
Normally at this point, criminals were angry with him but it bugged him that this criminal dismissed every attempt he made toward friendliness. At least the other ones were only ever angry at themselves and seemed to acknowledge his kind nature, eventually once they calmed down. But this one wasn't pissed. She shouldn't be acting this way toward him. It definitely prickled his skin, despite his efforts to not let it show. That was one of his flaws. He hated when people didn't treat him with respect or more importantly when he couldn't pinpoint the reason for disrespect. That's why Sanders and him had so many disagreements. It was a thing he needed to work on. "I'm sure your very used to the red carpet glam," He tapped on the wanted poster of her by the door they would be using. This didn't have a name or alias to match her name but the picture was exactly identical to her appearance now. She must have escaped the previous cops before they could dig up information about her. He opened the door and guided her inside. It was actually more of a doctor's office room which was fair. Nacy always wanted to be a doctor. Silas was starting to realize how quickly each police officer's office looked exactly like the degree they wanted.That was the first time he noticed it in a long time. Nancy was actually a retired deputy. She retired after a serious eye and ear injury. She was more of a medical officer now. But then one could argue he was more of the psychological officer even though he did a lot of field work. Nancy was waiting for them when they got there. She was wearing her uniform, her hair slicked back in a neat bun exposing the fact that she only had one ear. She liked criminals to see it, she claimed it freaked them out. She was the type to find humor in these situations. "Hi, is this her?" Nancy gave a cool nod toward him. He gave a subtle greeting back, At one point, before she had her injuries, the two dated. It was a rough heartbreak. "This is Rylee Hunt, captured today for stealing leftovers out of her neighbor's fridge," He responded to her, speaking a little louder than he normally would. "Alright hun," She pulled the curtain and gestured for the criminal to come in,"I suppose you know the drill?"

Her gaze flickers to her wanted picture, the next one posted would have her name under it. No address though, she didn't have a home. As they enter yet another office, her gaze flickers around. What the hell? A doctor's office? Last she checked it was a police station. What was next? A room with frilly pink and unicorns on the wall? She resists the urge to roll her eyes or make a sarcastic remark. Silas seemed annoyed enough, but perhaps that wasn't all of a bad thing. She could use it in her favor.
As Rylee's gaze lands on the female officer, she simply blinks. So the officer was missing an ear, cool. It didn't freak her out, she'd seen worse. Rylee notes the coldness between the two and assumed that there was some bad history between them. Perhaps a break-up, or maybe they just didn't get along. Authority gone wrong? One got promoted, one didn't? Who knows.
Grey eyes flicker to the curtains, before she lifts her cuffed hands, voice dry,"Do you plan for me to strip with handcuffs?" It was possible, hardly. But it was incredibly difficult, trying to maneuver her shirt off with her hands cuffed? Or trying to get her pants off with her hands cuffed. That was just asking for trouble. And mainly she just wanted the cuffs off of her wrists.
Hadn't they figured out she wasn't going to do anything? At least not until she was in the holding cell. She wasn't going to attack anyone or make a run for it. That was stupid, there were too many police along the hallways. She'd have to go out a different way.

"Oooo, she's a little feisty isn't she?" Nancy narrowed her eyes. She was going to get to everything in a moment. She just needed some time,"You know, there's this thing called patience. It makes a big difference in the world." Although her words were aimed toward the criminal, her gaze slid past her and onto Silas' shadow outside of the curtain. Clearly the words were more focused on him. Maybe some bitterness still remained in their relationship after all. Or lack of relationship, for better words. She finished resetting the scale, making sure it was accurate and grabbing the measuring tape. She made sure everything was in order and moved to help Rylee strip. "Handcuffs must stay on, I'm afraid I'm not loaded with a taser or gun like your police buddy back there," She knew how much Silas liked to be armed, even when he didn't need to. That was his flaw as a cop, not enough training in fist to fist combat. Silas made an audiable "hmph" noise and crossed his arms. He could hear everything that was going on. The last thing Rylee needed was to listen to Nancy's bitching about him.

