some lunch to eat.
She would enter her kitchen grabbing some bread, ham, cheese, and mustard and she would fix her sandwich before putting everything up and going outside with the sandwich to eat. She grabbed a water bottle on her way out.
Unfriended~May 28, 2021 07:52 PM


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The outlines of dark brownish eyes that seemed hazel at the moment turned toward the counter," Cheese, and bread please," Kree was always strange, hes been surviving on little things but manages to still get up in the morning for his daily routine. As he left the store and drove calmly back to his house, he couldn't help but notice how nice today was, how calm and relaxing the day was going, stepping out of his parked car and staring into the bag that contained the food items he got earlier; he smiled.

Now walking into his house he placed his keys in the same place, his shoes aligned with his folded shirt and his hair placed in a neat bun," Time to eat," He walked to the kitchen to see three girls bond, gagged and crying and all he did was smile. The sick bastard smiled at their fear," I bought cheese again," The only food they've been living off of for 3 weeks," Eat," The same routine happened every week, though they seemed to not get it; they failed to understand the simple things. Kree liberated them. He freed them from their old life to be with him, as a mother figure. These woman weren't mothers but whores on the street begging for spare change. He clenched the bag and tossed it against the table,"I've been nice, I've been patient," He grabbed one girl by the hair and slammed her against the table; hes been soft with them, only kindness was shown and yet they act like hes in the wrong as though he was the sicko. " You think your so pretty eh? You think your better then me?," He shook his head from the memory of his father calling his mother horrible names," Your nothing but another woman for men to use, I'm saving you..why cant you..they see that," He released her and turned on the TV that was close by, the news about a man killing woman was everywhere, Kree stared in disgust," I'm not like that!! Lies!! Lies!!," He snarled deeply

Unfriended~May 28, 2021 08:14 PM


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Luna sighed tapping her fingers against her plate when she finished her sandwich. She sighed knowing she had to go to the store today. Oh how she loathed shopping while she would rather enjoy a nice peaceful stroll through the woods near her small home. Luna had always been a more simple girl that would rather star gaze than go to a fancy restaurant. She tended to judge the people who expected fancy dinners and gifts. She would sight shaking her head to clear it of her thoughts and stood going inside taking the plate with her. She walked over to the sink and would scrub the plate clean before drying it and putting it up. She then walks to her closet grabbing a hoodie and slipping it on before shutting the closet door. She grabs her keys and soon begins her walk to the store. She sighs as the rain poors soaking her but she didn't care. She enjoyed the walk none the less. She would soon arrive at the store walking inside and heading off to find the stuff she needed. She soon has all the items but double checks her list to be sure. "Milk, turkey, bread, cheese, mustard......." She mumbles to herself before going to check out. She digs in her pockets for the ammount needed giving it to the cashier before taking her receipt. She exits the store beginning her walk home with a sigh. The rain had started to slow down now so at least the groceries wouldn't get wet.
Unfriended~May 30, 2021 08:39 PM


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Endless, their lies were endless! Kree stared uselessly at the screen, he couldn't trust his own ears," Predator?! I..I..I have never laid a hand on woman..." That was half true. Kree couldn't trust FOX NEWS anymore, he had to set the record straight, he walked to the kitchen and grabbed out a recorder; recording his own voice to answer their television questions they released a few weeks ago, the squirming tied; bond woman in the back made it hard to focus," Shut up! Stay quiet okay, then I won't have to get upset", His eyes were round with insobriety, one woman just sat staring him dead in the eyes; he understood.

" I'm sorry, I'm just lost and woman..they are pure...they are angels...they love and understand..so please don't look at me like that. That pure hate I know all so well, that pure disgust of me in your sight", He pleaded finding himself still recording, he thought about redoing the recording but just smiled- if the public knew he was human like everyone else; they'll leave him alone. He wouldn't be seen as a predator anymore. He wouldn't be seen as a freak, a disgusting piece of fuck laying across the landless ground destined to be tossed away by everyone he meets.

Woman were much easier to confess things, Kree has tried every gender of every book to connect with someone, being as he is; he refused to be broken down by people who only judged, judge?

" The last thing I heard from my father...was " Your a disgusting disgraceful son", Kree remembered those words all too well, but before another thought crossed his mind he blinked away the forming tears," I'm going to settle this once and for all", He growled as he walked toward the door, grabbing his keys and bag on the way out.

Kree was insane, delusional, broken, alot of things can be said- but reasonable was one trait he held onto too, he placed his hair in a tight bun as he got into his car and drove to FOX NEWS. The ride was long of course; but it was worth the 3 hours.

