
Silas personally didn't think another search was necessary. He had been respectfully thorough the first time. But nonetheless, he stepped back and let the gaurd search. He almost felt annoyed as Rylee was, he wasn't supposed to work today and he had to come in early tomorrow. He didn't want to waste anymore time with her. The gaurd searched, even more thoroughly than he did, his hands searched all the places, even the most private, invasive ones. "I think she's in the clear. Nobody likes their breasts being fondled," Silas cleared his throat, clearly annoyed. There was no way Rylee could have taken anything. He had been watching her the whole entire time. The guard gave Silas a angry look but backed away and he lead her into the cell. The cell itself just had a few benches, a bed, and a toilet. It was pretty standard. Everything was metal but kept in good condition. The station had a pretty good cleaning staff.
Silas locked the door behind him and undid her handcuffs, taking them off. There were faint red lines on her skin despite him trying not to make them too tight. He leaned against the bars, raising an eyebrow and wondering what her next move was. She had been lenient to everything so far and didn't fight back. That did make him a tad suspicious of her. "Do you need anything else from me, princess?" He asked, moving to leave after a second of studying her and the cell.

Rylee grits her teeth as the guard searches her, forcing herself to stay completely quiet and completely still as he searches in even the most intimate of places. She actually felt gratitude towards Silas as he cuts the guard off, who angrily backs off. Rylee glances sideways at Silas, but says nothing, she wasn't going to thank him. Perhaps he deserved it for saving her from being fondled more, but still.... She wasn't that nice.
As Silas leads her to the cell, she steps inside, glancing around. A basic cell, a few benches, a bed, and a toilet. Simple and kind of small. But, it worked, she didn't need to to be all cozy and big. As Silas takes the handcuffs off, she rolls her wrists, relaxing the muscles before rubbing at her wrists. They were faintly red, but fine for the most part. Her grey eyes flicker back to the officer,"Nope. I'm fine." Came the simple response.
She was, now she just wanted Silas to leave. Of course, there was no doubt he was suspicious of her. What criminal relented and acted so calmly during a arrest? But she wasn't worried about it, after all he had just watched a guard basically fondle her in every place to make sure she didn't have anything. Hopefully he would think that she would be just fine in the cell and wouldn't stay and try to talk. Because she did not like talking... Small talking or conversation in general... She just didn't.

Half the time, he didn't realize he called her princess until she scolded him for it. But, this time she didn't yell at him for the nickname. Maybe that was her way of saying "thanks for getting his hands off me, officer Parks" but he didn't hold his breath on that one. Maybe she was just getting as tired as he felt. By now, he would only have a few hours of sleep until he had front desk duty. He hated front desk duty, nothing happened in the middle of the night and must of the criminals were silent. He'd rather be on the feild than the desk. "Alright," He stiffled a yawn, opening up the cell just enough so he could slip out and then shut it. The door unlocked and locked from the outside and not inside. It was another thing done to prevent criminals from finding a way to escape. He locked the cell door and handed the keys and the handcuffs to the officer currently on duty. He headed off toward his office to sleep. It would be pointless to go home, especially since he didn't have a car here currently. His everyday, off duty car was at home and his police car was being repaired after he acccidentally drove into an F1 tornado trying to respond to a house on fire emergency call. London liked to throw down dangerous weather every once in a while. He was just the unlucky one to get caught in one.

Rylee trods quietly away from the police station, it was quiet and no one had seen her. And so, she slips into the shadows and heads further and further away from the station. Escaping had been easy, she simply waited for shifts to change, and five minutes was all she needed. It had been dumb of them to switch both the guards and the front desk officer at the same time. Of course, they probably figured after the guard had literally fondled Rylee, that she was clean of anything that could have allowed her out of the cell. But, she did hide the hair thing incredibly well.
It took her two minutes max to stick her hands out the bars and pick the lock. Having to pick a lock that was on the outside wasn't that bad and soon the door swung open and she flees, taking the pin with her, it didn't matter, but she figured better not leave evidence behind on how she got out. The front doors were easily swung open and she snuck through the parking lot and then she was home free. And no one had even spotted her.
She jogs through the shadows, she wouldn't be returning to the house she'd been caught at, or anywhere near that area. Rylee was too busy trying to figure out the situation with Maverick. She desperately wanted her companion back, but surely he was doing fine in the compound... He had food, water, and a warm bed. Right? Was he happy there? Rylee sighs, she would have to go see him for herself, she'd just have to be careful not to get caught. She continues on through the shadows, keeping her head low as she moves. The cops wouldn't notice for a little longer and she figured she'd be far enough away by then.

There was a shift switch two hours before Silas was meant to take over. During the nights, cops got two hours on at the desk duty. Everyone shared the shifts, or at least those in the feild. Cops like Nancy would have a complete rest. He was sound asleep when the switch happened, dreaming about winning a thousand dollars to help with his program's founding. Most people in the town didn't like his program. They thought all criminals deserved jail time no matter what their crime is. He wasn't about to let a mother who stole baby formula suffer the same crime punishment as someone who had drowned their family in the pool. It just didn't make sense to him. The sounds of the alarm woke him up from his dream. He scrambled to his feet, running to see what the problem was. Whenever he got to the front desk, he noticed the holding jail cell had been picked and a team of gaurds and the office police officer were yelling back and forth at eachother. "Dammit, pirncess," He muttered to himself, looking around. It didn't take long to connect the dots. Not long at all.

