
Mark was thankful to be home again as he knew that he would need to take it easy on his arm for a while. Mark was also thankful that Charlie was there to help him with his panic attacks but Mark knew that Charlie was Andrea's service dog so he would have to be careful with everything. Mark look at Andrea as he said "thank you for helping me with everything." Mark knew that she probably had better things to do than to help him with healing. Mark felt bad that she had to help him with everything. Mark was not sure what was going to happen next.

"Of course I'd help you. You're my husband. You mean everything to me. Here, let me go make some soup for you and Charlie will lay with you," Andrea said as she brought Mark up to their bedroom and put Sky in her crib so she could take a nap. Andrea had some pillows against Mark's back so he could sit up without being in pain so if he wanted to watch some TV or something, he could. Charlie jumped up onto the bed and laid down by Mark's side to keep him company. "I'll bring some pain medication to you when I bring your soup. Give me a call if you need anything," Andrea said before giving Mark a kiss on the forehead and went back downstairs and started making the soup for him.

Mark said "thank you Andrea." He was thankful as he was feeling relax as he knew that nothing would happen but he was still on the alert just in case. Mark was wearing pajama pants as it was easier to wear than jeans. Mark sighed as he was wishing that he was not afraid of guns or gunshots but he knew that it would take time before he could fully heal from the injury. Mark was just hoping that Andrea would be okay. Mark felt tried but he did not want to fall asleep as he had nightmares whenever he fell asleep. Mark look relax as he was hoping that everything would be okay.

Andrea was downstairs making Mark his soup as she knew she had to heal and get better. Andrea finished making his Chicken Noodle Soup and grabbed some pain medication that she knew he wasn't allergic to. She took the stuff upstairs and went into their bedroom. "Here you go," Andrea said as she handed his the pain medication and the glass of water as she knew he could handle that with his one arm. She held the bowl of soup and the spoon as she began to spoon-feed him so his other arm could heal.

Mark took his medication and he took a drink of water as he knew that this would help him with healing faster. Mark began to eat as he was hungry but he knew that he would have to be careful as he did not want to worsen his injured arm as he wanted to get better so that he could do something nice for Andrea. Mark said "thank you Andrea for helping me with healing." He knew he had a lot to be thankful for. (Sorry it's short.)

"There's no need to thank me. I'm just doing my job because I love you and I want what's best for you. I want you to heal and get better so Sky can be held by you again," Andrea explained after she heard Mark thank her. Andrea smiled as she continued to feed Mark since she didn't want him to be in pain from trying to eat himself. Finally, she finished feeding him and the bowl was empty and she went downstairs and put the dishes in the dishwasher. Then she went back upstairs and sat down on the bed by Mark but Charlie growled at her as he was protecting Mark. Andrea stood up quickly as she was surprised that he growled at her for the first time, but wasn't scared as she's met scared and protective dogs before.

Mark said "it's okay Charlie. She is not going to hurt me." He was confused on what was happening as he knew that Andrea would never hurt him. Mark was not wanting to go to bed unless Andrea was there with him as he was going to have nightmares but he felt like Charlie would scare Andrea away. Mark look at Andrea as he was not sure what was going to happen but he was hoping that nothing bad would happen to her as he was wanting to keep her safe. Mark said "I am sorry Andrea." He felt bad that Charlie had growled at her as he had never seen Charlie growling before.

"It's okay. I'm used to it," Andrea answered back as she knew it wasn't Mark's fault as Charlie was just being protective. Charlie listened to Mark and stopped growling. He jumped down from the bed but went over to Mark's side of the bed and laid down. Andrea got her pyjamas on and laid down on the bed. She got under the covers and had Mark's head lay on her chest as she ran her fingers through his hair. Andrea sang softly to him so he could feel safe enough to go to sleep.

Mark said "I wonder why he is doing this." Mark heard Andrea singing and he began to fall asleep as he felt safe and tried. Mark seem to be having a good dream as he knew that he was safe with A drea around since she could always get Lawrence over to their house. Suddenly a loud noise made Mark jump awake as it sounded like a gunshots and he began to panic as he was afraid that it was a gun. Mark suddenly realized that it was some fireworks but he was still scared.

Andrea was calm and relaxed as she was glad Mark was going to sleep and getting the rest he needed. She fell asleep after a while until she jumped awake too when she heard the fireworks. Though Andrea was scared to death, she kept her cool as she hugged Mark tightly without hurting him. Charlie jumped up onto the bed as he knew Mark was having a panic attack and growled at Andrea again. He finally barked at her angrily and she got up as quick as possible and Charlie laid down on Mark and stared at her while growling at Andrea. Andrea threw her hands up angrily and in defeat as she left the room and went downstairs and sat down on the couch.