
Jax paced up and down the room,he was seriously worried for Noah and felt helpless because really there was nothing he could do. It didn't help that Damien was also clearly worried. Damien guessed that Jason would also be called for back up which obviously put him on edge aswell,he just hoped Eirian wouldn't do anything too stupid but knowing him,he really wouldn't care about what he did. Eirian groaned as he saw the same car from earlier that day,he did question why they had returned and headed back into his house waiting for them. He placed a hand over the gun but before he could react two agents lunged at him making him fall to the floor. As the agent from earlier kicked him,Eirian managed to get a hand on the gun. He looked over at everyone weighing up the situation,it would be difficult to make a run for it. Eirian smirked quickly seeing the first agent being distracted and pulled the gun from it's spot shooting at the guys shoulder. He pushed the guy off him and shot at whoever was in sight before making a run for the door.

Noah groaned as he fell to the floor, the guy was lousy at shooting and barley missed Anna but that's also because of Jason. He jumped in front of her. Keni was quick to react when Eirian ran, she groaned as she hated running after people but there was no time to even think about that, she ran after him and shortly after Jason ran after Keni, after making sure Anna was ok. She got brused since she landed on her shoulder when she fell but Noah…She almost panicked when she saw him on the floor, "Shit, shit, shit, shit.…" She ran around and called for an ambulance. After just a few minutes, Jason returned with Eirian in handcuffs. "Where's the ambulance?" Anna shrugged as she held onto Noah, she heard sirens and immediately got Noah outside. Once the EMT's came, they quickly put him in the ambulance and drove off. "No one tells Jax about what happened to Noah, got it?" Anna nodded and so did Keni, Jason didn't want Jax to know, he knew how he would react. They put Eirian in the car and drove to the office, "Alright." Jason grabbed Eirian out of the car and led him to Damiens old cell. He locked the lock and went back to his desk. Keni went to the hospital and tried to see if Noah would need to spend the night. Luckily it was just a bullet that they needed to get out and stitch. "No broken bones." Keni had talked to the doctor and sighed in relief. "Good, good…" She paced around as she saw Noah. (I'm going offline for about 2 hours, hopefully less)

Eirian was heading towards the car,he still needed to get to Jax but that was going to be more difficult,especially now when he could hear someone running after him. He had no idea why the agents had returned and cursed them silently,they had totally ruined his plans. Eirian did try to fight the guy when he was caught but there wasn't much he could do once he was in handcuffs. He groaned,annoyed at himself. The fact that the agent had been hurt didn't bother him in the slightest,he only cared about him now and what being caught meant for him. Eirian did raise his eyes at hearing Jax's name and wondered whether something was going on between the agent and him. Eirian noticed Boss was opposite his cell and looked away,both knew they had failed. Damien rested his hand on Jax's arm who was still pacing the room. "It's been alot longer than I would have expected for Noah to be back" he spoke and picked his phone up calling Noah but hung up with a sigh. Jax was getting increasingly worried. (Okayy,dw) Edited at July 11, 2023 12:31 PM by Starstruck

None of the agents went to Damiens place to tell them that Noah had been shot. Mostly because they wanted to avoid things plus they had a lot more stuff to do. Jason texted Damien and said, 'We got Eirian, I'll be over after work.' He sent it and looked at the clock. He could get off work and wanted to but there were a few things he decided to do before heading to Damiens. Anna was working with her project and Millie helped her of course, "Oh so Anna gets help but not me huh?" Jason muttered as Millie came over, "Are you alright with your project?" Jason looked up and was surprised, well not technically. Millie always makes sure that everyone was on track, I guess Anna just says no to that question. Jason said, "Nope, I'm all good. In fact, I think I might be heading to Damiens house in a bit." Millie nodded as she went back to Anna's desk. Millie seemed a lot more chill but Jason just figured that she was in a good mood because for one Anna didn't get shot and two, well because Jason did a good job today and actually focused on his work. After some thinking, Jason got up and grabbed his jacket. "Alright, I'm out." Jason walked over to Anna and kissed her on her head before hugging her and leaving the building. He thought about Noah the entire way and only thought about him more when he hit traffic. It took about an hour and half to get to Damiens which was ridiculous but it's New York City so he didn't expect anything more or less. After he arrived at the house he got out and opened the door. He didn't care to knock since he wasn't used to knocking. He went over to Damien and kissed him.

Damien got the text from Jason "They got Eirian" he spoke,watching Jax for abit who clearly wasn't listening to him,he was starting to get abit worried for him aswell "Jax,sit down,it's alright" Jax sat down with a sigh and rested his head in his hands. "Why did you date Eirian?" He asked,he did want to know why and hoped that listening to him would take his mind off Noah. Damien shrugged "He's hot and he said he was into me,I didn't know him that well at the time but after dating them I realised just how crazy that guy was and broke up with them" Jax raised his eyes,he was slightly surprised that Damien had dated someone like that but then again wasn't all that surprised. He widened his eyes in mock shock as he thoughy of another question to ask "Did you fuck him?!?" Damien looked at Jax and shook his head "No,nope,definitely not" Jax raised an eyebrow unconvinced but before he could ask anymore he saw Jason. Damien smiled quickly at Jason as he kissed him and breathed a sigh of relief seeing he was okay. Jax looked between them and couldn't help but think about Noah "Where's Noah?" He asked because he did want to know and guessed Jason would know.

