
Once he was there, Jason took a moment to take in his surroundings and physical state. He was in a state of limbo, just a ghost, but not. Now wasn't the time to figure out this logic, though. He had to memorize all that happened here. He barely registered Kit jumping onto Addilyn's bed. A large part of what was going on, Jason didn't understand. He wasn't used to the witch world. All he could do was memorize what happened so Kit could explain it.

As Kaitlyn jabbered on and on about the problems Addilyn's decision would cause, the girl started to get out of the bed. Her eyes holding this dullness that wasn't there before. Zane watched before finally cutting into Kaitlyn's words. "Look, it's your choice Addilyn but realize the consequences of doing this. It's not only your life, but Destan's too." That seemed to get Addilyn's attention for a moment. It was quite obvious at this point that Addilyn no longer cared too much for her friends, but Destan. He was family, the only family she even had left. The hesitation in her eyes was obvious but slowly that grim, determined look returned. "Well, after intense thinking and planning out, I believe that it's better if I just cut it off. If he kills me at least you all have a chance of getting away. If he takes me in..I don't want to think about it okay? Just know the decision has been made." Zane sighed but knew that it was Addilyn's decision. Plus, she wasn't necessarily wrong either. Kaitlyn said nothing, she was rarely ever at a loss for words but this was one of those rare times.

h e l p i do not know how to reply so i just haven't for 2 weeks

All you have to do is state Jason's reaction..if you don't feel like it I could just keep going lol

yee but both jason and i are super confused i'll just filldeedoop around but it's not going to be pretty lmao
Jason didn't understand. Cut what off? And where had this unexpected rivalry from Zane and Addilyn come from? Everything just whooshed over his head and down the toilet. Hopefully if he just remembered what was happening Kit could explain.

Addilyn hoisted herself out of the bed, her green eyes void of much anything other than determination. Without that emotion she wouldn't get anywhere. She made her way to the restroom, Kaitlyn following close behind. "What are you doing Kaitlyn?" Addilyn's voice was pretty hostile and just annoyed. This didn't seem to put Kaitlyn off though. "Well I can't just let you chop off your hair and make it all mangled looking. So, I'm going to do it for you." Kaitlyn gave the girl a bold smile and Addilyn just sighed and pulled her into the restroom where she would promptly cut Addilyn's hair to two inches above her shoulders. A big change. Zane sat in his place, closing his eyes with a look of intense frustration and sadness on his face. Addilyn was much like a big sister to him, even if she tended to piss him off a lot. Despite their obvious differences, he did not wish to see her die, and now, without Jason, he highly doubted she would live through whatever came next.
Just like that, the fog invaded the two spectators' eyes and soon they were back in Addilyn's room. Kit stared intensely at Jason, knowing it would take him a moment to orientate himself after everything. Already, Kit had forgotten what he had seen. He needed Jason's help.

Jason sat back, and blinked hard. After a moment of looking around, Jason shook his head, clearing the fog, "Okay. So, you'll need to explain it to me, but here is what happened...." Jason told Kit exactly what happened, and although he couldn't remember every detail, the important points were included.

Kit began to pace back and forth, taking in the information with an overwhelming sense of worry, sadness, and betrayal. He had a feeling, though he wasn't sure, that Addilyn had pushed her intense feelings of hurt and sadness aside and gave them to him for safekeeping. It was hard to not cry and scream at Jason, as that is what her emotions wanted Kit to do. Despite these overwhelming sense of betrayal, Kit separated himself from it. He pulled his own emotions into his brain and forced Addilyn's emotions to the back. Right now, Jason's news was the priority. "Damn that girl, now she has no way out." Kit hissed softly, sitting down in front of Jason so he could explain properly. "In the witch world, there are rules you must follow in order to be allowed into a coven, the pledge of loyalty being one of the three. One is not allowed to cut off your hair at least three months before the binding. And you have to cut off all ties with family that is not fully in the coven. It is a sad way to live with no family as you may or may not know. Addilyn has never cut off her hair once in her life, other than the time she ran away. By cutting off her hair now, she gives herself no option other than kill or be killed. If she had not cut it off, she would've been able to be inducted into the coven by Jolon himself. Now, she has no other choice. She is putting her whole life and family at risk by doing this. She is irrational and inconsolable now with her rage. This is what you heard." Kit sighed, his eyes distant and filled with a deep sadness.

ಠ_ಠ lol im on the computer and figured out how to do these
Oh shit. The first words that came to Jason's mind basically summed up his mood, and the situation. They were in trouble. He was internally panicking, because even though Addilyn didn't know it, he was still absolutely loyal to, and in love, with her. He did not want her to die, or have to kill someone, or be in this situation at all. Jason's fists were clenched tightly, "I'll do anything to help Addilyn, and stop Jolon's reign. Tell me what I have to do." Edited at November 28, 2019 06:55 PM by bumblebee

Kit looked at Jason dead in his ice blue orbs, the eyes that his witch had fallen in love with. He knew why now, that intense determination, the way he cared so deeply for Addilyn, Kit knew who Jason was now. As Jolon had once described a love that was always there... Kit didn't continue with his train of thoughts, realizing that Jason had likely heard everything he'd just thought due to the fact that Kit hadn't specifically hid it and he wasn't talking to Jason directly. Damn. Well Jason would probably figure it all out eventually, he wasn't stupid, Kit knew that much. Now Kit decided he should probably shut up and stop thinking so loud. "Sorry, I haven't had to speak someone through telepathic means in a long time. Ignore anything you heard, it'll all come in time. As for your help. Continue with this act you are putting up, it keeps you safe and makes you much more useful. I have full confidence that Addilyn will be able to beat Jolon eventually" at what cost I do not know. "When the bastard dies, hell will be opened and the arena will turn into a stampede headed for Addilyn. While everyone is distracted with the death of their leader, we must kill the advisers. They are all just as corrupted as Jolon and will pose the greatest risk as they will be the next candidates for the throne. Normally Addilyn would take it but she is not in the coven so it doesn't matter too much. If you want Addilyn to be safe, we must kill those men and women. If it eases your sense of guilt, they are all horrible people, responsible for the slaughter of many innocents. We won't have to worry about Addilyn's cousin either, as I am under the impression that she will gut him in the arena. All we have to do is kill the advisers, she has the rest." Kit didn't look as happy as he normally would be at the idea of death. Eventually the idea of the arena gets annoying and he just wished it would all calm down.