Rylee looks around, as she heads off. She would have to either find a hell of a hiding spot, or not sleep for the night. Because no doubt, the cops would be after her in no time. Hell, they probably already had teams out. She'd heard the alarm from the station, but she was to far away to see or hear any cars leave the station. Sticking to the shadows, nobody noticed Rylee as she slunk around. Her mind racing, as always. Trying to figure out her next move, where to go, and how to get Maverick out.
She sighs to herself as she jogs further away from the station. The further away she went, the less likely they were to find her. Hopefully. She would just have to keep her head low for a while. Getting caught that time hadn't been a part of her plan, and it had thrown her off. Now, she needed someone to lay low and hide for a while so she could figure things out. With any luck, Maverick wasn't very well guarded and getting him out would be easier then getting herself out.
But, after her escape they may have doubled security where Maverick was just in case she did decide to go by. So, she would have to scout out the area and see if there was any way possible for her to get Maverick out without getting caught again. Because she did not want to deal with the station again, or Silas. Both pissed her off, especially his little interview, trying to get in her head, and trying to help her. Bah, all that had done was piss her off and she really was tempted to punch Silas, but had resisted the urge to do so... With great difficulty.

Rylee had escaped. She was gone. They had searched for her until dawn. They had brought out the K-9s and everything. However, the night was full of heavy rain. The rain washed away the evidence and made every police officer on duty angry. Angry cops didn't make good search parties. When the rain stopped and the sun began to rise, every cop headed back empty-handed. Rylee was most definitely long gone by now, probably relocating. There was nothing else to do but fax paperwork to every facility to be on the lookout for her. There wasn't much else that could be done, after all she wasn't wanted for arson or murder. Just one of the ones he felt pity for, homeless and doing what she could to survive. However, even with her gone, the court trial would resume. She would be in the system now and she would steal again. Eventually she'll run out of energy or try to find her dog. She'll reappear, they always did. He had just had to be patient.

It had been decided.
She would have to leave Maverick behind, she had no choice. She'd visited where they were keeping him, and the security there... Well, she could be stealthy, but if the dogs made one little noise, she was screwed. Besides, he had a warm bed and some food in there. Rylee would just have to strike out on her own again. And with a heavy heart, she did, she relocated to another abandoned area away from any police stations. Though she didn't sleep, she was still on high alert. Even though she had gotten no sleep since, oh probably two days, she was doing pretty fine.
She'd have to get some sleep soon though. Just as long as she wasn't captured or anything. She wasn't in the mood to have to escape again, and if she was caught by the same officer as before, well... She may just add another crime to the list. Assaulting a police officer. Because she would probably end up punching him. But, she just hoped she had relocated far enough away that even if she did get captured, he would have no jurisdiction in the area she was captured in. At least that was the hope.
As morning wore into afternoon, Rylee finally relented. Curling up in the darkest, most hidden corner and was quickly asleep. She didn't really have a dream... She didn't dream much in general, and when she did, they were often nightmares.

A couple days had passed since the police station had their first escape in almost 60 years. That same mistake being a criminal wanted for stealing leftovers out of some poor neighbor's fridge. There had been no signs of the woman since she escaped. Silas has close contact with the animal shelter and all the local places. There has been nothing. He had caught a few lowlife gang members trying to rob a liquor store but they weren't anything special. He didn't try to put them in his program, they got sent right to the juvenile detention center. He sighed, growing frustrated with the lack of reports. The only serious crime reported was a huge robbing from a store. There had been nothing to suggest it was related to Rylee. "God dammit," he slammed her file back in the file cabinet and slammed the door. He gave up. There was no evidence. He looked up to find that Nancy was at his office doorway, smirking ever so slightly. "What?" He yelled at her. "You've been obsessing over that girl for two days now. Go home, go get a drink. You need a day of rest," She said to him and he sighed. Maybe she was right. "Whatever," he brushed past her rudely and locked his office. Perhaps he did need some time away. He wasn't going to let Nancy have the upperhand about it though. So he clocked out and got into his car. Maybe a few drinks would help take the stress off of finding Rylee.

Every day without Maverick was getting better. Rylee would never deny that she didn't miss him, she missed him quite dearly, but she knew he was in a better spot now. She visited the area quite often and had even seen Maverick playing in the yard with other dogs. He seemed so much healthier and happier. That was the reason she hadn't even attempted to break him out yet. Perhaps if he had looked miserable and terrible...
Now she had just gotten a good score, and she'd bought herself some food and some new clothes. Simple black pants and shirt and she'd even gotten a shower. She smelled and looked a lot better and with her hair up and her mood pretty good, she decided she would hit the bar. She needed a drink. So with the cash in her pocket, she heads out, moving quietly through the streets. She was still on edge. She did look a bit different now that she'd had a shower and a chance to clean up.
But that didn't mean she was completely unrecognizable. If the wrong person spotted her, she'd be on the run again, or worse, the cops would be there in no time. After the last encounter, she definitely was not looking forward to being caught again.
She hums to herself as she enters the bar, making her way to the front to buy herself a drink. With her drink in hand, she leans against the bar, her eyes fixed on the TV as she drinks. Around her people were playing games at the table, some were playing pool and darts. Some were just drinking, and in the darkest corners where they thought they were hidden, some were making out with each other, no doubt drunk to high heavens