Jason kissed Damien again and smiled, he was slightly caught off guard by what Jax said. He thought of an excuse and thought of a good one, "He had to go somewhere else with Keni." Which was technically true, he was at the hospital with Keni so he wasn't entirely lying. He smiled to try and hide his lying face but he's beyond bad at lying when he isn't put under pressure or undercover. He chuckled nervously as he continued to kiss Damien, trying to ignore the question. But he figured that Noah was going to be ok since it was in the shoulder. He didn't want to deal with Jax's mourning, especially after a long tiring day. He hate the fact that he lied to him and thought that he should tell the truth. He sighed as he pulled back and looked at Jax, "He's in the hospital, Eirian shot him." He looked down and stayed near Damien, he was afraid to look up and see Jax's face. He just couldn't help it, he would hate it if someone lied to him while his loved one was in the hospital. He could relate to that and didn't want Jax to feel the same way.

Damien glanced at Jax with a sigh,he hadn't ever known his friend to be like that and could just tell how anxious he was. Jax listened to what Jason said and nodded,he wasn't sure whether he believed it but that was the only thing he had been told so he guessed he should. Jax buried his head further into his hands. Damien could tell Jason was lying but wasn't going to mention it,he did slightly wonder what had happened to Noah. Damien wouldn't normally care but did because he knew how much Jax cared about him. Jax looked up at Jason after what he said and instantly shifted "Is he alright?" He asked already alot more worried after actually hearing what had happened but increasingly angry at Eirian. He wanted to go see Noah but didn't know whether he could. Jax buried his head further into his hands not really knowing what to do. Damien sighed seeing Jax but honestly he wasn't surprised Eirian had done that.

Jason nodded, "Yeah he's fine." He smiled as he actually didn't know, but he was at the hospital. He knew the nurses and doctors are taking care of him. He did slightly wonder where he was right now. Suddenly the door opened and saw Keni, she held Noah in her arms. "Alright Noah! You are here." Keni pushed Noah into Jax's arms, "Take care of your boyfriend and I suggest taping his mouth shut! He wouldn't stop threatening me if I didn't bring him here. Not to mention I scratched his car so there goes 2,000$ of my pay check." She seemed pissed and flopped onto the couch. Noah chuckled, his shirt was off so you could clearly see all his scars and where the bullet hit him. "Anna didn't react the same when she went to the hospital today." Noah scoffed as he laid on Jax, "That's because Anna's heartless, and plus Millie told her to go to the hospital. She landed on her shoulder, it could have fractured all because SOMEONE had to jump in front of her and actually dropped her." Noah looked straight at Jason with a dramatic face, "Ok well I didn't want Anna getting shot at. Especially because on the field I am responsible for her! Oh not to mention I didn't want to deal with Millie! You know how she is when Anna gets hurt! So yeah, I jumped in front of Anna. It was a split second decision." The three agents started arguing about that whole scene with trying to capture Eirian.

Jax nodded again but was still worried,Albert abit less because he knew that he was going to be alright. He still wished he could see Noah so when he did see him with Keni,he wondered whether he was just imagining him. Jax couldn't help but laugh at what Keni said,he winced seeing where the bullet wound was and wrapped his arms around Noah being careful not to hurt him any more. Jax did bury his face against Noah just glad he was with him now. He listened as they started arguing and raised his eyes glancing at Damien who just shrugged. Damien was also just glad that it hadn't ended worse for anyone except Eirian and he did wonder whether he should tell Jason Eirian was his ex. It wasn't really a big deal but still. He chuckled as the arguing continued and smiled over at Jax.

After a good 30 minutes of arguing they finally settled down, it was mostly just Keni and Jason arguing but with agents it's usually three people who are arguing. Keni looked up at Jax and huffed, she wasn't dating anyone so all she had was Noah. Who was taken, but in her mind Noah was a cuddling toy. She grabbed Noah out of Jax's arms and cuddled with him. "Hmm, oh you smell so good. I'm sure Jax just loves you to death and oh, wants to literally fuck you 24/7." She said in probably the most dramatic way ever. Noah shifted, mostly because Keni didn't know that she was hurting him. After a few shifts, Noah was on top of Keni, in the most sexiest way possible. His legs were between Keni's widen legs and oh… his head between her breasts. Jason couldn't help but chuckle but tried to hold back. Keni had her hands over Noah's abs while smirking at Jax. Jason rolled his eyes as he said, "Stop torturing Jax with that position Keni. I know you love cuddling with Noah but… hate to say it but he's taken." Keni rolled her eyes as she started playing with Noah's wavy hair. Her fingers going across his neck and down his chest. Jason watched the entire thing and watched Jax's reaction then just knew it. Keni was messing with Jax's mind. It was cruel but she didn't care, she loved making people jealous.