
Mark began to wake up when he could not find Andrea or Sky. Mark went to the stairs and he saw Andrea cooking. Mark felt sad that she did not wake him up as he was going to hold Sky for her while she cooked. Mark went to their room and he pretended to be asleep as he was fighting back tears. Lawrence was awake as he had to take care of Bruce and Roseanne. Lawrence was being a good father for them both.

Andrea heard Lawrence, who was also awake. She heard Mark come downstairs and turned to him and said Good Morning, but saw that he ran back upstairs. "Take over for me. I need to check on my husband," Andrea said and Sadie nodded as she took over for her. Andrea knew Mark was clearly upset but didn't know why. She went upstairs and put Sky in her crib before getting on the bed. "Honey, what's wrong? Did I do something to make you upset?" Andrea asked as she began to rub his back while she looked at him, unsure of what was bothering him.

Mark said "I was supposed to help you today with Sky." He began to curl up to snuggle with a pillow. Mark was not wanting to get out of bed now as he knew that Andrea and Sadie had everything under control. Mark said "I am going to go back to bed." Mark was looking at a wall as he knew that he would be okay without spending time with Sky since she had everyone else in the house ready to help her. Mark turn to look at Andrea as he was not sure what she wanted to do.

"I'm sorry, love. If I knew that I would've let you take care of her earlier. I put her back in her crib. You can help take care of Sky today. Lawrence and Sadie are going back home anyways after breakfast," Andrea explained as she continued to rub his back. Andrea felt bad that she didn't know earlier that he wanted to help take care of Sky. Andrea gave Mark a kiss on the cheek as she had his head on her lap and she ran her hands gently through his hair. "I'll let you take care of Sky whenever you want. You just have to let me know or I won't know," Andrea told him as she looked at him.

Mark said "it's okay. I just want to stay in bed for the day if that is okay. I don't feel like getting up at all." He look at her as he was not wanting to get up at all since he did not feel like he had the energy to do it. Mark had energy but he just did not want to get up again. Mark said "I will probably get up later today though." He heard about Lawrence and Sadie and he just nodded his head as he had a feeling that they were going home after breakfast. Mark was looking at the wall again.

"Yeah. That's fine. I'll be back," Andrea answered before getting up and walking out to get Mark some breakfast. Sky was in their room in her crib, though she started to cry as she wanted her father. Andrea made herself some breakfast and ate it quickly, and then got Mark some breakfast and put it on a tray and brought it in to him. "Here, love. Have something to eat at least," Andrea said as she waiting for Mark to take it and then she was going to sit with him while he ate.

Mark said "thanks honey." He sat up on their bed as he took the tray that had food on it. Mark began to eat as he was hungry but he was not wanting to get up from the bed as he was not sure what the day would bring. Mark was not sure why but he was not really in the mood to get up for anything. Mark heard Sky and he said "Sky needs you Andrea." Mark was not sure why but he was feeling sad still. Mark was hiding what he was feeling as he knew that Sky could probably tell what he was feeling. Edited at December 9, 2023 11:20 AM by Werewolf

Andrea was thankful that he was eating and heard him say that Sky needed her, but when she picked her up, she cried even more. Andrea knew that she wanted her father. "She wants you, love," Andrea said to Mark as she waited till he finished his breakfast before handing Sky to Mark and the minute she was in his arms she went quiet. Andrea smiled as she took Mark's tray and brought it back out into the kitchen to put away his dishes in the dishwasher and then folded up his tray and put it with the other trays. Andrea went back into their bedroom and said that Sadie and Lawrence were leaving if he wanted to say goodbye to them.

Mark was surprised when Sky went quite when she was in his arms. Mark gave a small smile as he whispered "hey beautiful girl. It's your dad. I love you." Mark would talk to Sky like a normal person as he knew that somehow she would be able to respond with a smile or a small laugh. Mark loves hearing Sky and he heard Andrea as he said "I will come say goodbye to them." Mark got up with Sky in his arms and he went downstairs to say goodbye bye to Lawrence and Sadie. Mark was being a proud father to Sky as he knew that he would support her in what she wanted to do for a career.

Andrea smiled as she heard Mark talking to Sky and Sky responding with a smile as she was happy with him. Andrea went downstairs with Mark and said their goodbyes to Lawrence, Sadie and the twins and then they left to go back home. "Do you want to go back to bed now?" Andrea asked as she looked at Mark, unsure if he still wanted to be in bed for the rest of the day or if he wanted to play with Sky and stuff. Andrea smiled happily as she gave Mark a kiss on the cheek. "I love you, Mark," Andrea said to him.