
Lol kay))
It was leaving day. Not much had happened in the last few days. Addilyn had become impatient and the only way she got out her frustration was combat training with Brax who happily obliged due to his own impatience. The two had both talked but mostly fought, which had left the two with scrapes and bruises. Al and Addilyn had yet to talk after the incident which made Al basically the omega of the whole group. Amika and Zane has done their best to help him out but Addilyn has refused to even look his way for days and he was getting the feeling that he would never have the mutual friendship they had had ever again. Kaitlyn had diligently taken care of Aloe with a motherly sort of protection. Which was good sine since it meant Kaitlyn had enough hope for the little girl that she was getting attached. Ami had taken to playing around with Strike and roughhousing with Zane. Everything was going to plan now in Addilyn's mind. The next obstacle was Mexico. Which would be the end of this sort of life for everyone.

Alex felt like she was always in the way, but it was only because the people in the house were gosh darned THEIVES. They were SILENT and silent was BAD when she couldn't see them walking around. Alex made breakfast in the morning, washed clothes, and was kinda just a maid in all senses. Michael was busy doing stuff, and her own GUIDE DOG was having fun playing with everyone else, and had to be outside most of the time because of the dude that was afraid of dogs! Overall, Alex was lonely.

It was morning now, Brax decided that he needed coffee, lots and lots of coffee for the next few days. Because he knew they may take a toll on his body. So he headed into the kitchen and started up his instant coffee. The smell was heavenly and he loved it. Over the past few weeks he had gained a bit more muscle from training with Addilyn who seemed more intense than normal which was unusual. She also seemed to disappear for hours and returned pale and tired, sometimes with new cuts and bruises on her body. Brax has tried to ask her about it but she had quickly snapped at him to leave it alone so he had. She was the only one other than Kaitlyn who seemed to be worried about the whole move. Which made Brax worry.

Alex, as she was walking to the kitchen, hit her hip. She hissed in pain, and held the tender spot as she came around the corner. The scent of coffee was heavy in the air, so Alex knew Brax was here. "Good morning," she welcomed, pulling out the bagels from the refrigerator."

A small smile played on Brax's lips as he heated up his coffee in the microwave. "Good morning Alex, would you like some coffee? I can make some for you if you'd like." Brax hadn't been able to talk to Alex like he had that one day since he had been so preoccupied with keeping Addilyn less angry that he hadn't been able to spend time with poor Alex who seemed so lonely since no one really talked to her.

"Uh..." Alex turned her head towards his voice, "Caffine and me don't really mix.... but I can drink water while you have coffee... and maybe we could talk?" She just really wanted a friend.

Brax smiled even if she couldn't see. His coffee finished heating up and he replied quickly. "Yea, of course Alex. Let me get you a glass of water then." He quickly grabbed a cup and filled it with water. His glasses on and his hair disheveled due to the fact that he had just woken up and hadn't been able to fix it. "To the table then?" His voice was kind as he held a glass of water in one hand and his own coffee in another.

Alex smiled as her bagel popped out of the toaster, quickly putting butter on it and going with Brax to the table. "Yeah. To the table." It felt like ages of being in the dark, alone, before coming back to her light.

Brax sat down at the table and slid the glass of water over to Alex's side. "I'm sorry, I haven't been able to talk to you. And also for taking over your house. But we're leaving soon. Also, I have a question since no one's really told me. Are you coming with us? To Mexico I mean." Brax quietly took a sip of his coffee as he waited for an answer.

"Yeah... we are. Michael wants us to have a fresh start. Someplace where he won't have to worry about me slipping his secrets." She made a face, "So we will be coming with you all. I hope that's okay.."