Rylee rolls her eyes, she didn't need a lecture about patience. She'd been patient her whole life. A lot of patient and not a whole lot of reward. In fact, it had only gotten her here. Had she been impatient when she'd robbed that gas station, she would have been out the door before Silas ever entered. She never would have been caught and never would have popped back up on the radar. Damn her patience.
Though Rylee says none of that to the cop as she stands on the scale, waiting for her to finish. Then she hesitates as the female cop moves to help her strip, she didn't like other people touching her. But, after a minute she relents, she'd have to get it over one way or another. "He's not my buddy." She didn't have a buddy, the only buddy she had would be Maverick. And she sure as hell wasn't going to be calling a cop, her buddy.
Regardless of how nice he was, or how much he was trying to help her. He wasn't her buddy. She didn't have buddies, and she didn't have friends, and she sure as hell didn't have acquaintances. She was a loner, through and through. And patience she may be, but she was also incredibly stubborn, which already showed. Rylee finally manages to strip, her eyes were cold and calm. Though inside she was hating every second.
She didn't need to be judged or pitied over the fact she was skinny. Her ribs were just barely showing, she was skinny, but she was also lean and muscular. More muscle and lean showed then her ribs. She probably weighed just over a hundred and stood at a good 5'7, which was good for females.

"Oh Parks makes everyone his buddy whether you agree or not," That part was half muttered and shown her bitterness more. The cop got her undressed and wrote down her weight with a frown. She was very thin, most criminals were that or very muscular. It depended on their sex. She moved on to body measurements, working quickly and without laying a single hand on the criminal. It wasn't her first rodeo. Silas gave another audible huff, staying behind the curtain. He was just there to protect Nancy if things went south. He highly doubted they would. After all Rylee had been cooperative so far, except for the attitude. Attitudes were typical here and nothing to be too concerned about. It was whenever attitudes meant violant nature when the problems arouse. She wrote down the measurements and helped Rylee put back on her clothes,"Hun, you're about 20 pounds underweight by BMI but with your measurements, I'd say you are more like 30-40. I will suggest a high protien, high cal diet for you to enjoy while you are here. I want you having four meals a day and an ensure every single day. Criminal life has not done your body justice." She finished redressing her and opened the curtains. Silas was looking a little bit more pissed, with his arms crossed, but his emotions seemed to be gaurded which made it harder to tell. "Oh and Parks, I'm deaf in one ear and not the other. I can hear everything that comes out of your mouth so watch it," Nancy's voice was low but not low enough. He knew Rylee could most definitely hear it. He just gave a faint eye roll and put his hands up in mock surrender. "Come on princess, let's go play Popperazzi." He turned to Rylee,waiting on her.

She said nothing to that. Silas could try, but she'd already shown that she wasn't in any mood for buddies. She wasn't afraid to hurt Silas' feelings. Rylee stands still, annoyed, as the female cop does her thing. Taking measurements and notes. Rylee notes the frown, but still stays quiet. She was skinny, she knew that. Life as criminal wasn't pretty, but it was all Rylee ever knew.
Blah, blah, blah.
More protein, more calories, more weight. Eat healthy. Bah, she would, when she got out. Rylee bites her tongue, resisting the urge to say anything as the female cop finishes helping her get dressed. Simply following the female cop out as the curtains are opened. At the female cop's words to Silas, Rylee quirks an eyebrow. So, they had dated. That was the reason for the coldness and bad history between them.
Rylee bites her tongue again, once again resisting the urge to snap at Silas. She simply nods, taking a step after Silas. No doubt he'd grab her arm and escort her out.

