"Of course," Kaitlyn said easily as the younger child slid into unconsciousness. Automatically, the young woman took mental notes. The fact that the girl could still speak was good, it gave a high probability of her being able to recover the upper half of her body. Being able to feel her hunger was a good thing too. That meant her brain was working properly along with the digestive system. All of course, were good signs, which made Kaitlyn want to do a little happy dance but she didn't because she wasn't that immature.
Me trying to remember what characters I have that I have not used in a while.
Who all do I have? -Jason -Rainbow -Ribs -Alex -Michael -Aloe
Anyone else?
Okay. I'm fighting the urge to make another chari, since Rainbow is leaving.
The German Shepherd was feeling very lonely. No one had pet him that morning, and he figured if a dog had to work for loving, the world had changed for the worse.
Amika needed a breathe of fresh air. Plus, the snow was still fresh on the ground, and it would be a waste not to go outside and mess around with it. Exiting with a sigh, the cold air flowed through her blonde hair and bit her cheeks. Her eyes settled on the large german shepherd and a smile graced her lips. Ami had always loved dogs, she never had been able to get one though. It wasn't safe to have one since they could be hurt or injured. "Hi there big guy."
Strike was elated. He jumped into the air as if he was a puppy again, his tounge lolling. One bark, then two, rippled through the crisp air. The dog bounded over to the human, leaping again. Long ago his Master and Friend taught him not to touch when he jumped, because if he touched he might hurt Family.
The girl smiled and reached her hand out to let Strike sniff it. From there she began to pet the big dog on his head. A brilliant smile on her pale face, her hands gently scratching the dog behind his ears. "Do you have a ball or a toy? We could play fetch or something in all this snow!"
Fetch? Fetch! Strike ran into a snow pile, a huge cloud of white exploding around him. He emerged, slightly wet and very happy, with a ball. The Ball was Very Special to Strike, as when he got it and brought it back to Master and Family they smiled real big.
The girl automatically smiled when Strike came out with the ball. A giggle escaping her lips, "you're so proud huh big guy? You're so cute! I could hug you forever and ever. Can I have the ball? So we can play fetch?" Amika looked young then, young and more innocent than she had really ever been.
Strike bounded over, dropping the ball in front of the girl before dipping into a play-bow. His tail wagged, sending flicks of snow into the air.