
Mark said "you are doing great Andrea. Her head is out now. We just have to get push some more and she will be born." Mark look at her as he was feeling relax as he knew that he would have to let Andrea have her moments with Sky when she is born. Mark said "it's okay. You will be able to see Sky soon." Mark was not sure what she was going to do. Mark said "I will go downstairs to clean the mess up after Sky is cleaned and everything."

"Thanks. Alright," Andrea answered back as she knew that soon Sky would be with them. Andrea felt a lot of adrenaline as she was ready to see Sky already and have the pain go away, as she knew that after Sky was born she wouldn't feel the placenta come out afterwards since those contractions were quite soft. "Alright. But you will come back to hold Sky, right?" Andrea asked before continuing to push as she needed to get Sky out in the world before complications arose from having Sky inside for too long.

Mark said "I will come back to hold Sky." Mark helped her with Sky and soon there was Sky. Mark took care of everything that needed to be done. Mark washed Sky and he handed her to Andrea after he cut the cord that she had. Mark cleaned the mess up on the bed and he went to clean the mess up downstairs as he wanted Andrea to be happy with everything. Mark finished cleaning and he went to wash his hands before he went back to hold Sky. Mark went upstairs again and he said "every mess has been cleaned up."

Andrea felt a wave of relief as she heard Sky's cries. She watched Mark cut her cord and clean her off and then she took Sky into her arms as Mark handed Sky to her. "Thank you, Mark," Andrea said to Mark and then watched him clean off the bed and then go downstairs. She heard him come back upstairs and she had tears falling down her face from happiness as she continued to hold Sky as Mark came back in the room. "I love you," Andrea said to Mark as she looked up at him. Andrea handed Sky to Mark so he could hold her too.

Mark said "I love you too." He smiled as he held Sky. Mark whispered "hey Sky, I am your dad. I love you Sky." He was not sure if Sky would hear him but Mark knew that he would love Sky no matter what. Mark look at Andrea as he was a proud father of Sky and he said "she is prefect." Mark was not wanting anything bad to happen to Sky at all and he knew that he would protect Sky and Andrea from any harm. Mark ask "do you want me to get you anything Andrea?"

Andrea smiled as she listened to Mark talking to Sky, who was smiling back at him and calmed down from her crying. "Thank you. She looks like you," Andrea said as she looked at Mark and wiped away her tears. "I don't need anything right now. Thank you though. We can have dinner later though," Andrea mentioned. Andrea continued to smile as she was happy that Sky was with them now.

Mark said "she is so beautiful just like her mother." Mark was feeling happy as he look at Sky again. Mark kissed her hand and said "I am glad that you are here now Sky. I promise to protect you and your mother from any harm. You both mean the whole world to me." Mark had already texted Lawrence that Sky was born as he felt like he should tell Lawrence. Lawrence got the text and he sent a text back to congratulate both Mark and Andrea. Mark was feeling love for Sky and Andrea.

"She is beautiful," Andrea said to Mark as she felt happy to be with him and that Sky was finally with them out in the world. Even though when she was in labor she felt like she shouldn't have another kid, she felt now that she would love to have another child with Mark after a couple of years. "I love you so much, Mark," Andrea said to Mark as she sat up, since she already delievered the placenta and everything. "Can we eat in a little bit? We can just order takeout or something," Andrea mentioned. She was still out of breath from having Sky and her hormones were raging, but she stayed calm as she was sitting up.

Mark said "we can get takeout. I can pay for it." Mark look at her as he was not sure what they would have but Mark had not eaten anything for a while. Mark was fine without eating for a while but he did not want Andrea to worry about her. Mark was calm as he was not sure what was going to happen next but he did know he would always be there to protect his family. (Sorry it's short.)

"Alright. What do you want to eat? I want to make sure you eat too since you always worry me when you don't," Andrea explained to Mark as she truthfully wanted him to eat. Andrea was calm as she gave Mark a kiss on the cheek. She knew she would need a little help though with getting up since she was a little weak from having Sky. "When do you want to eat?" Andrea asked.