He was predictable and did take her arm once she took a step forward. It was just the best way to guide her to the next place and to ensure she didn't take off and run. Not that she would with the handcuffs still around her wrist. "Bye, Nancy, stay as pretty and friendly as always," He turned to leave the room. Now Nancy was a lot of things but pretty and friendly weren't one of them. She had an attitude just as sharp of a criminal and kind of looked like one. There was no deinal in that part. "Fuck off," came her response as he left the room with Rylee. It was time for her mugshot or well to update one. Every facility did one. This time he lead her to the front of the office. From there, there was a camera set up and on the other side a holding cell. They had a few cells meants to hold dangerous criminals and those suffering from mental illness but he didn't think she needed a white padded room or chained to the wall. He thought she would be just fine annoying the front desk officer. It was inuition that she wasn't that dangerous, speaking that she got caught for stealing leftovers. "Alright, stand in front of the camera," He instructed, letting go of her arm. There was gaurds at the door if she tried to bolt, the front desk officer, and a taser in his pocket. He highly doubted she would try to flee.

A flash of amusement flickers through Rylee as the female officer tells Silas to fuck off. She was tempted to add to that, but she didn't, simply following Silas as she was guided out of the room. Toward the front desk, and then into another office where there was a camera and a holding cell. As Silas instructs her where to go, she obeys. Stepping in front of the camera.
She simply stares at it, no smile, no smirk, no nothing. It was a mugshot not a high school picture that was going into the yearbook. Hell, the only thing she was tempted to do, was flip the camera off. But, she refrained from doing so. She was too busy figuring out her escape. She was by the front desk, which was manned by a officer. There were guards outside the cell. But, when would the shifts rotate, there would be enough confusion then that she would have her chance to get out.
With any luck, the guards left their posts to change guards. That would give her probably a five minute window, which was all she needed to get out. Somewhere along the way, she'd managed to find a little hair thing, perfect for lock-picking the lock to her cell, which would lead to the perfect and straight route right out the front door, and then into the darkness of the night. Because, she could see the outside, it was about night time now. She would admit she was growing a bit tired.
But, she would also admit, to herself, that she was not going to be spending the night in a jail cell. She hadn't spent the night in a jail cell in the years that she'd been a criminal. Always managing to thwart the cops, sometimes even going as far as to seduce them and distract them.

Most of the time, this would be when criminals did something sarcastic to their mugshot. Flipping off was common but there were a few that figured out how to strip their drawers and flash the camera. Those ones were creative, he had to admit. Another few common ones were smirking or doing funny faces. Normally it was a method to save time to be put in the cell. Most of the time it worked. But Rylee didn't do none of those. Perhaps she was tired or done fighting. It was still kind of suspicious though. He took her mugshot and grabbed her to guide her to the holding cell. The guards were fresh, being called in to gaurd after her arrest was announced. One of them narrowed their eyes and put a hand out to stop her from going inside. "Feet apart," His voice was gruff sounded. He was the one that was suspicious of everything. He clearly wanted to pat her down again. Silas knew not to argue with him, normally his suspicions were right.

Finally the camera was done, and Rylee simply steps away, where Silas grabs her and directs her to the holding cell. One of the guards stops her, demanding she put her feet apart. Great another search. He wouldn't find anything. She knew how to hide things in places even the most touchy and thoroughly of guards wouldn't find. She wasn't stupid, she knew her way around the system. She wasn't going to be caught that easy. Did they seriously think she was that rookie of a criminal?
Rylee relents, her feet planted apart, shoulder width apart. No emotion coming to her eyes as she was searched. He wouldn't find the hair pin. He could look all he wanted, and even if he did, she had other methods of getting out. She was just getting annoyed of how long she'd been in prison. Next time she'd escape before they put her in the car. Especially if she knew she was coming back to this station. She was annoyed, tired, and missing the outdoors. Being homeless may suck, but it did allow her to enjoy nature, and the outdoors.
Well, as much as she could in the busy city of London. If she stayed on the outskirts of town, she could actually enjoy nature a lot. It was quieter and there were a lot less lights. She could clearly see the sky and the stars.