
Eden, Rosemary, and Zara watched on coldly. When Jolon looked their direction, distaste was etched across their features. Eden spoke first, cold and calculating, unlike the detached tone she used earlier, "He is a clone. And fuck you." Zara and Rosemary did not say anything, but their faces, though void of emotion, showed their stance. Eden turned to the children, "Come." This was both to explain to Jason, and bring the others to a safer area. She may be basically heartless, and really only bothered with the other two because they knew Jason, but Eden would do the right thing.

Addilyn flinched away from Andrés, a much different reaction than expected but it was what her body did when she disliked someone. Unless she hated them, in which case she wanted to strangle them. And even if Andrés was a liar, she didn't want to kill him. Not yet at least. It was obvious that if he tried to talk to her she'd put him in his place. Her pale green eyes suddenly turned back to their normal emerald green and her powerful aura faded. Jolon growled but knew the old rules. He'd be executed by the Council if he so much as touched Eden without her asking to fight. He shook with rage but his grandson was right there and wouldn't allow him to release his anger. "Fine, do whatever the hell you want. Addilyn," the raven haired girl looked up with blazing eyes. Daring him to bother her friends. Her brother. Anyone close to her. "We will continue this later. In Mexico, where I look forward to killing you slowly." Addilyn chuckled softly, her eyes filled with hate. Jolon's words did not scare her as they once did. She was looking forward to killing him just as much as he looked forward to snapping her mind in pieces. Destan gently tugged on Addilyn's sleeve. Grabbing her attention and pulling her to the other powerful woman. He hadn't said a word. Though Addilyn wasn't sure why.

Through unspoken communication, Zara and Rosemary led the group, with Eden staying behind. She was the only safe one here, and would use herself as a human shield, at least temporarily. There was no way Eden would do this for long. Really, it was only going to be until they explained Jason to Jason.

Addilyn followed the two women though was rather wary. Destan walked next to Addilyn, continuously turning around at Jolon's retreating form. He was worried his grandfather might come after them but the other lady was watching out for them. Which was nice. Destan hadn't spoken a word in 3 years. Just because he felt like no one would listen anyways. So he just walked, staying close to Addilyn but looking up at the young man that she never moved too far from. What was up with that? Were they bond partners? Friends? Dating? What did this guy have to do with Addilyn and why did that little boy look so much like him? He was pretty sure the lady had said something about a clone but that was just to weird.

Once they were away from Jolon, Zara turned around, and with dry humor, said, "We actually have no clue where to go. Figured it'd be better to get away from that dipshit first." Eden chuckled at this, slipping around to stand beside Rosemary and Zara. Eden focused her light eyes on Addilyn, "Is this good enough? Shouldn't take too long to explain things, then we are leaving."

Addilyn listened and then closed her eyes. Reaching out to see if she could feel Jolon, because if she could feel him, he could feel her. A pale green glow came from her closed eyes but as soon as she opened them it disappeared. She nodded, "it's fine. He's to far away to do anything." Destan didn't look too reassured but said nothing. He'd dealt with that man for 6 years and wasn't going to relax for a very long time.

Jason and Jason were still staring at one another. While Little Jason didn't quite understand as much as Big Jason does... They have the exact same face. Only Little Jason has much lighter eyes than Big Jason.
Eden focused her eyes on Jason, and he felt it, looking up to meet her gaze. His face did reddened as he remembered his time at the coven's home, "So... what's up with me?"

Although Addilyn wasn't exactly sure what was happening, she knew something was happening. Jason was blushing, meaning something had probably gone on with these girls in the past. Then there was the whole little Jason thing which was rather confusing. He confirmed her belief that something had happened between the 3 women and Jason to make them clone him. Destan meanwhile, was attached to Addilyn, keeping his grip tight on her hand. He was terrified that Jolon might appear and take him away, or that this was some dream and he'd wake up to the nightmare of his real life. For now though, he was safe, and close to the one person who was family. And that was all he needed.

Eden chuckled, "Look. After you left, we set to cloning you. Zara here used her magic, and after a few years, he was finished. And perfect. We used some of our DNA as well, increasing his power. When he looks mature, he will be an almost exact copy." Jason blinked. Eden stated something so big in less than a paragraph. "So he's me." "No, not exactly. He is his own person, but looks exactly like you. And has almost identical DNA." Eden didn't want to explain everything, and figured if Jason wanted he could tell his lover about their time together.

Addilyn listened but she was also somewhere else. You see, she hadn't been lying when she said Jolon wasn't in her range, but for no apparent reason whatsoever, she still felt him. Perhaps it was seeing him after so long that it was hitting her harder than she thought. The real problem, which she had yet to mention, was the sudden pounding feeling on her actual eyes. Like a sinus headache but much worse. It made concentrating hard but she doubted it wouldn't fix itself. So she heard what was being said, internalized it, and was waiting for an explanation, or not. It was whatever Jason wanted to say.