
Anya Anya gave a wobbly smile at his trying to help, even if it didn't do very much. "Its all well and good to sound lovely, huh? I'm kind of second guessing everything now." She noted with a small almost forced laugh. Anya knew she was dissing herself, and that she sounded like a bit of a child for going back on her words, but for some reason, she consistently felt the need to disagree or get prove herself right. At the moment though, she seemed to be backing down after she had started to make some sort of a point. She felt awful for continuously changing her word, but was thre really much to be done about it. "Sorry" she stated quietly.
Anya could somewhat see that he felt a little uncomfortable but she couldn't help but bring a grin to her face as she watched him turn 50 shades of pink. She fiddled with a strand of hair as she watched him try and conceal his face, just bringing herself to chuckle. "Ah so you're a complement kind of guy, I see." She grinned, "I'll remember that." She noted teasingly. "ahhh too much sweetness." She heard him crack before she gave him a laugh, "Uh, no, never too much sweetness!"
Anya gave him a nod when he noted that he would get her two sets of pants and shirts. She grinned and looked like she had the most childish expression of happiness. "Oh, yes, yesz, yes please do!" She chirped brightly, her excitement more than clear. "I can live without the pretty dresses for a while, I'm sure and I'll look as stunning as ever in a potato sack." She teased, her expression light. "Question is though, where sre we going to get said potato sack? We can't just walk into the village, I'll be recognised."
Anya smiled softly as he started to tease her about not misbehaving, dipping her head slightly like a scolded child when he nudged her. "Yeahhhh, I get it, I need to behave~" She huffed, dragging her words out as though she had been told off. "I'll try." She decided jokingly. She remembered saying similar sort of things when she was younger after sneaking out of the palace to see her friend. She almost felt bad that she had dissed his idea of them knowing each other in the past, as it seemed rather likely. She looked him up and down a few times before her eyes fell on the mark on his chest. It just seemed too familiar to ignore but she quickly found herself disregarding her own thoughts. Anya looked up at him when her decided her wording was right, flashing him a friendly smile, "I'm told that from time to time. Though, its nice to hear it from someone who isn't trying to win something." Anya noted with a laugh. Once he saw his reaction to her complementing she felt herself feel light and giddy, more than happy to seen him is such a state. "Cute." She joked, rolling her eyes slightly.

Frigus "Its all well and good to sound lovely, huh? I'm kind of second guessing everything now." he shrugged with a slight smile, "well, we are in confusing times. who knows?" but as she apologized he looked rather confused and shook his head with a light chuckle, "sorry? why? you didnt do anything." but as he had buckled under pressure of compliments he sent a playful glare to her at her words, his face still beet red, "Ah so you're a complement kind of guy, I see." "I'll remember that." he shook his hyead with a playful chuckle, running his hands over his face with his cool hands to chill his face, "Uh, no, never too much sweetness!" but he gave a sarcastic laugh at her stament, "ha! ok. but if im as sweet as i want to be, that most likely wouldnt go over well." but he said it all too fast for him to think of what he was saying so he rolled with what he had, eventhough it only made things worse. . At her excitement over the outfits he chuckled, "Oh, yes, yesz, yes please do!" Shaking his head slightly, "alright, well, guess weve got arrands to run tomorrow." "I can live without the pretty dresses for a while, I'm sure and I'll look as stunning as ever in a potato sack." although this statement caused him to laugh a bit, "bet you would!" "Question is though, where sre we going to get said potato sack? We can't just walk into the village, I'll be recognised. his gaze flickered to her as he tilted his head a moment, "youd have to stay put here. id have to head to town, but ill stay in close proximity, so i can hear you i you need me. ill go in the night, im missing a shirt and i cant let my marking show. so ill get multiple potato sacks. " he chuckled and glanced towards the deer hide, "and if youd like to get creative, we could attath some deer hides to your potato sac dress. give it a little bit of look, if youd like." At the little behaving conversation he chuckled a bit as he shrugged, "well, when i go get that stuff, youd better be on good behavior." he said with a playful tone. . as the two had described eachothers eyes his gaze lightened, chuckling as she spoke, "I'm told that from time to time. Though, its nice to hear it from someone who isn't trying to win something." "well, im not one to win things so i guess theres no effort there." he laughed, "i simply like to be kind to those who are kind to me." but as she spoke one simple word as he had looked off in his moment of nervousness, "cute" he shook his head with a light chuckle and a glance towards her his voice shaking slightly, almost sounding like a question, "no..." he grinned and sent a playful look towards her, "im not. cute."

