
Mark was awake when Andrea came back in the room. Mark said "hey Andrea." He was happy to see her again. Mark was happy to be with her and he ask "is everything okay?" He look at her as he was not sure what was going to happen next and he was feeling tried. Mark look tried and he was hoping that everything would be okay. (Sorry it's short.)

"Hey, baby. You don't have to get up yet," Andrea said to Mark as she laid back down in bed. "Everything's okay. Sky was just crying, so I got up to take care of her. She's went right to sleep afterwards, so I was hoping it wouldn't wake you up. I'm sorry if it did," Andrea mentioned. Andrea looked at Mark as she got comfortable in bed and snuggled up with him, but couldn't go back to sleep as Sky had woken her up. She could clearly see that Mark was tired though and that he still needed sleep, so she told him that he could go back to sleep.

Mark said "it's okay. You don't have to apologize." He look at her as he felt happy that she was there. Mark laid his head down and said that he was not tried at all. Mark look at Andrea as he said "I had a dream about a son who we named after my character. Bruce. I was wondering if you knew what that could mean." He was wanting her opinion on his dream. Mark had no idea what his dream could mean as he had never had a dream like it before.

Andrea listened to him carefully but didn't have a clue what they meant. "Maybe that's what our future will be. Maybe we will have a son in the future named Bruce. Who knows," Andrea answered back to the best of her ability. She still wanted to wait until Sky was at least in 1st grade and they had a steady family dynamic going. (Do you want to do a time skip for 6 years to when Sky is in 1st grade and Andrea becomes pregnant again with their second child?)

Mark said "maybe we will have a son. Though if we end up with another daughter. I will still be happy." He kissed her cheek as he was feeling happy to be with her. Mark was feeling happy that he had a family to call his own. (Sure.)

*6 years later* "Bye Mom! Bye Dad!" Sky said as they dropped her off at school and then drove back home. "She's growing up so fast," Andrea said to Mark as they watched her go into the school. Andrea was ready to go back home since she was feeling sick that morning, but still wanted to go with Mark to drop Sky off on her first day of first grade. Andrea just was throwing up that morning, but felt much better. She was also quite tired, though she slept good through the nights. "Thank you for letting me go with you this morning," Andrea said as she smiled happily at Mark.

Mark said "she is growing up so fast. It seems like only yesterday she was a baby." Mark drove home and he park his SUV in the driveway. Mark said "you don't have to thank me." He was happy that she got to go with him. Mark had Goren with them as Goren was part of the family. Mark ask "is there anything you want to do before we go inside?" Mark look at her. (Sorry it's short.)

Andrea smiled as she listened to him. She was glad she was feeling good enough to go with him as she loved her daughter too and wanted to be with Mark when they sent her off to school. "Actually, can we go grab a pregnancy test? I don't have anymore and I just want to take a test to be sure if I'm pregnant again or not due to the sickness this morning," Andrea answered to Mark's question.

Mark said "of course, we can go get one." Mark began to reverse out of the driveway as he was going to go to the store. Mark drove to the store and he ask "do you want me to go in and get it?" He was willing to run into the store for her so that she could feel happy. Mark was waiting for a phone call but he knew that it would be a while as they never started to film avengers movie so it was a waiting game. Mark look at Andrea as he was waiting for her answer.

Andrea heard his answer and felt happy as he was willing to do anything for her and to help her with anything. She was quiet as she was thinking about when Mark was going to get the phone call from the Director of the Avengers movie so they could start filming. She still did some acting jobs, but not as much as Mark did, though she had other side jobs like selling her art and also being a YouTuber. Andrea enjoyed her side jobs too as it gave her more time at home to take care of everyone else. "Could you go in and grab it for me, please?" Andrea asked as she looked at him with puppy eyes. (I have an idea where Andrea will go into labor while she's with Mark while he's filming for the Avengers movie. Is that okay for later?)