A love story meant to be told by the world, finally making it to the building; Kree stepped out and walked towed he frog door. This was risky but lies are lies, and as hey say," Let the truth set you free,"

Edited at May 30, 2021 08:46 PM by Kree
Unfriended~May 30, 2021 10:04 PM


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Luna was still walking on her way home. Her feet lightly tapping against the cement sidewalk. She breathed in the fresh air and the smell of rain as the sun came out. She smiled deciding it woul be a good day to go for a walk in the forest today and take pictures of the wildlife. She would stop feeling hot at the moment and set the groceries down, She would then take the hood off her had and pull her black hair into a ponytail as it began getting hot out. She the slips the hoodie off tying it around her waist.
She would bend down picking the groceries back up and continue her walk past the news station in town as she always did. She would stop in for her daily paper she picked up there on all the news that happened that newscast. She also dropped off a thing of cookies she got from the store for them.

She would walk inside and go up to the desk "Hello," she greets cheerfully and places the cookies on the table. "Hey Luna whats up?" The guy replies. It seems the 2 are friends. "Just getting stuff from the grocery and getting out to enjoy the day," Luna says happily. "Well alright heres your paper," He says handing Luna it, "Bye see you later Lunes." "Bye Alec!" She says happily before heading for the exit to leave and go home with her groceries. She would read the paper later today when she was done with her walk. She would open the door stepping outside. She steps out of the way of the door before pulling out her phone to check up onsomething. She stands scrolling through her phone groceries sitting at her feet for the moment.

Edited at June 3, 2021 08:32 AM by Venerixen
Unfriended~June 3, 2021 07:14 AM


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It's all about how to approach people, some would gladly open their loving arms, embracing all your problems and issues into one gulp. But others, oh the embarrassing moment where you try to leap at them and the quick swift rejection of their affection courses over you like a unwell done paper you had to turn in before the deadline. And the deadline was today. Kree knew all too well that feeling, he knew that one day, not just any day that he'll get caught up in the moment. Living a lie was much more easier then facing the truth," Their lying about me on TV, but why...I haven't touched a girl yet, I'm not trafficking women! ," What were their game?

Without missing a beat, Kree slipped I side FOX NEWS and made it to the front desk,"Yes sir?," The front counter employee answered," I have something for you and your studio," He grabbed put the recording and grinned," Its all in there...see..," He slide it across the counter hoping what he recorded would bring his name back from the ground they buried it in," Sorry sir but what am I suppose to do with this," Kree fingers twitched, he was so anxious that he just kept looking over his shoulder," Give it to the cops," And with that he turned around quickly, rushing back outside.

Edited at June 3, 2021 07:16 AM by Kree
Unfriended~June 3, 2021 07:43 AM


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Luna finished what she was doing on her phone and would replace her phone in her pocket. She would lean down grabbing her grocery bags beginning to walk again but before she could anticipate what happened she had stepped in front of the man who was moving at a rapid pace and she was sent tumbling across the hard concrete. She lost her groceries in the tumble. For a moment she just lays there motionless seeming unconcious if you didn't pay close attention but she gave signs she was still awake. Her breathing had picked up. She was just dizzy from tumbling down on the ground repeatedly.....
Eventually she would get up and gather her groceries back into their bags. She would then look at the guy feeling the collision was her fault for not realizing he was coming out. She would meet his eyes and apologize, "I'm sorry I didn't see you come out...." She then turns beginning to walk again headed home once more.

Edited at June 3, 2021 02:25 PM by Venerixen
Unfriended~June 9, 2021 06:24 PM


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The soft thump of someone ramming into Kree, made him freeze- at first what was running through his mind was " was he caught?", did they finally stop the prevent who was kidnapping woman. His eyes never narrowed so slowly to the motionless woman laying on the ground; at first he appeared guilty and yearned to help her stand to her feet. That was his first mistake, his second mistake was trusting himself to lay eyes on the woman; she seemed dead-. Not at all died Kree, not at all. He blinked away the image of her bleeding from the head and gulped," Oh it was my faul-", Before he could finish, before another word dared to fall from his lips; Kree angel...Kree rage started to walk away. He stepped after her but paused when he realized he was making a third mistake; his attachments were a danger to himself and others. His hoodie barely hanging onto his hair, his pants wrinkled from the neglect of ironing, his eyes wanders from place to place as though he lost a bit of himself today," Hey, hey slow down why don't you; that was a nasty fall you took just then", He walked after her before staring back at FOX NEWS; they'll soon learn the truth- they'll know the real Kree.

The real Kree?

Who even was Kree? Who was his persona? Where did he come from, when was he born? No one truly knows where Kree came from, though if you looked hard enough his mother who was sent to the ward under mental health issues, Kree would disagree to going back there, though his childhood was perfect; almost too perfect. Before everything he was highschooler with hopes, a destined dream to work with computers and a human specialist. But that was years ago, now he was chasing after a woman wary since she took a fall to the ground just then.

Unfriended~June 9, 2021 06:44 PM


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Luna looks back at him when hearing him speak. She would slowly turn back around to look up at him. "I really need to get home the milks been out of the cold to long... I dont want it to go bad..." she would explain he reasoning on why she was in a hurry to get home. She would fidget with the plastic bag anxiously as she held them. The soft rattle of the bag could be heard.

A few scratches could be seen on her hands, legs, and arms where the skin had scraped against the hard concrete. She didnt seem bothered by them though as she stood.

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