Anya Anya gave him a small, quiet smile before dipping her head slightly, "I'm sorry because I keep on changing my mind." Anyas smile brightened again slightly, giving a small chuckle, "It's annoying to me so it much be a nuisance for you." Her smile brightened up again slightly, "And so, Frigus, I formally apologize for changing my mind on a sixpence." She noted with a laugh. When he noted he wasn't being quite as sweet as he wanted to be and that it wouldn't go down all that well, it made her a little curious. She tilted her head with a slighty raised brow, "Now you've made me curious. Why do you think you're so sweet?" She asked with a curious tone. "Tell me." She joked with a chuckle. The dark hared woman watched as he thought for a moment and listened to his plan. "Aww, but I don't want to stay alone..." She complained before chuckling, "I'm sure I'll live a short while by myself though. The question is, do you think you'll last alone? There'll be more guards about, especially at night at the moment. You'll have to be rather careful, they don't wait to go for you." Anya noted, her voice a little more on the worried side. "I can't have you going missing all of a sudden, who will feed me then?" She said in a slightly more jokey tone. "So don't be too long." She took a glance over at the deer hide with a small nod, "I can do something with those for sure... Could you get me a needle and thread while you're there? I could make a belt of sorts and maybe a blanket with them..." She shrugged, looking as though she was already mapping out how to do it as she looked at them. She looked at him wide eyes when he mentioned her behavior and put a mock look of shock, "I'll behave myself for as long as I need to!" She huffed, "give it a few hours, that's when I get bored and then and only then will I act up." She joked with a chuckle before taking another bite of her slab of meat. Anya huffed before giving a little chuckle when he noted he didn't win much. "Yeah, you don't really seem to be the kind to win things. More the kind of person to obtain things. A hard worker." She shrugged with a smile. She nodded when he explained why he was being decent, even half decent, it just seemed to make her smile. "It's good that you can do that so easily, just be nice. Even after last nights shenanigans, you managed to come back quite quickly." She observed lightly, "Where as I would have held a grudge and ran for the hills." Anya shrugged with a laugh. When Frigus told her he was most definitely not cute, she felt herself hold back a chuckle. "Ok, ok, you're not cute, just the fact that you manage to go so red and flustered so easily is cute." She replied jokingly with a bright smile. Edited at July 3, 2022 05:00 PM by Hell Bound

Frigus "I'm sorry because I keep on changing my mind." "It's annoying to me so it much be a nuisance for you." "And so, Frigus, I formally apologize for changing my mind on a sixpence." he listened with a confused expression and a lightly amused smile, "really? for changing your mind?" he chuckled and shook his head, "who says its not ok to change your mind? maybe your not sure. so what? these times are more confusing than anything." As she responded to the sentence that had slipped from his mouth before, his blue eyes flickered towards her with a nervous chuckle and a shake of his head, "Now you've made me curious. Why do you think you're so sweet?" "Show me." "ah sorry, beautiful but thatd be consitered flirting and shows of affection." he said with a chuckle, half joking as a show but mainly not. . "Aww, but I don't want to stay alone..." "I'm sure I'll live a short while by myself though. The question is, do you think you'll last alone? There'll be more guards about, especially at night at the moment. You'll have to be rather careful, they don't wait to go for you." "I can't have you going missing all of a sudden, who will feed me then?" "So don't be too long." his grin grew as he shook his head with a playful look, "oh im stealthy, you wont even know i was gone, and the guards wouldnt even know i exist." he chuckled though at her, 'then who will feed me' statement and gave her a playful smirk, his gaze narrowed, "oh, is that all i am to you?" he laughed. "I can do something with those for sure... Could you get me a needle and thread while you're there? I could make a belt of sorts and maybe a blanket with them..." He nodded with a smile, "yeah, i could get some things." he watched intently as she seemed to already map everything in her head. "I'll behave myself for as long as I need to!""give it a few hours, that's when I get bored and then and only then will I act up." he laughed and shook his head with a questionable look, "well thats my point, what happens when i leave and your left alone?" . "Yeah, you don't really seem to be the kind to win things. More the kind of person to obtain things. A hard worker." this made him smile a bit as his blue eyes gleamed towards her "It's good that you can do that so easily, just be nice. Even after last nights shenanigans, you managed to come back quite quickly.""Where as I would have held a grudge and ran for the hills." shaking his head he shrugged, "im usually pretty forgiving i guess." but as she spoke about the cuteness he narrowed his gaze with a light tilt of his head, smirking with a light blush, "fine... ill take it."

