
With ease, Addilyn opened the oven and slid the pan in. Being careful not to touch the intensely heated metal. Without thinking about it, Addilyn began to speak. "You know, you're really cool. And not to assume things, but you have this air of positivity about you that makes you really hard to dislike or not be drawn to. I think we're going to get along fine." Addilyn was smiling as she spoke, tucking her inky black hair behind her ear.

Alex smiled brightly, "That.. that really means something to me. Thank you, Addilyn." The girl closed the refrigerator and turned to Addilyn, "Want to put in a movie, or something?"

"A movie?" Addilyn hadn't watched a movie in an awfully long time. Last time, it had been with Jason, on one of their few dates where they willingly went out. The memory was filled with rosy light as she remembered it fondly.

"Yeah! We have all sorts of stuff - you can choose. The rack is over by the TV." Alex enjoyed movies - especially the movies with background music. It was always fun to listen to.

Addilyn hesitates, pausing in place. "I uh- I don't know what movies are good or not. I don't want to choose something bad." Despite the fact that Addilyn was a cold blooded girl who had grown up to fast and was able to easily take out a full grown adult. She was still worried about choosing a bad movie.

Alex grinned, "You can't pick a bad movie - we only keep the good ones. Just chose a movie with a title you like, and I'll turn on the TV." She found the remote after a bit of searching, and maneuvered her way around.

"Okay," Addilyn looked through the rack with nimble fingers. Her eyes sparkling as she narrowed it down to three. An exciting action movie, because why not, a comedy so she could be in a good mood for the drive. Or, a romance. When she was younger, she had loved romantic anything. Mostly because her own life was so devoid of any sort of love anyways. This came back to her now but she finally settled on the comedy because reasons for plot.

Alex had Addilyn put the movie in, then handed the other girl the remote. "There you go!" Alex sat back on the couch and closed her eyes - not like she needed to see the movie or anything.

Addilyn tried not to turn the tv up too loud, for the sake of everyone who was still asleep. At some point Brax had brought Amika inside and the two had hurried along back into the room. Addilyn just watched the movie, mesmerized by it.

Alex enjoyed herself as she listened, and when the oven beeped, quietly asked Addilyn if she could pause the movie and help her take out the pan. "We can eat cookies while we finish the movie!"