
It was definitely a struggle to get her face to return to its normal color. Aelia eventually succeeded in calming that down, but the butterflies in her stomach refused to leave, and she was afraid Ava might be able to hear her heart beating in her chest. Truthfully, Lia couldn't quite figure out what was wrong with her, but she realized that these emotions could be sorted out later. Right now, her focus should be on the clothes and having as much fun with Ava as she could before having to return to the dreadful palace she called her home. Clearing her throat, Lia quickly did her best to regain her compsure, and she almost succeeded, only a light pink remained on her cheeks. "Hmm, well, I already have this on, and it's much softer than the other dress I was wearing so I'll keep this one on. Also, you look like a coat rack standing there with all the clothes, give me some, plus they're mine anyways so I should carry them." Aelia shrugged, and then noticed the other dress on Ava's shoulder, her eyes lighting up. "Did you choose something for yourself then?"

Ava ducked her head, "Yes, I got something - but I am going to pay for it, alright? I don't want to use your money, and I've been saving up to get a new dress anyway." Ava purposefully did not hand the clothes over to Lia, and instead headed over to the tailor, "Madam," Ava greeted politely, and set down the new dresses on the table, then neatly folded Lia's old dress, "Would it be alright if we left the extra clothes here for a while?" She turned to Lia briefly, "That way we don't have to carry them throughout the market where they can get dirty." The Tailor agreed with a smile, then looked over the dresses. Nodding her approval, and listed out the prices for Lia's two dresses, and then for Ava's.

Aelia glared at Ava, mostly because she refused to let Lia pay for the dress, but also because Ava still looked like a coat rack. Lia wasn't fragile, she could carry two measly dresses, even if they were relatively heavy, especially her old one. Okay so maybe Aelia was pretty weak but she didn't get a lot of opportunities to get stronger since she was probably the most guarded princess in existence and hardly ever got to leave the palace. So it obviously wasn't her fault. Lia blanched at the mention of paying. Within a second, she had turned to look at Ava with a 'please help me I don't know what to do' expression. Of course she had money on her, she didn't leave the palace without it, but she had no clue how much each coin was and had accidentally made a few merchants day by overpaying. It wasn't like she'd meant to do it, but she wasn't particularly upset about it either, it was nice to see people smile at her so brightly. After a moment, Lia pulled out her coin purse, the coins clinking together with a soft sound. Lia looked up at Ava again with big puppy dog eyes, begging her to help her out of the situation she was in.

Ava shifted the extra clothes onto the table, and pulled out her own coin pouch to pay (it was significantly smaller than Lia's). She could see that Lia needed help, and repeated the price for her own dress, and held up the different coins, stating their meanings. Then, Ava handed over the money to the tailor, and turned back to Lia. "Okay, so the dress you are wearing costs four silvers and five coppers. The other one costs three silvers and and seven coppers. Because ten coppers are worth one silver, you could pay eight silvers and two coppers, or sevent silvers and twelve coppers. Both have the same worth," Ava explained, going slowly so that Lia could absorb it. She pointed to each coin type as she named them, and made sure Lia nodded her understanding before continuing on, "There are also golds, and those are made up of thirty silvers. Hardly anyone charges golds, and if they are, it might be overpriced."

Despite the fact that Aelia, was insanely smart when it came to most thing, her own kingdom was a rather foreign topic to her. Truthfully, she was avoiding learning about her kingdom till the last moment. It was a horrible habit on her part, but she just wanted to stall her coronation until the last moment. Aelia loved her kingdom, but had never been cut out to be the queen. A fact that Aelia had willingly admitted to those closest to her, including her brother of course. Because of this, Aelia listened to Ava intently, her large blue eyes focused, and she nodded with understanding. Surprisingly enough, she was actually really good at maths, so she pretty much understood the whole coppers, silvers and golds currency by the end of the explanation. It would take some practice but she was positive that soon enough she'd be able to pay up without batting an eyelash. That is, if she was able to escape from her beautiful prison anytime soon. "Ah, thank you so much Ava, you're my knight in shining armor." Lia beamed at Ava before handing over the eight silvers and two coppers without even thinking about it. She gave the tailor another charming smile, and when she spoke, her voice was soaked in both admiration and gratefulness. "Thank you so much ma'am, your clothes are absolutely stunning and the quality is absolutely amazing." Lia turned her head to look up at Ava again, her smile never seeming to leave her face.

Ava smiled fondly at Lia, pointedly ignoring the look that the tailor was shooting her once Lia looked away, "I'll be your knight any time." Ava handed over the clothes to the tailor, who tucked them beneath her table, "I will make sure these stay safe while you are gone. Have a good day, girls." Ava nodded her thanks to the older woman, and turned back to Lia, "Do you have anything else in particular you want to get or see?"

For some odd reason, Ava's words made heat blossom across Aelia's face, and she quickly turned away shyly so Ava couldn't see her pink cheeks. Lia couldn't quite figure out why her heart was racing, or why she was blushing so often, perhaps it was because Ava knew her secret? That would explain why she was so nervous, perhaps her body was just reacting to the fact that Ava knew her secret. That had to be it. Aelia gave the tailor one of her signature smiles that always seemed to light up a room before turning back up to face Ava, ignore the butterflies that were flitting around her stomach. "Ah, not really, I mean I already have your wonderful bread and all, and getting any other foods would probably be a waste all things considered." Aelia paused, her brows furrowing as she thought deeply on what to do next. With a sigh, she simply shrugged, "perhaps we could just go around and look at the shops. Oh wait! I don't even know when you have to go back to your stall, I'm not intruding on your kindness right? I would not want to keep you from your job!" Aelia looked fairly concerned now, her blue eyes large and her brows raised slightly.

Ava shook her head firmly, "I promise this isn't an intrusion. I want to be around you, Lia. You are quite kind and fun. Besides - if we go back now the girl watching my shop will get annoyed she didn't get to stay there longer." The tailor found something to bust herself with, and in a mild voice, spoke up, "I heard there is a jeweler in town. He's only staying for a few days, and apparently his pieces are quite stunning."

It was the first time anyone had called Aelia fun, ever. Her brother had told her that she had a kind heart, as had her father, though she hadn't been sure that it'd been a compliment or not coming from him. Regardless, Lia knew that she was kind, that was the main word that came up when her father tried to marry her off to other princes, but she'd never had the chance to discover if she was 'fun' or not. Lia grew up in a womanless castle, and young princesses weren't allowed to run off with the boys as it was unladylike. Lia had grown up without friends, without fun in general. Most other women she met were disgusted with her appearance or hated her for her heir to the throne title. Hearing Ava's words made Lia's smile a bit brighter. At the tailor's words, Lia snapped back into reality, and looked from the tailor to Ava. "I mean it wouldn't hurt to check it out right? Maybe I can get something for Lucian and Ain- I mean my brother." (His name was originally Dustin but that's boring and I wanted them to be sun and moon soo) Lia couldn't believe her mouth, she literally was a risk to herself at all times.

Ava raised an eyebrow, "I'm not going to hex your brother if I know his name." It was said mildly, though, and in a joking manner. Although it was odd Lia didn't seem to want to let anything about her family or home slip, Ava wasn't really bothered by it. Everyone was entitled to their privacy. "The jeweler sounds good, though. Let's head off then - the later in the day it gets the more busy stores will become."