(Sorry, this one is short!) Anya "really? for changing your mind? who says its not ok to change your mind? maybe your not sure. so what? these times are more confusing than anything." Anya smiled softly, giving a chuckle and shaking her head, "Well, what I mean is th-" She paused, looking for her words, "I just thought it's annoying, that's all." She noted with a soft laugh, "I now formally retract my apology." She noted lightly. "ah sorry, beautiful but thatd be consitered flirting and shows of affection. “Anya have a sarcastic laugh at that, "Ha ha haa, now, that would be called being charming. Either way, no-one else is here so they can’t judge your ‘manliness’ so to speak.” She shrugged and gave a slightly sarcastic chuckle. Anya gave a light smile, “oh im stealthy, you wont even know i was gone, and the guards wouldnt even know i exist." At this, she chuckled, letting her eyes watch the ground, “I’m sure they’ll notice their provider is missing, and I’m sure I’ll notice mine is gone.” She noted with a light chuckle, shaking her head, “So I’ll say it again, don’t be long.” She noted with a shrug. When she mentioned that she wouldn’t have anyone to feed her, his response made her chuckle, “Oh, not just my chef but my sworn guardian and mentor.” She noted with a slightly tilted head, “Well, that’s what I’ve dubbed you now at least, but that’s just about all you are.” She noted with a chuckle. When he agreed to getting her a needle and thread, for some reason she felt exited, probably because it would have given her something to do. Frigus had been so good to her and she felt a little useless so actually having something to do, and maybe being a little helpful in the process, for her seemed like a big thing. “Well that’s my point, what happens when I leave and you’re left alone?” Frigus asked, and he seemed rather sceptical. “Oh, who knows- whatever I want to happen.” She shrugged. "im usually pretty forgiving i guess." Anya smiled lightly with a nod, giving a small chuckle as she brought her gave back up to him, “Yes and thank god for that.” She huffed, pointing her eyes up towards the sky again before taking a glance back at him when ne noted that we would take the complement, “Yes, you should.” She noted with a soft chuckle.

Frigus (oh no, dont worry about that, our replies are pretty long as it is xD lol been trying to ease them down a little so i can get my replies down faster) . Frigus tilted his head as he waited he to finish her sentence, "Well, what I mean is th-""I just thought it's annoying, that's all." at this he slightly raised an eye brow and smiled, "I now formally retract my apology." he gave a light chuckle, gently elbowing her, "for the record, i dont think anything you do is annoying." he said with a softer smile, "you dont have to worry about that around me. just be yourself." "Ha ha haa, now, that would be called being charming. Either way, no-one else is here so they can’t judge your ‘manliness’ so to speak.” he chuckled at her with a slight smile, "Anya, your here." . “I’m sure they’ll notice their provider is missing, and I’m sure I’ll notice mine is gone.”“So I’ll say it again, don’t be long.” he shrugged, "well they have more providers than just me, you though-" he gently reaches his hand out with a soft smile, gently brushing a strand of hair out of her face and behind her ear with his finger, "-dont. so ill go while you sleep later tonight and be back by morning." “Oh, not just my chef but my sworn guardian and mentor.” he chuckled at this and shook his head “Well, that’s what I’ve dubbed you now at least, but that’s just about all you are.” he nodded but as she statated that was all she thought of him his smile slightly faded but he did his best to hide that, "yeah... i mean i-i see you as like, my only friend so, yeah." he said with a nervous chuckle and a shrug, glancing back towards the fire, seeming to be lost in a bit of thought. he chuckled and shook his head at her statement, “Oh, who knows- whatever I want to happen.” "well, thats what im worried about." he chuckled. . as they spoke on his forgivness his bright blue gaze flickered towards the fire as he smiled, his gaze lit by the loight as he threw in a bit more firewood, “Yes and thank god for that.” he smiled a bit and chuckled, "well, i was being a bit rediculous before anyways." he said with a shrug but as she replied to him taking the compliment he shrugged with a light blush and a childish grin, “Yes, you should.” "ok, fine..." Edited at July 24, 2021 02:51 PM by ~-Toxic_Viper-~

