
damn right I keep you company. Ari teased, wagging her tail You have to face your fears, brian... do it for me... please. since you trust me more than Lydia. " She really does like you. never seen a police dog go for a prisoner that fast. " he chuckled before moving tot he cell door and Ari heard it and turned around before snarling and forcing wane to back off. then turned her attention back to brian he will give you a chance... just give him some time

Brian chuckled. " I guess so. " I don't know Ari. I can't do it. He whispered to her, in his mind of course. Brian glanced up at the snarl. Ari. Leave Wane alone.

Ari backed off hes starting to suspect something, Brian and I tend to end it... even if you do try and stop me. Prisoners came and went, some never returned. The sound of boots echoing around the building. Look... Brian.. I have to go... just think aboutwhat I told you... she then stood up and trotted off to do her stuff.

If he figures out you have my permission. Brian watched with weary eye's. See you later.

To kill you? Or him.. She asked We will see.. Im growing pretty fond of you, you know " Whats up with that damn mut... get her to stop coming over here... im allergic to dogs...." Wane said sneezing But Ari never did come back, she was sent to work with the female officer on a bomb mission. And Chino was getting upset about his treatment of Brian. " I have to tell him the truth... " he said as he finished his own meal and slowly headed to the cell. But how.. I have to have him in the interigation room to tell him how I feel Edited at December 16, 2021 10:42 AM by Empress Elsa

No. To kill him. Brian glanced up at Wane. " Too bad. I don't know. " He shrugged. Brian watched Ari leave and turned to his bed, laying on it with a bored expression. " If you want the mutt to leave just do something. " He muttered.

" like what? I cant do anything .. " Wane mumbled rolling his eyes. Just as Chino came to Brians Cell and opened it " Back to the interigation room for you," he said " get up.. " he grabbed his tazzer in case he had to use it. wich he would went he got him in the room " i know your tired...but I dont care. " Edited at December 16, 2021 10:57 AM by Empress Elsa

Brian flipped him off more concerned about sleeping. He looked up to see Chino. Ari get your hindquarter's over here. " Officer. " He said standing to lean agaisnt the bar's. He glanced at the tazer and backed away a bit. " No need to use that. " HE grumbled. He waited for Chino to open the door and cuff him.

Ari was long gone on a mission, so it was Lydia. what did you need her for, Shes long gone. Chino zapped him anyways before cuffing him " think you can handle another rough tazzer treatem, brian?" he said cuffing him and walked him out of the cell, towards the interigation more. " I hope so. because im starting to get a feeling you are falling for someone. " he grinned, opening the door and threw him inside. " care to enlighten me on who it is?"

Never mind. Brian grunted in response to the tazer. " Think so. " He muttered. Brian limped beside Chino. Brian stumbled onto a chair, righting himself before facing CHino. " Doubt it. " He said loudly.