
Mark took the medicine and he was feeling calm as he said "thank you." He was sitting on the couch as he knew that he would need to relax as he was hoping that everything would be okay. Mark was feeling tried but he was not wanting to fall asleep yet. Lawrence saw this and he felt bad that his uncle was afraid of falling asleep. Lawrence had the new laptop for Andrea and he went to her. Lawrence whispered "my uncle bought this for you." He handed her the laptop that was still in its box and wrap. The laptop was the same one that Andrea had always wanted.

Andrea heard Lawrence and turned to him and saw the box. She opened the box and saw the laptop that she always wanted. "Thank you, Mark. You didn't have to do that. I could've just put my broken one together. I love you," Andrea said as she kissed Mark on the lips. Then she pulled back when she saw Sadie and Charlie come back in, only Charlie was like his old self again and didn't growl at her. "What did you do?" Andrea asked and Sadie just explained how she did Charlie's old training a little bit and he snapped right back to his old self. Andrea thanked him and then continued to sit next to Mark as Sadie handed her the med kit so she could stitch herself back up, but she couldn't do it herself. She couldn't heal her bruises by herself either as she didn't have enough flexibility to do so. She looked at Mark as her arm continued to bleed.

Mark saw this and he smiled softly as he felt happy to be with her. Mark said "I wanted you to have something that you always wanted." Mark look at her as he was feeling relax. Mark began to stitch up her arm as he was wanting to make sure she was okay. Mark look at her as he was happy that she was safe now. (Sorry it's short.)

"Thank you," Andrea said to Mark after she listened to what he said. She was glad that things were sort of back to normal, though it would take a while for Andrea to get over Charlie growling at her. She watched as he began to stitch her arm up and she winced a little as it hurt, but she knew he was being as gentle as he could be, so she never said anything. Andrea thanked him after he was done and smiled as she hugged him as she was thankful to be home with Mark.

Mark said "you don't have to thank me. I just wanted you to feel happy and it was the only way that I could think of to repay you." He hugged her back after he was done with stitching her arm up. Mark smiled as he was happy that she was home again and he knew that he would have to get used to everything again but he knew that because of Andrea that he would get use to everything sooner. Mark said "thank you for being my wife."

"I wouldn't change it for the world," Andrea answered back to Mark's thanks. "Why don't we go to bed and get some rest?" Andrea suggested as she was tired but was staying awake for Mark. She knew he'd have to have her by his side in order for him to go to sleep, so she got up with him but she went to get some ice first for her eye. Andrea hasn't even showed Mark all her bruises and scars she had on her chest from the guy who beat her up earlier. "Feel free to stay tonight and get some rest. We're off to bed," Andrea said and let Mark say his goodnights before she helped him upstairs, still ignoring her pain as she got him into bed while Charlie stayed downstairs. Sky was still asleep in her crib when Andrea closed the door and turned on the light in the bedroom. Once she got Mark comfortable and in bed she went over to the dirty clothes hamper and took off her clothes, revealing her bruised and scarred chest and stomach.

Mark saw this and he immediately felt horrible that someone would hurt Andrea but he was not going to stand by as he wanted the man to be hurt the same that he hurt Andrea. Mark texted his other nephew about what he was doing as Mark had two nephews. Lawrence was the youngest and his cousin was older and meaner that Lawrence was. The other nephew found the guy and made sure that he felt the same pain and he got some very nasty looking scars. The nephew had a mask on which made it hard for anyone to see him. The nephew had left as he knew that the cops would be there shortly. Mark look at the TV as he was not sure what was going to happen next.

Andrea put her pyjamas on and went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth. Then she put her hair into a low ponytail and got into bed. She smiled as she was happy to be with Mark but could sense something was off. "Is everything okay, love?" Andrea asked Mark as she looked at him while she laid there under the covers with him. Andrea tilted her head, unsure what was bothering him, but she wanted to make sure he wasn't in pain or anything.

Mark said "I was texting my other nephew to see how he was and well he might have beaten up a guy. I don't know why as I was wanting to make sure that he was okay." He look at Andrea as he showed her the text message which showed that Markw as telling the truth. Mark said "I have two nephews. Lawrence is the youngest of them both and now I feel like my other nephew is going to get into trouble." He was not sure what to do as he was hoping his nephew was okay.

"I certainly hope he's okay, though I'm sure if he takes after his parents then he'll do alright for himself. I'm just glad you're safe," Andrea explained to Mark. Andrea looked at Mark as she saw the text messages and knew his nephew would be okay. She was curious about the guy he beat up though she also didn't care as she just wanted to get some sleep, which she desperately needed. "I'm gonna go to sleep. I need it. Good night, love," Andrea said before yawning. Then Andrea fell asleep curled up next to Mark as she didn't want to hurt him, but she wanted to stay by his side in case he needed her.