(Ok, awesome! I'm happy to shorten them aswell aha.)
Anya Anya gave him a short smile when he noted that he wasn't bothered by her, and in turn, Anya seemed more worried. If she ever did something wrong or annoying to him, she would forever be walking on eggshells. She knew he was happy to have her around, for a short while at least, and she didn't ever really want to change that. "for the record, i dont think anything you do is annoying. you dont have to worry about that around me. just be yourself." Anya gave him a wobbly but genuine smile before looking back down again. "Anya, your here." At this she felt a little silly, but just gave him a chuckle, "Yes, but there isn't anyone I can run and tell, huh?" She asked lightly, bringing a slightly fuller smile back. The young Anya watched his hand as it slowly came towards her, she looked a little curious for a moment before giving a light smile as her eyes traced his hand before having to look away slightly. "ill go while you sleep later tonight and be back by morning." Anya almost didn't notice he had spoke until she looked back at him he had said something. "Oh uhm, yes, you do that. That way I definitely wont get into any trouble." She noted with a soft chuckle before shaking her head slightly. He seemed a little upset that she had excluded something, and she could not only hear it in his voice, but also in his face. She looked down again slightly when he looked away before shaking her head and reaching out quietly with her hand and softly to his cheek and guiding his gaze back towards hers before letting go, "And a friend." She added softly, "One of the best so far." She finished with a small smile before looking back towards the fire. "well, i was being a bit rediculous before anyways." Anya snickered a little at this, rolling her eyes slightly. "Pff, a bit? I mean you straight up left me there." She chuckled, "But you let me find you, and let me stay with you, along with giving me food and apologizing, and that makes up for it." She finished lightly, just making sure he knew the first bit was a joke. She gave him a nod with a grin when he finally accepted her complement. "Good," She said with a smile, giving a small huff of relief

(sweet! lol xD) Frigus "Yes, but there isn't anyone I can run and tell, huh?" he chuckled and gave her a questionable look, "um, yet again. you can. and really, thats not my main concern. your feelings and our friendship is more important to me than that. i cant screw anything up." he said out of all honesty, but he wondered to himself. it had only been a day that hed known her, what the hell had gotten into him? was this all because he was lonely? or was this real? he felt hed known her his whole life. as he had spoken to her about when hed go she seemed more focused on his hand, giving a light chuckle at her response, "Oh uhm, yes, you do that. That way I definitely wont get into any trouble." . as he felt her hand on his cheek he could help but blush slightly once his gaze met hers, but he didnt look away this time, giving a soft smile at her words,"And a friend." "One of the best so far." he couoldnt help but smile at this, his gaze soft and fond as he nodded, "y-yeah... same for me." he stated in slight nervousness. as the conversation stemmed from the insident he chuckled at her response, his pale blue gaze glimmering in the dimming light, his pink lips shining a bit in the sun, little freckles glimmering as he listened,"Pff, a bit? I mean you straight up left me there." "But you let me find you, and let me stay with you, along with giving me food and apologizing, and that makes up for it." he nodded slightly to the side, wanting to syate the several reasons he was acting as he had and left her there. but instead he said, "yeah, i was more than a bit uncalled for."

Anya Any gave a chuckle, "Yed, I can, but I won't because it wouldn't really be worth any of my time." She reassured him teasingly. "um, yet again. you can. and really, thats not my main concern. your feelings and our friendship is more important to me than that. i cant screw anything up." Anya tilted her head at this before giving a smile, "Well... If it really means that much to you, then I guess I'll leave it at that. Like you say, I wouldn't want to make anything difficult or uneasy between us, especially at the moment." She noted with a a slightly wobbly chuckle. She wasn't really sure what to say for a moment, she just enjoyed the peace of the woodlands. Frigus was a rather odd person to be around, yet she wouldn't ever really want for him to dislike her or for her to upset him; still, although different, she seemed at least a little fond of him. She had only ever met one other person that was as friendly as Frigus is and that was such a long time ago. When be gave him a smile when he chuckled at her, shaking her head slightly, "its true." She noted with a grin. Anya gave a slightly brighter smile when he mentioned that he thought of her the same she had of him. "y-yeah... same for me." Of some reason, she felt a little more on the calm side of things that it had been requited in the same way. She set her gaze on the fire for s short while before smiling a little to herself when he spoke up again. She nodded and gave a chuckle, "yes, yes you were. And I was silly enough to come and find you, huh?" She asked, rolling her eyes ever so slightly.

Frigus "Yed, I can, but I won't because it wouldn't really be worth any of my time." he shrugged a bit as his icy gaze flickered in the light of the fire"Well... If it really means that much to you, then I guess I'll leave it at that. Like you say, I wouldn't want to make anything difficult or uneasy between us, especially at the moment." he smiled slightly at this and nodded in agreement, "yeah. i agree... thanks." he chuckled nervously, not exactly knowing how to take it. "its true." he shrugged a bit, his white showy curls glimmering like clouds and his blue gaze shimmering like ice sheets on a crystal ocean. . "yes, yes you were. And I was silly enough to come and find you, huh?" he chuckled and shrugged, "well, it was a good choice, dangerous or not, look what its brought us." he gave a soft smile, his gaze twinkling in the lights as his gaze seemed to almost stare right into hers with a fond sweetness, "i mean, ive got the greatest friend i could ask for. something i dont ever want to lose." his gaze flickered back towards the fire as he smiled softly, his hands coming together as he spoke softly, "something far too precious to me to ever consider losing."