
Mark said "you can stay with me. I promise that you can always stay with me no matter what." He kissed her cheek as he was going to make sure that she felt safe. Mark ask "do you want to go with me when I film for the avengers movie?" He was wanting to know what she wanted to do. Mark look at her as he was feeling relax and happy to be with her. (Sorry it's short.)

"Good because I don't want to leave you and I'm scared to go to sleep. I do want to go with you when you film the movie. I love that," Andrea explained to Mark. She kept her eyes on him as she wasn't sure what to do next and didn't want to sleep. "I love you, Mark," Andrea said as she took his hand.

Mark listened to her and he said "thank you for going with me when I go to film the movie. The director wants you and Sky to be in the movie as he wants to show the world that even a hulk has feelings." He was not sure what she was going to say about that but he was telling the truth. Mark said "I love you too, Andrea." He was smiling now as he was going to stay awake for her. Mark said "I am scared to go to sleep too."

"Of course we'll help by being in the show and showing that Hulk has feelings. I don't know how well Sky would take it though," Andrea mentioned to Mark as she stayed close to him. Sky started to cry again as she was hungry and needed to be changed. She also missed being in her parents arms. "I know Sky. I know," Andrea said to Sky, but she continued to cry.

Mark heard this and he heard Sky as he was getting up to use the bathroom. Mark said "I will be right back. I need to use the bathroom." He went to use the bathroom and he washed his hands as he knew that he would have to be careful. Mark went to check on Sky and he changed her and he picked her up. Mark said "hey Sky." He carried her to their room so that she could be with them.

Andrea saw Mark get up and heard him say that he would be right back as he had to use the bathroom. She was keeping herself calm as she watched him leave and sat there in the room by herself, listening to the clock tick beside her on her nightstand. She finally was relieved when Mark came back with Sky in his arms and she was still crying a little, but not as much as before. She was glad to be with her parents, but she was still hungry. "Hi, Sky," Andrea said to Sky, but she knew she couldn't hold her due to her arm still healing.

Mark was using his injured arm but he was not caring as he had a bottle for Sky to be able to eat. Mark said "I got the bottle ready for Sky so that she could eat without you having to get hurt." Mark sat down on the bed with Sky in his arms as he was happy that she was okay. Mark said "she looks so beautiful." He felt like a proud father as he knew that he would do anything for Sky. (Sorry it's short.)

"Thank you," Andrea said to Mark as she kissed his forehead and sat up with him. Andrea listened to Mark and saw Sky. Sky refused the bottle though and continued to cry as she wanted the milk from her mother. "Sky, you have to have the bottle. Your father and I are injured and you're making your father upset," Andrea said but Sky only cried louder. "Here, let me leave the room so she will drink from the bottle," Andrea suggested before getting up.

Mark was not sure what was happening and he began to feel like a bad father. Marks happiness went away as he could just hear Sky crying. Mark began to distance himself from Sky as he felt like he did everything wrong. Mark said "you don't have to leave. I will leave. I feel like a horrible father and I don't want to be in the room anymore." Tears were in Mark's eyes as Sky did make him feel like he was horrible. Mark look at Andrea as he no longer felt happiness at all.

"Mark," Andrea said sadly, but he already walked out. "Sky, that was not nice. You need to stop crying," Andrea said sternly and Sky stopped crying. Andrea force-fed the bottle to Sky and finally she stopped resisting and then she went to sleep afterwards. Andrea put Sky in the crib in their room and then went to Mark. "Mark, she's okay now. I'm sorry that she hurt you. You are not a horrible father at all. She just wanted me, but she shouldn't have made you upset like that. I'm sorry," Andrea said to Mark as she rubbed his shoulders gently as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.